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Everything posted by Gaster

  1. Gaster

    Orlando Re-app

    He has the right format for a staff RE-APP +1 will do a great job
  2. -1 As one of the sith that witnessed it 1. He RDM'ed for no reason with a terrible excuse for doing so. 2. He also broke another rule about not leaving the temple with Lord+ permission. 3. Based on what I know sinister tried to talk to you but you didn't take it seriously and said some sarcastic remarks which doesn't help your case when dealing with staff. 4. We don't know how many others he could have killed as the only ones we know of are witnessed ones, From the looks of it he kills AFK's and we don't know how many he actually could have killed besides the 2-3 that were reported.
  3. Mainly the job of the sith is to promote more RP and not just kill, The owners are trying to create new ideas to attract more people to the server. It's not JVS as clones still overwhelm the player base. Sith's can't do much as they are for the most part restricted to the temple.
  4. +1 he's a good man does work in the TR program
  5. @Sanchez Resident explains why it was called the "high" staff meeting if you know what I mean 😏
  6. Gaster

    Versock Gang

    Gang Gang Gang Gang
  7. A nice Logitrech Orion 910 keyboard and an Xbox 1 S with Battlefield 5 deluxe and battle field 1
  8. Name: Gaster Staff Rank: SA Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible):12/24/2018 - 1/4/2019 Reason: Mainly due to the fact that Christmas is coming up and the second reason is that i want to play MRP for a while as it just came out Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes
  9. @[SR] Oaks [NA] Welcome back 👌
  10. Gaster

    Tempest Terror

    Name: Gaster Who helped (If applicable): Mar, Krones, Elijah, Apple Event Name: Tempest Terror Summary of the story: A group of sith tempest were sent to cause a disruption on the republic base. They summoed a storm to attack the base but turned out ineffective so they decied ti attack the base themselves. They maneged to kill a few clones and jedi but didn't cause any real damage. What was the result of the event?: All of the tempest died after the jedi caught one but he maneged to escape and die Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em' up Elijah Shadowed
  11. So it's either US or RU... i choose... Canadian because i can
  12. Could you do something with this @[SR] Oaks [NA]? With my name on it?
  13. Gaster

    Void Please.

    +1 would be good at it
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