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Everything posted by Jorrdan

  1. Staff just needs to not let arguments happen in OOC.
  2. -1 Would just be SWTOR lmao. There was no Sith Troopers in CW Time 4head
  3. Jordan looks weird with 1 r so I added another one
  4. A gamer who needs a gamer girlfriend so badly he dates himself online
  5. @Firat/Abi Do I need to close Gmod?
  6. @Firat/Abi The code doesn't work for me and there is no drop down
  7. @Firat/AbiHow do you go to 64 bit
  8. none of them are scary
  9. +1 Mike did some post some toxic stuff but I feel like hes good deep down.
  10. Make a drone testing area and a drone landing area thats blocked off so dumb PV2s don't hijack drones and shit (for both US and RU)
  11. @Sanchez Resident shut up dummy
  12. Neutral, You don't have the Leadership and trust that Egg had. You understand how the 41st operates but you don't know how to properly lead it like Egg.
  13. Blow the horns, for the father of the head of house enters Valhalla. Love you Egg
  14. idk chief, As Recon Reg I don't really see you hanging out or really interacting with the Recon Battalions -1 from me daawg
  15. +1 Nightmare Is a hardworking homie. He isn't toxic.
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