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Everything posted by Kip

  1. Kip


    +1 would make a good owner good luck on your path as a jedi marshal clone commander in wan Skywalker
  2. Kip

    CG BCMD Fox

    ^ I don't believe you have to be cpt+ for 2 weeks only a cpt
  3. Kip

    CG BCMD Fox

    +1 mature and responsible active and can make CG great again!
  4. -1 must be CPT+ to apply
  5. Can I get a ST helmet that says Kip on it
  6. Name: TR CG SGT3 Kip Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:209889863 Final day of work (Must be three days later): 8/24/17 Reason for leaving: The trainer program. I am sick and tired of spending 45 minutes of my life training a CC who gets banned permanently it is a waste of my time. Farewells: I'm not leaving the server I still love it so no good byes.
  7. Kip

    Candy GM app

    +1 love the event idea
  8. +1 great guy would be good staff
  9. +1 Active and will make SC great again
  10. +1 good responsiable friendy guy
  11. I'm going to +1 this. He is in my battalion and is a cool dude I have never seen him be aggresive
  12. Sorry -1 I have had to personally deal with you as staff.
  13. Kip


    +1 same with me it sucks
  14. Bug Type (server/forum): Staff bug on the server Severity level (1-3): 3 because I can't do my job well with this bug and feel it needs to be addressed asap Evidence (if you can): Sorry no pics Description of the bug: Tickets are supposed to show up on the top left of my screen. But a big problem is it doesn't appear for me. What happens instead is it shows up in chat as admin case there name then there message like this. (ADMIN CASE) name: Message. And it gives me no option to claim it. So pretty much I can't claim anything so if I see that I just to to the person without claiming it because I can't claim it. How can we recreate it: I personally don't know a fix I installed uninstalled ULX reset my PC I don't have any tips for this fix.
  15. Kip

    Kip's staff app

    All you guys are awesome
  16. +1 Joe is a great friend and guy.
  17. Kip

    Kip's staff app

    RP Name: TR 91st recon SGT3 Kip Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:11101 Age: 13 but 14 in 3 days. And I am mature for my age. Gender:male Timezone:Central Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): Because I love the server. I know it's a new server but I love the people on here and I make so many friends and want to help people with there problem's. I'd be a good asset to the staff because I'm patient and can put detail into explanation. And I want to help new people know the rules and be part of synergy. Also I used to be staff on icefuse and loved it. Not only that I was pretty good at it. I never jump to a conclusion and I always investigate first. Also I really want to help the server grow its numbers and good staff will help that. And not only growing the community numbers but I want to help the staff numbers to. And last but not least I want to speed up the time it takes for a ticket to be accepted I would any ticket if I don't have one going already. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I go by the name of kip. You might have seen me in game as I am very active. Some of my highlights are im very patient. I don't really lose my cool easy at all and if some one doesn't understand something I wouldn't yell at them. Also I'm an out of the box thinker. If I can't fix a problem the simple way I will gladly do it another way. Also I'm friendly. I have alot of friends as it is but I try to make friends with anyone I meet. Also I'm knowledgeable. I know when to joke and when not to joke. I think these qualities would help with staff. Like this
  18. Dear people- You may know me on icefuse 5th fleet EU XO Kip. Well you won't be seeing me on there any more. I would post this on icefuse but it would be taken down. I mean no drama I'm just speeking my mind. Guys if you haven't left ice fuse guess what THEY HAVE YOU BY THE BALLS. They know you the dxoed you and they don't care about you. Corv and Ron run ice fuse for 1 thing money. You buy a tier they say wow thanks we have your money fuck off now. But joah actually cares about the community. He doesn't have fucking 6 tiers he has VIP and thats it. Where not pawns like we are to icefuse. Joah can handle situations he doesnt just perma ban you. Bottom of the line I'm here because everyone here is cared about. Icefuse doesn't and if you think corv dose your wrong. I'm here because joah is a good owner and cares.
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