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Everything posted by Kip

  1. Monty imma be 100% real with you. It's not your application
  2. Kip


    Your bit a minge but your not the most mature person. Sorry buddy -juan
  3. Well that was a fast end
  4. Are you the Kermit voice guy?
  5. Reaper said your good sooooooo +1
  6. Steam Name:kippers RP Name: Awesome CC 2993 Kip Steam ID (SteamID Finder): idk Battalion or squad you are applying for: clone cadets Experience:I was a CC for 30 minutes during training and I do good things as CC not arrested once. Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: bcuz I like the CC bald head and want to get trained more. Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: yes CC are clones. Availability: I don't have a life so pretty often Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: 2 hours Do you have a microphone?: Yes Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: I want them trained Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:ok.
  7. yESSSSSSSSSS JOE!!!! +1 you have the most numbers out of the regiments
  8. He admits to it in chat look in the console at the bottom
  9. Kip

    Sponge Staff apply

    Sorry -1 really no detail. Also there's no trial staff it's just new admin.
  10. Kip


    Ehhhhh ehhhh ehhh good staff app +1 but Luigi dab ehhhh plz delete
  11. Well I recently joined 38th after some things went down with me and SC. the people here are awesome and I'm working hard trying to help out as much as I can. Also I am the pilot leader helping the 38th get some pilots. Here are some of my favorite moments with the 38th http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1153127289 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/877497450897365499/6663E10848E64AB7839A5B3ACF7B1DECAF23EF55/ this was me getting to use a big ass Artillery cannon. When our tryout advert says big fucking guns it means big fucking guns. Then I let apache fuck shit with it (thanks Jackson for spawing that thing) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1153125906 This is me and my pilots in front of a pink laat after Training ( Thx for the laat @Bobonater3) These are just very few moments I have had with the 38th and I cant wait for more to come !
  12. I'm gonna say urban or shorten the ban. There's mingeing then fuckin up. He got arrested 3 times but 1 was false. He got arrested for not going to an OPTIONAL debrief. This is a case of a bad day of fuck ups nothing intentional. He didn't rdm or do any threats he was just being a casual player.
  13. Holy shit about time you go on Loa you work your ass off. Breaks are never bad.
  14. I don't know you. But weenie and vanhorn said your good so +1
  15. Kip

    Chef's Appplications

    I see you on slot never had problems with ya. +1
  16. Actually he did the right template and and added more to give a better view of him. Guys really respectful and is amazing at to +1
  17. Chicken you are a cool guy. But I don't feel your mature enough to be a staff member sorry -1 edit: ya know what my man. You trying to get better and are a cool guy so I'm changing my -1 to a +1
  18. If this is werewolf vice admiral form ifn +1 amazing guy if it's not in netural
  19. Now I see Freck has applied I'm going yo have to support him more in this -1
  20. Navvi you awesome and very cool but I have to agree with Flynn and chum boi So -1 srry
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