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Everything posted by Kip

  1. Was that the training with 20 people in it and I almost killed my self half way through it? Or was it the one where everyone knew it all.
  3. We better play pubg more so I can team kill you.
  4. Well boys the time has come. 7 months and over 1500 hours of CWRP Has worn me out. I loved every moment and met the best people here are my farewells @XSilentJoe my man. Taught me every thing. I got you on steam so where still playing b. Thx for being good commander @Freck Best SC BCMD Ever. @PundaI don't know you but I stole your "server" meme. Also when we where on like the 9th round of FI tryouts I was the last one left In trigger diciplen and did shit. You apologized before obliterating me. Thx bby @Purepwn101 SEERA T H I C C. You where my master and helped me get to knight thx. @Apache4k The one and only 38th commander. 38th was lit af. @Kyle Vanhorn One of my best friends. Did naval tryouts with him. COMBINES BALLS @Jek I heard you where gay. @woeny23 Future 501st commander. I Rember you since you where a small youngling. @Joah Thank you for the time on the server. @Bazoo You let me be hound in CG thx. @ron from icefuse. Go fuck yourself. Well I will still be on TTT Mabey but thanks for all the fun times. If you want to add me on steam just ask below and I'll link my steam.
  5. Kip

    Phones Apply

    -1 no detail.
  6. Fuck the haters clone wars is awesome
  7. Kip

    The switch

    Role play logs inspired by zahariel and oddball. It was a early morning on the Venator as I wake up from bunks. I put on my green 38th armor ready to start another day. As I head in the engine room I stop and salute apache. He says to me with his helmet off and a sad face "38th is no longer on this venator". So I respond so where being put on a base? His response almost made my heart drop. No kip your being moved battalions. He hands me a sheet of paper that shows that 38th ENG CORPS PLTL CPT Kip has been transferred to the 91st. As I walk to the armory to get my new armor I see my good friend mat who also in the 38th. He says where are going? I said bad news and hand him the paper. His face looked like the face of death. I said good luck and he walks to the engine room. I walk in and put on my new shiny 91st armor and think that this may not be so bad. So I walk to bunks and as soon as I walk in I am greeted by SGM lazer. He asks are you the new guy? I say yes I am from the 38th! He says welcome aboard. So as the day goes on I make friends with my new battalion and find I enjoy it. Every one is nice and good people. Then I see Matt walk in the room. I'm happy I have a good friend to come on my journey with. I can't wait to see the adventures we will have - 91st Recon 2ndLT Kip. Until next time.
  8. At this point I don't see a better choice for fox th. +1
  9. Just wondering how you guys are liking the open beta. I'm loving it. What do you guys think?
  10. Kip


    Just edit this one to say void
  11. I didn't assume.. I asked and I thought he said yes in game yesterday. Besides that. I guess I don't know you so I'm going to remain netural.good luck.
  12. Did you not tell me yesterday your garet?
  13. Sorry I'm going to be netural. I say this because when I was your SC MAJ You lost your temper and gunned down a guy that was spamming the elevator. Mabey you changed. I don't know
  14. Gone already? SIKE YOU THOUGHT
  15. What did you mean? Because train CC is a big part of staff
  16. As stated before -1. Also you state that training CC is a punishment is that what you ment by that phrase at the end? Or did I misread?
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