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Everything posted by Kurt

  1. 10/10 For stealth mission!
  2. Kurt

    Holo - Commando's

    +10 even though you blew up Generators
  3. Kurt

    Orlando Re-app

    Neutral because yeah you're a cool guy, but this MRP business has me wondering.
  4. @[SR] Varius [NA] You will always be my Clone Brother. We may have been in different battalions, but I saw you as a true brother. It was sad to see you leave and not be active on SO, but I understand life is hard, and if you choose to not play on the server, I can't be mad at that. You live your life the way you want to. I will do what I can to talk to the officers of DU and start doing joint training's with them. o7
  5. Okay @Switzer don’t understand why you should care, but what ever. bean im giving you a -1 due to the fact that you have shown mingy behaviour in recent times. Jumping in debrief, failrp that resulted in getting arrested. Plus I don’t know if you are able to help work with the 41st. I want to be confident in a leader who I can rely on in the battlefield. Some one who I can do joint trainings with and other activities.
  6. 10/10 yeah the staff meeting made it long but you improvised very well.
  7. Name: Molecule/Kurt Who helped (If applicable): Holo Elijah Grum Global Event Name: Grevious sends in his mice Summary of the story: Grevious tricks the Republic by giving them two cleaner droids (gonk/mouse droid) to blow up the base from the inside out. Once the base goes dark, he would move in the attack the clones. After the mouse droids go off, the base goes dark and Grevious moves in and sends his commandos to attack the clones with him and take over the base. However the republic fought hard and regain control of the base and repair the Generators What was the result of the event?: Republic are Victorius Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up
  8. I have no words other than, you deserve it man. +1
  9. +1 woooooooooooo BCMD buddies
  10. Massive +1 to Ben. The one who loves being a Base Ops, loves being helpful to other players, and one of a few players I can depend on to tackle a challenge and finish it on top. While he was a COE, he was my SSL and helped create new docs and was on top of things on Engineering. (Yes I was sad that he left for Rancor) As his ENGM, he is clear and direct with what he needs done, and if you can’t do it, he’ll find someone who will. He is the next Base Ops Commander in my eyes. And would love to see him take the wheel, and steer Base Ops back on the road.
  11. +1 I do feel that you can bring Base ops back. You know hows its run with the amount of Doc work you either do or help with.
  12. -1 due to the fact that yes you are active with base ops, but you interactions with your higher ups bother me and I feel that given with the power of Base Ops commander, Base ops will go deeper into the ground.
  13. But you are still demoted. Lol +1
  14. Kurt

    Bail Bounty

    +1 Even it was long
  15. +1 This is who I have been waiting for. You got this Poe!
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