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Everything posted by Kurt

  1. 5 | 5 | 1 server crashed
  2. #removeARKserver #bringbackMilitaryRP Jokes aside, I personally don't think I'll ever play ARK due to how big the game is and how it can just chug my computer. It seems like a fun game but not for me.
  3. Kurt

    CIS vs Mercs

    5 | 5 | 5
  4. Kurt

    Tyler GM App

    This app is a little small for my taste however I do like the ideas you bring to the table. +1
  5. +1 Seems like a cool dude
  6. Before voting, I want to ask, have you been able to solve or work around a lot of issues that were brought up in your previous Yoda Application? A lot of folks were saying that there was a lot of miscommunication or lack of communication with your Masters, including Mace, and others stating you were being Biased or having favoritism towards others. I don't normally play on my Jedi so I'm trying to look at this from the outside looking in.
  7. 4 | 4 | 3 Too many droids that lagged up the server. Next time do them in waves or something that doesn't kill the server
  8. 5 | 5 | 5 I was there in the tank
  9. 5 | 5 | 1 Rakghoul swep still breaks my game can we stop
  10. +1 dude is so good he sounds dead inside when he does his GM PTS
  11. I know there are two different branches in staff, staff and GM, unless I’m mistaken since it’s been awhile since I was staff, but in your resignation you left cause you didn’t want to do GM work, has this changed your opinion on coming back or still very much against creating small encounters or Events for player base if you’re the only active admin online?
  12. On paper, this isn't strong, however, I know you in-game are dedicated to the Naval Branch and everyone who's in it. +1
  13. I can't read so +1. Seriously though, I feel you are ready for this position. Good luck
  14. I would say up the hours, but by the time this gets to the interview process, but you should be good. Focus on learning the in's and out's of the server. +1
  15. I knew your name sounded familiar, had to look back a bit. 100% +1 this dude. Welcome back
  16. +1 All I'll say is use LOA/ROA even if they're for a few days or weeks.
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