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Everything posted by Ching

  1. @JBFox I will try to pump in has much work as I can while I'm on.
  2. RP Name: TR SC HVY MSG Ching | Jedi K G WS Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:61059175Age: 14 Gender: Male Timezone: CST (US) Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I would like to help synergy grow as a community. What happened was I was at Garnet Gaming and heard about the IceFuse revolt and decided I want to be apart of this! I mean after all, my community was beginning to get a bit stale and boring. So then I came over to Synergy and enjoyed it. I loved the roleplay aspect of it. I would love to help this community strive and grow to become one of the most fun and immersive Star Wars RP communities of all time. Plus, I always find myself doing nothing when I'm RPing and not gonna lie, I'd rather be taking staff sits and then sitting on my ass trying to get AFK hours. I just have the experience to be a Staff Member and I believe I can do more for Synergy. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Hello, my name is Ching or Chong. I'm vietnamese. I do Cross Country. My best mile time is 6 minutes I think? I love playing video games. Although I spend a lot of time on Synergy (500+ hours) I'm a straight A's student. I used to play soccer and won all 3 seasons undefeated. I grew up with eczema as a child and now it's kinda gone cause I worked my ass off to get it out. Just in general I am your typical Asian. Do you have any previous staff experience? - Former Moderator on Garnet Gaming x2 (Military RP) - Former Administrator for Buzzing Networks (Military RP) - Former Manager for Buzzing Networks (Military RP) - Former Super Admin for Diverse Networks (Military RP) ACTIVITY: Monday - Cross Country practice and School - BUSY Tuesday - Cross Country practice and School - BUSY Wednesday - SAME - BUSY Thursday - SAME - BUSY Friday - School - AVAILABLE Saturday - AVAILABLE Sunday - AVAILABLE (I had got Zander's permission to apply with my activity situation)
  3. Ching


    I had some ramen noodles with some banh mi
  5. that means make a clone with rice all over it
  6. @Blueberry can you make like a rice themed clone?
  7. Same thing with perma weapons, I want em on the event server too
  8. Ching

    My admin app

    "Dude Bro" hmm I feel like I know you. From another place
  9. All I'm saying is Freck knows what has to be done. I've never met you nor talked to you so I don't know what your approach is going to be.
  10. -1 no You haven't even been in SC like wtf.
  11. +1 the only candiate fit All of the SC will make it great again including Freck.
  12. So as of recent, events have been becoming pretty simplistic and the same. Here, you can post your ideas for the future Game Makers and current Game Makers. My Idea: It's a normal day on the ship, everybody seems to be attending to their normal duties. However, a couple of CG notice that there is a dead naval in observation deck. The Naval is pronounced dead on the scene. The CG will sweep the third floor for any hostiles but all they see are more dead Naval. Clones then start turning against each other, each one blaming it on one and another. However, something fishy happens, a 101st trooper says the following words in comms " Roger Roger, it was the CG " Since there are no Naval alive, the Reg. Commanders are now officially in charge. This leads to complete chaos, no ones calling DEFCONS, troopers not knowing where to go, no one controlling the ship. However, after a SOS signal was sent to other Republic Fleets, a ship of newly trained fleet hop aboard to take action, they get a huge escort with CG to 3rd floor having maximum protection. DEFCON 3 is called, the 101st trooper finally reveals his true identity, turns out, it was a Commando Droid sent by the CIS. Not only was it one, but it was 5. The Commando droids send a comms signal to the CIS fleet that the time has come to take over the ship. Swarms of droids come aboard, they never stop coming. It has come to the point where Commanders have been taken hostage, and even the new Naval. Grevious, Dooku, Assaj, and all Deathwatch are aboard. The only people left are the actual clones themselves and Jedi (excluding clone commanders). You guys do what you do but, the hostages HAVE TO BE ALIVE. Hopefully, this thread goes to use.
  13. All you have to do is participate events and there ya go
  14. +1 As long as you can do like more unique events.
  15. +1 Very hard working, whether it be in GM or Jedi. Deserves the job.
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