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Posts posted by Daytona211

  1. 1 minute ago, Dennis said:

    7/10 solid but a few small things just couldn't get me to give it an 8

    - Av-7 is cool but mega useless when people just run and complain 

    You should elaborate so we can get better from your feedback

  2. Name: Day

    Who helped (If applicable): Bacta, Mavelle, Brian Lemon

    Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): 

    Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided):  Siege units were setn to reclaim a town from CIS control in Jabba the Hutts territory 

    Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: no


  3. Name: Day

    Who helped (If applicable):  Sock Monkey

    Event/Encounter Name: Bugs be munchin' Part 9 (sock monkey edition)

    Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): N/A

    Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Bug nests started popping up around the VENATOR FROM ASTEROIDS the clones used some highly lethal pesticides 

    Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: N/A


  4. 8/10 
    The story telling could have used some work. The turn of the main guy we allied with didn't make alot of sense as we didn't really know him and had no reason to suspect he would betray us but as usual you did a great job with the build and overall presentation

  5. Name: Day

    Who helped (If applicable):  

    Event/Encounter Name: Bugs be munchin' Part 8

    Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): N/A

    Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Bug nests started popping up around the base the clones used some highly lethal pesticides (Space bugs included) The unknown entity leading the space bugs escaped but could return soon

    Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: N/A


  6. for me 8/10

    The RP was really good and made me want to rate higher the biggest issue was the reason for us going here "defend the checkpoint" wasn't super enticing and the interactions there were a bit weak. You did a good job trying to have other things pop up (like the explosion) which was great any other GM wouldn't have had that idea so killed it there. 

    I also have to say the inclusion of bounty hunters is what made this an 8/10 instead of a 7/10 there inclusion bolstered the RP hugely I saw on almost every street corner someone RPing with a BH and most people would have been bored or lost if they didn't get to interact with BH so great job! @Brooklyn 

    Still enjoyed it quite a bit thanks @Jovanovic

    • Informative 2
  7. +1 did a great job as guild leader. 
    From a GM point of view not annoying us every other day for "BH Exclusive events" is already great but you also accomplished a lot for BH on the server during term 1 and I would like to see your plans / structures continue. 

    • Agree 1
  8. 10/10

    The first 10/10 I have given in about a year. (last one was to @Shockpoint)

    You killed it. The dupe was outstanding. Everything had a purpose and was there to help tell your story. I could see the village needing all of these items and realistically living in that environment.  I also loved trhe linear progression of the caves I really felt like we were descending deep into a cave. (one note is make sure we can get back up if possible)

    The music and sound effects were spectacular as per usual you have mastered the ability to get things playing on time. When the door opened for the landing pad and you played it on the media player I knew "Oh yeah this guy is going off" 

    The twist at the end was spectacular, taking a point that could have been "execute order 66" and changing it to keep the nuance of working with the jedi but also giving us a choice was amazing.

    You killed it @Mavelle

    • Agree 1
    • Friendly 1
  9. +1

    Bacta, is by far one of the most passionate people I have met in my years on SWRP. He is someone who understands the aspect of what makes SWRP fun and what makes the game successful.

    Some notes about his success here

    - He has led  nearly 2 successful  terms of the most active battalions in the server which has produced,  some of the most giving and talented group of players in the community (to staff, rp, GM etc)
    - He was an HA for ~ 4 months were he often represented the views of the common player and always had there interests in his head when making decisions or voicing his opinion 

    - He has been and is currently a GMM where he has been one of the most innovative in his position often bringing very ambitious ideas to the team (including the massively successful siege of Anaxes full day event on both the event server and main). His way of thinking so deeply on ways we can improve without limiting by "Oh I can't do this" is a skill that has helped him heavily here and will throughout his life if he keeps it with him.

    Now some people may say "Oh he's a minge and fucks around". It's a game he entertains his men. When I ask him to take a situation seriously he does but if he decides to make some funny banter in RP or OOC there's nothing wrong with it. 

    Some people use Bacta as a punching bag because of his goofy and approachable attitude. But he is someone who has an immense passion and vision for this server and the community and I am looking forward to seeing what he does as Attack Regimental especially coming off of a pretty amazing last Reg @Jovanovic


    You're going to kill it Bacta. 

    • Agree 2
    • Winner 2
    • Friendly 1
    • Confused 1
  10. Name: Day

    Who helped (If applicable):  Jova, Batca, Naffen, Embark

    Event/Encounter Name: The Collective makes a movement 

    Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): N/A

    Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided):  The CIS attacked Kamino, the clones went and defended there home from The evil General Grevious and once that mission done they were gifted a Venator from the 66th Fleet "The NFV"

    Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: N/A


  11. Name: Day

    Who helped (If applicable):  Guac, Jova (Sorta)

    Event/Encounter Name: The Collective makes a movement 

    Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): N/A

    Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided):  The collective staged an attack on the republic base posing as bounty hunters from the village in order to "false flag" and cause the clones to attack the village. They then sent in an agent to the village to ensure the clones were antagonized. The agent was arrested and was being transported when he was shot by the bounty hunters but in the confusion many clones and bounty hunters were killed playing directly into the collective's hands

    Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: N/A


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