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Everything posted by Pxnda

  1. 9/10 - Despite having only 2 others to work with. I enjoyed this event a lot and the stealth-based tactics overall were extrodinary. Excellent work.
  3. Damn no tag? Ight Lmao jkjk It's been a honor king, welcome to the retirement home. o7
  4. Pxnda

    Wreckers Fist

    +1, like other has said before, it provides insentive to those in interested in trying out for the Bad Batch. For example, Echo has a fucking armory as a loadout with the RC guns and the West-AR. That’s an insentive for people to tryout for that postion. Wrecker isn’t asking for a turbo laser, he just wants to punch and hurt people. :3
  5. +1, Cyan vividly expressed to me this interest ever since I was still Boss. He has the right workflow and can achieve his goals when he puts his mind to it. Good luck buddy! (P.S. I'm still a little shocked that you actually went through with this and got waived, but it's whatever- lmao)
  6. The Jersey boys are out this hoe! o7
  7. Welp, this is it for me (for now since Synergy has the attraction of old players after a few months to a year.) Anyways, yeah i'm leaving again after returning from September 2020. It was a great experience as usual with a couple bumps, but I try not to let that get to me. I'm fully burnt out of G-Mod SW:RP and probably won't come back for a while. My first ever BCMD position (if we're not counting me as Navy SEAL Commander on MilitaryRP) was a great experience and I was glad to work along side the Deltas I had as they were the highlights of it. Along with the rest of SO BDE who had i've seen some old faces and some new. Here are some goodbyes from some people who made my stay a pleasant one: @Eclipse- Ah, seeing you again made me happy when I came back to 212th. The good ol' days. @Omalic- I could never forget the Swedish man who almost removed me for blowing myself up on Quarantine. (You're welcome for that new rule lmao) <3 @Marvel- One of the best people to become any BCMD. I respect your leadership and loved fighting/memeing beside you. o7 @Pog- Thank you for being one of the 212th HC to welcome me back before my departure back to SO BDE. @Col- Gay. That is all. @Naffen- I swear that you hate me and i've always had that feeling, but good luck to however many days you'll last in Omega. @Neptune- My Jersey friend! We'll definitely have to link up sometime! @Dragon- My TS Description still speaks for itself. <3 @Pancakes- Absolute lad of a man. Love ya. @Gears- A Solid Director and a Scorch. I couldn't ask for a better one to talk with sometimes. @Foxey- Thanks for that idea to use the RC clips as a voice. You're really smart and under appreciated sometimes. Embrace that. @Marshh- Thanks for being there and playing Valorant with me sometimes. @Bleach- You're sometimes annoying ngl but I like you as a person. @Brooklyn- Bwooky! I miss those GTFO nights with me, you, Cronis, and the old RANCOR! We should set some shit up sometimes! @Cronis- Please yell at me more when I forget to crouch in GTFO and waken all of the monsters. @Ratio- You're pleasant to be around when you're not acting serious. I love your laugh and keep being you. <3 I need someone to cuddle me into bed. @Shake- Despite other's opinion, you were a good Hunter. Don't let others get you down. @Deku- Didn't get to know you much, but you're a good leader and know when to act seriously when the time arises. Plus a funny guy. @Cyan- I was glad to work beside you when you made the new Delta dupe and helped with tryouts. I appreciate you If I missed you and i've taken a liking to you, i'm sorry that I didn't tag. Mind is going through a lot right now while writing this. I love you all on Synergy and hope to be back soon! If you want to play any games, my discord is: Smol Pxnda#3518! Also, I stream VR and Non-VR Games occasionally, you should check me out sometime! https://www.twitch.tv/red_pxnda - Your (Probably Not) Favorite Colorblind Panda <3
  8. +1, Can't wait to lose in three moves. :D
  9. Damn I just got Echo and you pull this shit? LMAO jkjk o7 to the mandem tho <3
  10. 9/10 - I appreciate for this being my last event as Boss. This event almost made me shed a tear that I was leaving Delta Three-Eight and it had me very immersed. Thank you for hosting this and thank Cyan for bringing the idea. Three-Eight, Signing off.
  11. Why is my rep now Clones instead of stars? Is this a new thing?
  12. Hello Black, In regards to your plans on introducing a merit system to the officer corps, how do you think it can improve or boost the officer's morale into getting their requirements met? I, for one personally wouldn't feel awfully encouraged that I have certain requirements made for me to get promoted. I feel like this is the only part of your future plans that is semi-controversal for the time-being. Other than that, my final vote is a +1. You are extremely respectful in came and I would love to see another Rex shine his inspiration towards the 501st. (P.S. Please don't mass promo people to officer ranks just cause you have them open. We definitely don't need another one of those situations. <3)
  13. See ya, Carvis. May you and your partner have a lovely life.
  14. Hey look, ma! I'm in there! Also, top tier meme btw.
  15. +1, As a casual VR user. (I'm literally typing this in VR.) I would absolutely love this if this could fully work!
  16. Pxnda


    This is a huge F.
  17. Thunder, I have known you since i’ve became Boss in this current term. You’re a very understanding individual and whenever you’re on, I love the Delta RP that you make with Sev. I do admire it a lot. Like I said to the other applicant, I will not stand no different between you two. You both would make great Bosses. May the best Delta prosper. +1.
  18. Cyan, you’ve always been a reliable Delta member. You’ve been a big help to me, especially remaking and changing some of the things that needed to be changed. I agree with your plans and I wish you luck towards your interview and Thunder’s if both of you make it that far. May the best Delta prosper. +1.
  19. +1, Scarecrow has that responsible morale that anyone could put him in a position such as this one and he can manage it with ease. He has shown me in many instances with him taking responsibility while a Jedi Master in a few scenarios and to have the connection with the clones through his Bounty Hunter character. If you -1 just because they other applicant is 'better', that's dumb ngl. Find an actual reason so that the higher staff can criticize it throughoutly if Scarecrow does make it to the interview. Other than that, good luck Scarecrow! I'm putting my faith in ya!
  20. That seemed like a very productive therapy session.
  21. Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:138533956 RP Name: Delta Lead 38 Boss Battalion: Delta Squad Who is in command until you return?: Gears | Scorch Length of Absence: (3/14/2021 - 3/18/2021)
  22. https://buildredux.com/ Build Redux is a really good site to find pre-built computers with little to no markup at all. I heavily recommend this as this was proven to not overprice their builds with the parts they put in them. If you need anymore future assistance regarding computer hardware, let me know!
  23. My biggest accomplishment: Coming out gay to my parents. It was definitely an emotional rollercoaster to come out when I was 14 and resulted with one of my parents disowning me as their child in the end. Although, I wish there was a different result to it, i'm happy that it could weed out the one who didn't love me for who I am and supported me. My mom isn't the biggest fan of me being homosexual, but she still loves me to this day and supports me whenever possible. Something I wish to do in my lifetime: I wish in the near future to become a successful game developer for one of the major game industries out there. It has always been a passion of mine to understand gaming physics and how everything is encoded in just simple lines of words and symbols. That's why i'm currently going to college to get my degree in Computer Science.
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