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Posts posted by Chambers

  1. 21 minutes ago, Zeke said:





    Can you direct me to where it talks about a 30 day cooldown for an application? I looked through the rules before posting and the only time it says something about a time limit is if I were to void an application. I don't feel like I should be disqualified from applying just because the position opened less than 30 days before I last applied.




    Unfortunately your application has been DENIED.

    This is due to the other applicant receiving the position prior to your app being accepted.

    You may apply for another commander positions after 04/06/2020.

    // Moved to Commander Applications - Denied



  2. 15 minutes ago, Clutch said:

    It is the base map we used then made edits to it and called it our own.

    The base map is unoptimized and runs like garbage, the real old fucks will remember us trying original and how walking through the gates crashed you and frames died.

    • Funny 1
  3. 20 minutes ago, ISNIFFPROPANE said:


    I was told by Director Forseen that Joah has the workshop files for the map, and that he could easily add it, he just hasn’t yet because no ones asked....


    Any modification or uploads of the map have been taken down from what I have seen and remember from meetings with the Founders, this might have changed now but who knows.

    19 minutes ago, Clutch said:

    That's the original so the creators won't DCMA  it.



  4. Ideally we would have a cycle of 4 maps we could cycle through to keep things fresh and simulate a more fluid RP experience without stagnation.

    Really need to find another 2 solid maps and have them optimized for us by Jimbo or someone else.

    For this map in particular though I believe there's some sort of DCMA issue that happens to people that re-upload the map, really don't want to deal with the nonsense that would follow having us host our version via fast DL.


    • Agree 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Fizzik said:

    Buy quality. You can cheap out on almost everything but your PSU, seriously. If you buy a 50 dollar motherboard but have to get a 100 dollar PSU so be it. Can't go wrong with Seasonic if you need recommendations. 

    Pretty much any gaming rates one would be good.

    I got a decent bronze grade for like 70$ CAD from EVGA @IKE

  6. 18 minutes ago, IKE said:

    I think Fizzik might be right with my power supply unit because it has been recently having issues of the power supply unit turning off. I’m just confused about why minecraft is the only thing that works.

    Minecraft doesn't pull the same kind of system resources so the strain is different.

    • Agree 1
  7. 4 hours ago, Sanchez said:

    Oh yeah one more thing before I head out. 

    @Jackson @Joah @Square 


    ( Like what were you thinking. ) That was rude my bad 

    It delegates a portion of the server to a single person for no fucking reason 

    Change it to my slave idea 


    This guy literally wanted to have his job turned into being my slave, wierd kinky shit going on here smh.


    o7 brother its not used to the fullest now but you know what the plans were ;-; 

  8. 3 hours ago, Loopy Newby said:

    I know you can't show the video but can you describe it? Without knowing exactly what it is this would fall under him just failrping/racism which would round up to a handful of days but if the image was gore/porn it could be raised or could turn into a perma depending on the severity of the video Ex: CP, Execution, Animal Abuse.

    He already sent to HS you don't really want to know more past that 🤢

    • Funny 2
  9. We will probably end up restricting the server to only a few maps (Like 3) to prevent event server cross over ( event maps shouldn't be used for tradings to prevent repetition and map fatigue) and make sure it's used for its actual purpose

    For different trainings so make sure you have some in mind that will work well.

    • Agree 1
  10. 4 minutes ago, Marvel said:

    Maybe if it was limited to like 30-50 players

    Idk it's a good idea but might not work out

    +1 unless Founder's say why not

    I would proabbly support this if it was max 30 players.

    We don't want to devide the population between 3 different servers for the same server (Sounds wack just saying it) 

  11. Okay, I am just going to lock this now.


    Applicant has voided


    This is your only void for 30 days if you void another application you will be unable to apply for another commander position for 30 days.

  12. 56 minutes ago, Scalam1 said:

    -1000000 Sith already failed. BH is currently a thing. Now we want the CIS????????? Bruh just make a Battlefront server instead


    Edit: Not to mention this is gonna decimate the fuckin Clone side structure, battalions will be destroyed. 

    Bro, you not even worth trying to argue with as you spent 10 secs before reacting and commenting.

    56 minutes ago, Agua164 said:

    so its a bounty hunter.... with droid models

    Actually it's a different concept completely.

    I have discussed this with various people in TS and thats the same thing they asked, how is it different from Sith and BH.

    The main difference of this faction is the "on-demand" aspect of it. some of the more negative parts of people interactions with these factions come from the down time portion, where people in a effort to entertain themselves  either get into mingey situations or try to instigate conflict to do something fun.

    With this faction theres only 3 seps (the 3 applicable postions) they handle all the RP sitautions  (Deals with BH issuing bounties and assination contracts for Republic assets and personnel) and the actual attack forces are called by the Leader at the time that they have a mission to complete (Refer to the mission example) otherwise there are no one on the jobs so is no presense on the server so population isn't devided anymore  than it would be for a event.


    Plus there aren't any complicated systems of Renown, Rules of engagement, etc.


    Clone see's CIS droid Clone shoot CIS droid not potential "civilians" so no confusion.


    I could expand this more if you have follow up questions.


    54 minutes ago, Mitchel said:

    Im sorry but if you want this then make a separate server for it.
    We don't have the player base for this at all.
    Sith failed, we don't need another whole faction when we just added in bounty hunters.

    Like I descibed above this doesn't devide the server population anymore than a event would which is a limited time window and there isn't passive RP for the people under the leaders to partcipate in (Possibly an exception for Ventress if she gets captured?)

    53 minutes ago, Beasts said:

    -1 only because we already got BH I feel like its gonna turn into one of those PVP military s3ervers when we are supposed to be a CWRP. doing this will just bring down rp time and basically get people raiding every second they get and doing stupid shit I mean if I can get a more in depth explanation I will gladly change this for  a better understanding. but right now its a no I dont think we need anymore factions

    Theres actually a cool-down between attacks that we started at 2 hours (Allowing for tryouts, trials, trainings and etc) plus these are canditates that the community would pick (I hope) for good judgment and creativity that would prevent the "stupid shit" and spam and for the larger scale things that are coordinated with HC (stealing the base codes to open the doors, stealing holocrons for force sensitives, working with GMs for large scae PvP events)

    If you have some specific questions I can asnwer them.

    53 minutes ago, Hero said:

    How hard would tryouts be, on a scale of PVP ability from 1-5 where would u rank it? Does this need to be an official thing why not just have you and your friends do this as an encounter? I still like it tho but I’m hesitant so Nuetral

    Well the tryouts as I explained it in the post are more of a: here this is what we are> here are the rules >  heres how to be a B1 > heres the discord and wait for a mission call its not meant to be complicated or hard to join and the leaders would be keeping an eye on things as it progresses and can hand out blacklists and tier demotions if needed.

    53 minutes ago, Holo said:

    Oh jesus christ.. Okay, So you chose sith first which was fun but failed, Next you chose bounty hunters which is just already a dick measuring contest against clones and dont act like bounty hunters. Now your trying to get C.I.S as a playable faction to do stuff and have a even more dick measuring contests on the server. -1 Its just getting out of hand...

    I had a CG member come to us and the founders regarding some of the issues with BH and it's being looked into, there are dedicated people in BH that do the proper RP and other things that don't interact with the Republic side of things as much.

    This isn't dick measuring contest as the Sepratists only want to destroy the Republic and kill clones theres not alot of gray areas in the rules for people to exploit and you won't have to deal with the down time minges in the faction as there won't be a single person on the job if theres no leader on and mission happening

    51 minutes ago, spicynomad said:

    -1 Sith Failed and was possibly more fledged out with this. Bounty Hunters got passed and are still very fresh in development, and this KILLS Battalions. Playerbase has already been thinned to reduce lag, don't need an even more thinned playerbase with droids.

    Please refer to the above where I said it only has 3 members and the rest show up when a  mission alert is posted, this doesn't take away from battalions. Jedi or BH has there is only a job progression system and no trainings, trials, SIMs and other things for them to do outside the mission.

    50 minutes ago, The Solar said:

    -1 good effort and all, but adding this is like making battalions even weaker and less people wanting to play clones right?

    Please refer to the above there are only 3 sepratists and other people join in after an alert is issued and get off the jobs as soon as it's completed to avoid pulling the population out.

    49 minutes ago, Merrill said:

    -1 Support

    I like the idea, but there are two main problems that I see with this.

    1. It is basically an Event Job Battalion. Activity will be difficult to monitor, and can become a breeding ground for misunderstanding rules and drama. 

    2. Bounty Hunters are still being worked on and adding in a new faction that exists purely to kill is going to lead to heavily divided staff resources as GMs try to figure out how to integrate this into their events and as regular staff figure out how to monitor or govern the rules concerning them.


    If this is a way of reinventing Encounters, it honestly should not have any hierarchy other than staff being at the top and the EJs being under them. Anything else just becomes a bit much.

    While it seems like an event job battalion but the battalion doesn't exist this is a way to accomodate a new aspect to the server that people have been requesting which is VIP Game Masters, (like @Bbstine said) this allows people to create the RP and control an "Army" for lack of a better word and drive the RP and current "War" based on the actions taken by these factions.

    32 minutes ago, Bro said:

    -1, Make event jobs into normal jobs? Military RP didn't last for a reason, and I don't believe this will either.

    Please refer to the above, military failed for multiple reasons but putting these on the same level is a gross simplistic outlook, there is PvP yes but its not a contant war or a pointless "Battlefield" with capture points and the like.

    Please read some of my responses or let me know if you like to talk in TS as I can better explain  then text

    25 minutes ago, Kurt said:

    Like I get why people with either go +1 or -1. However I'm going to -1 due to the reason that we should allow BH to grow out a bit before having another faction join the server. If, and thats a hard IF, the BH begins to fall and can't get up, we could rotate onto this idea. 

    P.S I'm not saying the BH is dying as I see it actually growing impressively, but again its a hard if it goes down. 

    This system pulls 3 members of the community and is actually built around allowing RP between BH, Republic and CIS so flourish as people have pointed out current actions that help drive BH RP doesn't work if its coming from Republic faction members.

    • Winner 1
  13. 1 minute ago, TR2ndACHades said:

     EJ room and staff moving them out to a location of choosing to prevent metagaming of the spawn point. it has to be a reasonable position and should follow common sense. 

    seems like a hassle for staff, gonna get a ton of tickets saying TP 


    And I am just wondering how this affects GMs, it loooks like you will remove Count Dooku General Grievous Admiral Trench and ventress from being in events at all, making it harder for GMs to do events. 

    Im gonna have to -1 for the time being.

    The faction doesn't exist there won't be any "need a TP tickets" as the faction leaders  are the only ones that can request they be moved out. 


    The Leader has called a mission alert in the disord, people arrive they get on the job once the leader is satisfied he asks for staff to TP the "Raiding part/army/force" out of the spawn to begin the mission. theres no mass of tickets there would be a one time teleport


    The event jobs will still be available to be used by the game masters as events will be guided and fleshed out more fully as already directed by the founders


  14. Just now, Twelfths said:

    -1 I like the concept but things are still being worked out with BH to an extent. This would make GM's and GH's useless with full server as the players would just lead event and attacks them self.

    Game Masters have already been told to cut down on any shoot-em up style events and focus on deployments just an FYI this gives players that are elected by players to do some cool stuff.

  15. This is a discussion regarding the potential of adding a lightweight faction to the server using the concept of "If they ain't doing something they don't exist"

    this outlines the idea of the Sepratist Faction and what they will be doing and who will be running it.

    I have already run this past these people and had Joahs blessing to post this discussion to see if this is something the community wants.


    The HA Team


    After reading the post please ask any questions in the replies so we can go over the fidly bits that I don't think really need to be outlined in the mission statement.

    Sepratist Faction

    What does it do?

    Sepratist faction primary focus is to be antagonistic towards the republic, planning raids achieving combat objectives, and planning Event server battles this faction is 100% focused on PvP combat and challenging the playerbase.

    How does it do it?

    The separatist faction is a "on demand" army meaning outside of the times an actual mission or operation is happening there's no where they are "Based" (No base on the map or CIS location) 
    There is only 3 separatist leaders that are elected through applications+interviews (400 Hours on the server and must be VIP)

    Leaders hold the “tryouts/training” (This happens in the teamspeak and is purely a agreement to abide by the code of conduct and basic B1 training that will be held in the EJ room) and can ask staff to whitelist people to jobs, will have a discord, roster, and can blacklist anyone for violations of conduct.

    Palpatine is the secret master of sepratist army and will be able to issue orders and is in command of it (Leaders report to palpy)

    Count Dooku
    General Grievous
    Admiral Trench

    These leaders come together to plan missions (small scale raids) operations (large scale) and deployments (event server based PvP )

    That have specific objectives to complete.

    Example of Mission:
    Resources: 6 Commando Droids
    Objective: Infiltrate the anaxes base to steal gate access codes for later attack
    Method: slipping commandos in with cloaks into the base.
    Extraction: Hand to BH to smuggle codes off world (Potential for the BH in question to betray the CIS and sell the codes back the republic)

    If the mission is successful they would inform High command (they would be in the commander discord) that they gained the base access codes (Valid for 1 day)
    Which they could use to plan an operation with the advantage of being able to open the gates as soon as the assault starts to take down anaxes.

    A deployment would been designed and then worked on with clone HC to either be an attack deployment (Republic attacking separatist base/outpost)
    Or a Defense deployment ( Republic base/outpost (Venator?) With the separatists attacking.

    There will be objectives for both sides ie; Republic wants to narrow down the location of Admiral trench. CIS wants to protect the information and push the Republic off planet

    These are basic examples but the main benefit to this will be making the server in-charge of creating the enemy's without needing to seek approval or have supervision (gives PvP and RP opportunities to all factions)

    Ex. Bounty hunters would have more opportunities by getting hired by either faction to perform acts of sabotage, theft, or assasination (Deployments would be a perfect time for BH vs BH based on faction support)

    Would be strict:
    Breaking character as a droid could result in blacklist if not in a staff sit.
    No one can be sepratists without one of the leaders on (no unsupervised cis)
    No wandering around or AFKing (unless a leader because credits and they would be in the event job room)

    Can attack any of the factions (Republic, Jedi, BH)  but must always have a mission plan.
    Resources 4 Commando Droids 1 Bounty Hunter support
    Objective: Must steal a holocron so Sith can locate younglings to capture.
    Method: slipping commandos in with cloaks to the Jedi temple.
    Extraction: Delivered to count dooku .

    2 hour cool-down between attacks - Allows for Tryouts, Events, etc 

    Code of Conduct

    Must be in the teamspeak channel at all times during a mission/operation/deployment
     Cannot break character at anypoint (Can result in demotion in tier or blacklisted. Exception for staff sits) 
    Must obey the orders of the leaders (Your droids you have no free will - leeway for Tactical droids and Ventress) 
    Must behave in a way consistent for droids (no Bhopping, force powers as magna droids)
    Must follow server rules 

    Tiers and Job health (initial health estimates used to provide parity to clone numbers) 

    Access to jobs is based on a “Tier system” the leaders of the faction choose people to move to the next tier (promoting) after proving to themselves to the leaders to be competent by staying in character, providing mission ideas and superb RP.

    Tier 1 - B1 - Health: 400 
    Tier 2 - B1 Commander - Health: 500
    Tier 2 - B2 - Health: 750
    Tier 3 - Tactical Droid - Health: 500
    Tier 3 - Commando Droid - Health: 800 
    Tier 4 - IG-1000 Magna Droid - Health: 800
    Tier 5 - Droideka:- Health:750 Armour 1500
    Tier 5 - Super Tactical Droid - Health: 800
    Tier 6 - Jedi Hunter Droid- Health: 1000
    Tier 7 - Ventress - Lower health than leaders as she will be an active participant.

    Questions & Answers

    Will Leaders will host tryouts, for example. Where? What will they contain? Will you make the tryouts or will leaders be selected and then expected to make them?
    - Refer to this part of the proposal where it states its a basic training and not a test Leaders hold the “tryouts/training” (This happens in the team speak and is purely a agreement to abide by the code of conduct and basic B1 training that will be held in the EJ room)

    Will they have a base?
    - EJ room and staff moving them out to a location of choosing to prevent metagaming of the spawn point. it has to be a reasonable position and should follow common sense.

    There's mention of the CIS potentially working with the BH. Will this roleplay only occur during one of the missions? Will discord / teamspeak have to be used to come to an agreement? Will all of this roleplay come down to the three leaders of the faction + Palpatine?

    - This is open-ended for a reason as depending on the agreement TS might be a better medium to communicate better arrangements and alliances etc with the clans.

    If it's being added for roleplay clones don't roleplay with droids they shoot them.
    - Its Strategic level roleplay which will be handled between HC and the Leaders of the CIS (3 guys) everyone else will just be there to kill clones and act like a droid they don't RP with clones they kill clones.


    Why do players want to do it so they can use better tiers of things? You need to give them a reason to want to do these things besides being able to use stronger items to do them?
    - They want better load-outs and different weapons? That's the primary reason for anyone joining different branches or Regiments already.

    Ok, so when there isn't a mission happening, then the droids don't have anywhere to retreat to right? 
    They head to a extraction zone (Listening post, Caves, other locations) to actually escape and when the mission completes they change off the job. No Leader, No Mission, No droids.

    What about the map rotation? Will CIS do things at the bottom of the map like Alpha ARCs do?
    - Nah it will be like a BH they take a break during this time to prevent burn out and give them ideas and maybe work on some deployments with clone HC


    • Disagree 1
    • Winner 1
    • Informative 1
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