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Posts posted by Chambers

  1. Bruh moment.

    How many minges were converted into legitmate battalion members after expiercing the server, I can tell you it's alot and a story repeated across many members.
    I originally joined IFN to minge on Clone Wars and if I was forced to install any program upon joining a server I would've dipped out so fast.

    Not a fan of this change but you know I am retired so i'll leave  it to the current players to enjoy it how they want.


    (It's pretty dumb change tbh)


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  2. Just now, conrad said:

    His reply -

    I was a General in the other community
    [2:24 PM]
    and was 1st LT of the 501st and was leading the ARF squad
    [2:25 PM]
    on Synergy

    I will +1 this man, actually owned up to what he did wrong instead of saying "I maybe did bad but I still want to play" 


    Put your all into whatever battalion takes you in next and don't betray the trust and chance community members are giving you

  3. "We were accused of stealing content (Rulebook) and have paid the price for this offence"

    Convicted and tried, not an accusation when you actually did it and refused to not use our document. :MonkaThink:

    Inspiration is one thing blantant theft and then denial of the theft  and also conspiring to take the entire 501st Battalion of the time as the seed for the new community.

    Content theft + leeching have pretty clear consquences in this community.


    -1 The ring leaders need to stay banned for a much longer period, I doubt they actually learned the lesson and cared as much about the community as they say they have  (if they did, they wouldn't have been sneaky and would have just resigned and left to do the other server)

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  4. 31 minutes ago, Zensras said:

    Hear me out for one second as i type this before I go to work.


    I’ve personally known Valor since he came to the server.    He’s one of my best friends and someone I enjoyed being around.   I believe he deserves a second chance.  

    Kurt said it all better than I could.    


    As for the stolen content:  They took some ideas from the rules document  if I remembered my discord call with him correctly.   It was a VERY frustrating reason to ban Nission, Sugga, and Valor In my eyes as there are A LOT of servers including us that have based our rules on other servers

    "took some ideas" = took the whole document and just changed the logo and some of the "wording" :PepoThink:

    Inspiration is one thing blantant theft and then denial of the theft  and also conspiring to take the entire 501st Battalion of the time as the seed for the new community.

    Content theft + leeching have pretty clear consquences in this community.


    -1 The ring leaders need to stay banned for a much longer period, I doubt they actually learned the lesson and cared as much about the community as they say they have  (if they did they wouldn't have been sneaky and would have just resigned and left to do the other server)

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  5. On 7/11/2020 at 9:53 PM, Old Spartan said:

    Alright easy there with the lying @Square. The community barely knew about the post because it was removed from the forums within 5 minutes of being posted, It was posted later at night, only a few people saw it because both MYSELF and DOC were in the TS together while he posted it and we both were watching it. Also what actions could Doc have taken after the post was made when the founders instantly joined the TS channel once the post was removed and spoke with Doc and Myself. During our discussion Doc made it clear it was a joke post and he was venting out frustration with the server and I will say props to @Forseen for actually listening to Doc while it SEEMED like the rest yall had already made up your minds.

    Was not going to reply but this "Alright easy there with the lying @Square." really tweaked my gizzard.
    if you really want to vindicate this opinion you should just post the "recording" that you told us you were making of the TS conversation :PepoThink:

    90% of conversation was conducted by you (Speaking on the behalf of Doc or not whatever the flip floping that kept happening)  as Doc went either went AFK or refused to speak to the Founders when they tried to have a conversation about why the post (I think the entire Convo lasted over 30-40mins not a
    "brief "coversation) was made but the reason boiled down to this.

    Yes, Doc was frustrated with some of the processes or things on the server (All heard 2nd hand as he didn't play at the time or only hopped on a couple times) 

    Was the post designed to highlight this? Hell no it was specfically designed to get a rise out of the Founders and was basically admitted to as such during the start of the connversation in TS.


    Now for the appeal itself because Doc is an opinionated retard that caused so much shit that I had to deal with  but never actually broke any rules until he decided to go in the toxic cesspool that all members join at one point or another.

    Even though this appeal is a very onesided and interesting intepretation of the facts I will say this:

    +1 he can come back and if he slips back into old habits we can just bean him again and say "Well we tried forgiveness" 

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  6. 19 hours ago, Forseen said:

    This man has put his heart out to try and give everyone fair treatment and has been constantly fucking stomped on and taken advantage of, he finally puts his foot down and stands up for what he believes in and what he feels is right and everyone turns against him.

    This recent council wipe that he chose to do a couple hours ago, shows to me that he is willing and able to make the tough calls to get things done properly even when it might be putting his own position on the line. He originally wasn't sure about how it play out and asked me my opinion, told me he wanted to do it but was worried of the backlash. He told me that it was the plan he wanted to go with and when I asked him "Would you be willing to lose your position over this decision?" without hesitation he replied "Of course, I'm willing to put everything on the line to try and improve the council."

    This shows he is willing to do what it takes and try different things. Personally I feel due to this, he is the most qualified applicant for the Chancellor position. A position in which you can't put friends over the server and at times you will need to make hard decisions like the he just made.

    Any of these people that are pissed off at your decision involving the council & the people that would have been too scared to do it themselves and to those that supported the decision and then when the decision was made and you realised you were also being wiped, turned your back on Gears, huge fucking shame on you. You know who you are.

    Keep your head up @XGears, I know you've been to your breaking point and back several times, but I believe you can do it.



    I can count the amount of times a Yoda has actually wiped/or removed a chunk of masters without the Directors or Founders coming in with one hand.

    This man has big nuts and theres alot of respect to be had there but as much as I think he would probably be a good Palpatine the timing just isn't right with counsel just being wiped.

    Having one person focusing fully on Jedi gives respect to those active people that love Jedi, while Palpy does oversee the Jedi its not at the same level of initmancy you get as being Yoda (Same with Marshal and Battalions) as the position of Palpy distances you at a certain level so you can make decsions objectively.

    I am going to still hit you with a +1 because your potential as an applicant but the timing is not the best thing for the order.


    Also you 4heads  don't -1 because the other person is  a better applicant, your voting on the person and the experience they bring to the table. 
    the Directors will sort out who fits the position best (Or everyone could get denied that would be a gamer move and its worked before) 


    Okay back to my retirement hole where I drunkly break into Zims discord on the weekend.

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  7. 1 minute ago, Mitchell said:

    I can confirm, the map runs significantly better now.
    I am up for it returning, a map rotation can be pretty fun.

    Events on the venator will have a lot more freedom with our new LFS system than previously as well as overall compared to a ground map.

    I'll say that some of my favorite events where based on large space stations that were built and having flights of LAATs trying to make it across under fire to breach them.

    • Agree 2
  8. On 5/13/2020 at 12:14 AM, Chambers said:



    @everyone I most likely forgot some names here as most people know my memory is life a sieve sometimes.



    4 hours ago, Zim said:

    Star Wars: The Clone Wars / Tear Jerker - TV Tropes

    Me seeing Chambers @ all the other founders except me.
    Me learning Chambers pm'd the other founders about this post before it was made, except me.
    Me legit crying because we are snapchat homies and he didn't even mention it.

    You broke my heart @Chambers.

    Sorry Zim you know my brain no remember so good after my concussion lmao.


    love you bby I still snap you every day 

    • Friendly 1
  9. Name: Chambers

    Staff Rank: HOA

    Were you VIP: Yeh

    Date: 5/13/2020

    Reason for leaving:



    Well it finally happened ya’ll


    Ding dong the wicked witch is dead ;)


    Two years as high staff, fuck me its been a journey, plenty of ups and downs and good memorys with bad.

    All in all I don't regret it but it’s time for me to step out of the management of the server and take time for my own projects and hobbies.

    Just remember all staff are volunteers and go easy on the founders, we all do this for free because we care about the server and none of us are in the positions because we want fake GMOD power, ya’ll that say that really need to re-evaluate yourselfs lol.


    Not going to write a long winded farewell but ill @ some people that come to mind.


    Starting with the real oldies:


    @Billiam This mad lad brought me over from Icefuse when we founded Synergy, shit was crazy.


    @Jagger was my main 212th man back in the day and was a blast having you working on the high staff team, bringing a level headed and genuine touch!


    @Deadly This guy got me back into CWRP as my first BCMD since I took my hiatus just after the founding of the community.


    @Meow First BCMD I served under as XO, spicy times mate where DU was being told it was getting removed every few days by the HC at the time.


    @Husky No homo but you're the only NCO I ever gave an honorary rank in DU, you're a good dude.


    @Proxy Australian XO, go get some sleep nerd.


    @Trad Zero BS kind of Director, good lad but also go to sleep you fucking swede.


    @Lighig genuinely good guy , management skills questionable but you always tried to lighten the mood or make people laugh, one of the real OGs.


    @Zyner Thanks for shadowing my first events when I was a GH, showed me the ropes.


    @Korm Gotta retire one of these days mate, good luck!


    @Jackson Good man, zero nonsense, sat through a million of my crazy schemes for new ideas and changes for the server, patience of a saint.


    @Square People give you shit but you actually one of the hardest working members of the community, people don’t realize that you and Jackson are the powerhouses behind the more frequent updates, I’ll still be around to bother you in your and Jacksons channels don’t worry


    @Joah Will still remember the time you pulled me in as a NA and called me a retard in front of all the HC good times, anyways your homo and I hope you still manage to tolerate all the retards that the community attracts and keep Synergy going strong when ya’ll transition to Gmod 2 ;) 


    @Forseen Good luck, you will make a good HOA just take whatever you control F in the discord with a grain of salt lol - Man is almost as crazy as me coming to HS so many times.


    @Bananaberry Don’t shame me for anime smh.


    @Trixx come back lad


    @Freck Mad british lad


    @Max Get ready for that Halo Infinite


    @Quill Almost forgot the boy, finally joining you in retirement, i’ll see you on the CT side of things ;) 


    @everyone I most likely forgot some names here as most people know my memory is life a sieve sometimes.


    Good luck everyone you will see me around and most likely still working on things even though im retired now (CIS Faction oh yeah)


    @BH ya’ll can make it I still think ya’ll bring some really unique RP don't let anyone take you down! 

    Always did what I thought was best for the community.


    See ya’ll on the flip side.


    General Chambers signing off.

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  10. 26 minutes ago, Gadget said:

    Right, this is just to clarify some thing base on this statement as I don't 100% percent understand what you meant by an OG ticket taker, but I will admit that when I am on I either take all the tickets or none of the tickets. there's no middle ground.

    Currently there is an issue with SA+s taking like WL or other NA/A tickets to what could be assume to be "bulking up there numbers" which is kinda just a dick move. 

    The GM program is a bit different but is kinda coming back. but they want more quality over hashed together crap [I ain't saying the stuff you did was, I remember some of them quite fondly]. 

    New generation of admin wise.... eh, most of the NAs I see are probably more prepared than some of the SAs I see to be honest. 


    This post isn't calling anyone out but stating the current state of affairs with a hint of sarcasm and bit of wit.


    I have my skepticism about you as a player and a leader but for the fact that, as a staff member, you were good I will HOLD UP


    I am just retracting this cos I want to know, what where you waived for? It says your waived. @Dennis



    30 day cool down for apply after reusing his old app lol

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