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Posts posted by Chambers


    Name: Chambers
    Who Helped:  N/A
    Summary Of encounter:  Force ghosts of the Sith began to wander the halls of the temple searching the the other half, the half of light to bring the souls that were anchored to this plane by the darkhalf.

    The Jedi listened to the Siths mutterings and found the half deep in the earth and dispelled the darkside around it

  2. 9 hours ago, Centurion said:

    I've taken community ideas of passive RP like @Chambers TSA RP and guess what? It's actually fucking fun, sure some people don't like it, but that's not the majority. Hell when my CG were busy and I was running the checkpoint alone, I had DU detain a man and search him for contraband. Hell I had my own trooper searched by another battalion when his ID wasn't good. And not only did my own trooper enjoy it, but DU enjoyed doing it as well.

    If you try to get the spice I have stashed I'll personally send you to order 66 the Jedi temple by yourself.

    But seriously, big brain moment by the current Fox.

    • Friendly 1
  3. 3 hours ago, Dennis said:

    Jackson if you have actually spoken to jackson you would actually realise that he is the small step child in the corner watching the father beat the wife and waiting for his nuggets, 

    Actually funny af bro I died at this

    13 minutes ago, Unkindled said:

    To put it blatantly the forums and server used to a lot more toxic than what it is now lmao this is nothing compared to what it used to be.

    *Vietnam flash back to 2018* 

    • Funny 1
  4. Now this is one old boy coming back from the dead to play on the server again.


    But like Mitchel said you need to detail more of your plans and why you should be a reg as they are a little light on detail and are very generalized.

    What I would like to see addressed:

    1. Specific problems the attack battalions are facing right now
    2. What are some of ytour plans to promote RP within the battalions under your command
    3. How you plan to work with the other regiments and HC to further your goals?



    • Informative 1
  5. 1 hour ago, BigBoss said:

    "Personally, my experience with CG as a Developer/Founder on the server was miserable. I wasn't able to complete Development duties with 2-3 CG up my ass telling me they are the law and I can't do X/Y/Z (while I was literally in Admin Mode working on development concerns). CG has shown little respect to other commanders or battalions, quickly using their Baton-Penis to strike AUTHOR-I-TAY into the minds of any clone they may dislike." -Ron

    Lately, I couldn't agree more with Ron on this. CG mean well. I know this. But over the past couple weeks, I've heard so many people moan and complain that they cant do jack-shit on the server because CG's interpretation on the rules. This isnt as big of an issue as it has been before so kudos to CG High command for containing the demons with batons. Im personally taking a break from the server for a few days since me and a bunch of my pals here feel the in game community is getting a little toxic. We steppin away, no harm no foul.

    I get the struggles of CG, I was CG for months. Making all the way to the honorable Captain America(TM). Losing Palpy as a perma job sucks for RP. But CG has to prove to the server they know how to do more than "ArrestMinge.exe" and "GuardDuty.exe". Do passive RP that interacts with players more directly.
    Some ideas of that could be:

    • Call squads or groups of troopers up to brig for questioning on scenarios you think of. Make it a small lil detective drama for an hour or so.
    • Set up checkpoints and ask for ID's
    • Call for a bunks inspection
    • Break up a food fight in messhall.

    Possibilities are endless. Lately, there has been so much lack of PassiveRP between encounters and deployments. Its just become training -> AFK -> Encounter -> AFK. 
    Since CG are almost always on, I'd like to see them spice it up with the troopers a bit and make something enjoyable for all parties happen.


    I say this with no disdain for CG at all. I merely just have creative criticism to offer.


    *CG TSA Agent RP instensifies* 

    • Funny 1
  6. 7 minutes ago, conrad said:

    -1, making me come back to vote against this dumb shit.

    Conrad I love you man but this the quintessential.

    "I don't play here but I still have opinion on how people should play the game"

    If the current community wants 332nd instead of TC it's up to them.

    • Agree 2
  7. 7 minutes ago, Centurion said:

    @Chambers In response to using arc as our Sub Unit. I personally don't view it as our sub unit. I mean if others do then I'd like to hear their input cause to us we just treat them as ARC's were. A Special unit in the G.A.R with special training. In the Coruscant Guard, they would more or less be the S.W.A.T team equivalent in a Police Force. And regards to making a suggestion about it, I'm waiting to see if I get Battalion Commander Fox in order to put out the suggestion. And also to iron out the suggestion for a sub unit in order to really make sure it makes sense, can be used within not only our battalion but to interact with the server, and to show appeal. 

    Appreciate you putting in your input on this like many others are though. So I'll just thank everyone. Thanks All, you all are Incredibilies! 

    Don't need to be the BCMD to put the suggestion in ;) 

    • Agree 1
  8. I'll say a few things on this.


    1. Regards to CG not being looked after by the higher ups. - This is completely false CG is one of battalions we keep the most on eye on because of the intergration between them and staff, they are the only battalion whos discord we have HAs all join so they are readily available to be contacted or assist with issues.

    Any issue CG brings to us regarding a situation or rule conflict we try to resolve as soon as possbile, of cource this might mean we don't side in CGs favor but that happens to any battalion.

    2. Getting cucked in updates. - I just went and checked the suggestions forums and I don't see any suggestions posted for CG in quite awhile, continue to post suggestion or repost ones that have gotten lost in the process, the dev team is working on this stuff for free and sometimes miss things as they are only human.

    3. Subunit - This one kind of annoys me - I have heard that you are using your ARC as your elite "subunit" interanally and that's not really acceptable to you (Please correct me if I am wrong), well strap on your big boy pants and let me tell you the saga of Doom's Unit getting a sub-unit something that literally took generations of Doom's Unit officers, BCMDs, over 10+ failed suggestions, and a literal year to get one added or a special class added.

    Doom's Unit started with a small 4 man ARC team that had an internal designation, no names in-game, nothing to stand them apart from regular ARC troopers.
    Fast forward quite a few suggestions to get heavy classes with special weapons, buffed classes, etc. they finally got Havoc Squad.

    The amount of effort, blood, sweat, and tears that went into writng and rewriting suggestions until it was finally accepted by the community is massive.

    Long story short, work harder. nothing is given without significant effort.  (Tl;dr Make a shit ton of suggestions)

    4. This is more towards Andersons point of creating own RP and people not wanting to engage in it - You want to run check points that people have to check ID's at and if its a failed roll go all TSA on their asses? Fuck yes I am all for that shit its that small bit of RP that can change an experience for people, if some people don't like it so what? if you try to please everyone no one is going to be happy and if you are making a change to the way your battalion has fun to please others when its something that minorly inconviences them if they don't want to do it whats the point?

    Do things that are fun for the entire server to partcipate in! maybe make a massive baton training with CG trying to hunt everyone in the base down by invovling Commanders, BCMDs or HC to authorize or get it started.

    Host a dicsipline session where officers can RP dump off their troublesome troopers on you and you beat them back into the GAR standards and return them to their battalions.

    I am not going to respond to every little thing on this thread but I think I hit the main points, no one is more capaple of changes things more than you taking the initiatve and talking to people or making things fun on the spot.

    Also always going to be people that shit talk or are toxic which you can get corrected by talking to them, COC or going to staff just make sure you got evidence of it or else it just fizzles out!

    • Agree 4
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    • Informative 1
    • Friendly 2
  9. Wow exploit round two eh?

    Lost all respect for you awhile ago after you showed yourself to be a pathological liar and abusing the positions you held to stir up drama.

    No half measures you need to learn actions have consequences and you have been given way too many chances.



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