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Everything posted by Jacien

  1. +1 It wouldn't work on vehicles but we could get the prop for it instead of the actual ship. I have tested this before and I am not sure how it would work on the server because of how things work. The resizer changes the size of the prop, its not just cosmetic. Lets see how this pans out. Also, @Qal, if we had accurate sized ships they wouldn't be able to fix anywhere in the skybox.
  2. +1 Normally Fixer is the medic but with him being the TECH it would make sense for Sev to be the medic instead. Having a medic would be a lot better than some flimsy armor buff that would go away after the first few hits. Even though I do hate the bacta grenades and them being overpowered it is a nice thing to have.
  3. Seems like you use Wallpaper engine, I used to but it caused lag on my computer. This is what I use for my desktop's background: https://i.imgur.com/OqsEdDa.jpg
  4. +1 Was a great time being a DeathSworn
  5. +1 was so much fun being flame boy
  6. Makes events and sims damn near impossible to complete. Also when shooting it jerks my blaster up or down like a fuckin' maniac on speed.
  7. Name: Bacara/Jacien Who helped (If applicable): Egert/Thermite/Rat/Jeckson Event Name: Tourist Attraction Summary of the story: Some "Tourists" came on board that were CIS recon spies and upon taking pictures they were sending them to the CIS. The Karkarodon that was a part of the tourists called the CIS in and then they attacked. What was the result of the event?: Another win for the Republic, also server crash. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Pretty much a mix of the two.
  8. Pretty sure it will be the E-binos.
  9. +1 I have always hated having dead troopers running about. Seeing clones such as Havok still alive even though he was clearly shot through the head still commanding RANCOR. I love lore and having clearly dead or MIA troopers still standing pretty jarring especially when I first joined the server. This isn't a hit on battalions its just lore. I am sure we could keep the models and have them named as something else.
  10. Jacien

    Kdog New Admin

    +1 Might as well give ya a try. I mean you haven't been staff on previous servers and would like to see what you can do.
  11. Medic you were great as Neyo, especially during that boxing match against that kid. Good times. Anyways enjoy being Quinlan Vos and being the savage that he is supposed to be. You did what you set out to do, proud of ya. Its not like you are leaving so I will see you around, buddy.
  12. +1 Really deserves it for being one of the longstanding decent Null that doesn't have a superiority complex that hurts the character or the player.
  13. Neutral, doesn't affect me.
  14. +1 We have gone over and agreed on what would happen between him and GM. He understands and was part of 212th for a time. Seeing how he runs DU I think he would do well as regimental.
  15. +1 Sure, fuck it. If Kal wants the model along with the one he paid it then go ahead.
  16. Jacien


    Might as well lock it, Medic. This is going to turn from a discussion to a flame war, wouldn't be healthy.
  17. Jacien


    I too am a CWRP Veteran, way before CGI models were even made and venator v1 was the ONLY home map being used besides generic base maps. I am on Synergy due to the wide spread of the battalions and the custom feel. Its a nice change from other servers. If you get rid of a large number of the battalions then the people who put months or longer into their battalions and just see it taken away because someone thought it would be a decent idea then they undoubtedly leave. I've seen this happen in servers before and no matter the size it has killed servers if not immediately then over time. I don't really know you from the server and if you are new then I understand how you would think this is a good idea. I am not gonna say OOF THIS IS A BIG POOPY STAIN ON MY DAY AND THIS IS SUCH A BAD IDEA I will just say that we will need to slowly trim fat in order for it to actually work. If you actually make a suggestion to the server make sure its not touching my boys (GM), a lot of them will leave the server if they are removed. As of right now and the way you have it all set up... A huge -1
  18. Hell to the no. The bacta grenades are are severely overused, overpowered and flat out not even needed on server. I think if anything they should be nerfed and get the blue effect removed or get rid of them all together. The people who do have it spam the fuckers and make the other medics not even relevant. They are even used during sims and give a HUGE advantage to the opposite side. I have been in servers where the bacta grenades were given to all medics and it killed all RP for triage and caused a complete imbalance to events as well. If this does get passed (which I seriously and hopefully never see implemented) then at least get training implemented as well to tell people how to properly use them. Hell I would do it as long as this shit gets contained. The weapon itself allows for the medics to bypass all means of actually working on someone and just yeeting a nerf football sized smurf juice at someone and saying "Yer good". I'm fine if they stay just as long as the medics who currently have them (AND NOT SPAWNED IN BY STAFF BY OTHERS) are properly trained to get a decent usage of the nades. Maybe in the future fix the nades to where it is one per-life. So this is a HUGE -1 for me.
  19. Here is the Evidence, it is the naval dupe that he was brought into along with Havok. You can see Wynter to the right "teching" the console and the poison zombies in the middle. You can see a dead Naval NPC to the right which is the left overs from the issue with Havok which spawned this whole ordeal involving the B1 droid.
  20. We got rid of those models. At least I am pretty sure we did.
  21. This would require the ARF models to be redone. If you want your ARF to have it then tell Gideon when he gets your battalion done. -1
  22. RP Name: 4thGM BAT Commander Bacara / GM Jedi Consular P Drakkha / Jacien Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:110895184 Age: 20 Timezone: EST Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): The reasons why I wish to be an administrator is so that I may be able to further help my battalion with training. I also wish to become an administrator so that I may help however I can in the server with those who wish to break rules consistently. I have been told in the past to go into staff for multiple reasons (most involving the whole battalion training and GMACTs). I am usually following the server rules as best I can and when they are broken around me they tend to get on my nerves. Being Bacara I am also serious and tell people how to follow said rules as best as they can. I think I can be a decent staff member and wish to not only prove myself on the staff team but to the server further than what I have done already. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Personally I see myself as a decent human being with the tendency to follow orders or rules where and when they apply to the situation given at hand. I can let loose when needed and I am usually a mild-mannered person who can give punishments when they are due. I believe myself to be someone who can get the job done when it is called for what-ever the job is. Do you have any previous staff experience? Yes, I do. Some things differ from server to server but I have been staff on multiple servers including (but not limited to) Vector Gaming, Aurean Gaming and some oddball DarkRP servers. How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? Playtime? Hell, I have played over 500 hours on the server, piddly compared to others but I think it is admirable. Thank you: JACIEN
  23. In my opinion it would make everything a lot cleaner and less cluttered, overall it would make people's job easier. The only thing I see a problem with it is the confusion over who is in what battalion if they refuse to change their name. But its not a bad idea.
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