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Posts posted by Zyner

  1. Name:


    Who helped (If applicable):


    Event Name:

    Thinking Outside The Box

    Summary of the story:

    The Venator went through an asteroid field while on auto-pilot and some asteroids collided with the hull. The shield took care of most but a few rather sharp asteroids pierced the hull and allowed in a quickly growing life form that spread through the ship.

    What was the result of the event?:

    The alien life forms quickly adapted to the new environemnt, feeding off of the blaster fire of the Troopers and quickly mutating and evolving. This lead to a massive alien tormenting the Main Hangar Bay as all forces shot at it to no avail - not realizing it was feeding off their ammunition. Finally, the deviced the idea to toss it out of the moonpool when they realized not all problems can be solved with blaster fire.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:

    Shoot 'em up

  2. 1 minute ago, Haloknight5561 said:

    that may be true. But look at the document. We put 5  of work into it. Please dont be so quick to judge. im sure that doc will maybe sway your opinion. or maybe it wont.

    In my opinion I would prefer they add stuff all battalions can enjoy rather than add a new battalion and split the community further. By stuff I mean instead of models & battalion taking up space, it could be new vehicles, weapons, add-ons, etc. 187th had their time and it indeed was glorious and lasted a good bit, but part of wanting the battalion back is simply nostalgia.

    • Winner 1
  3. Name:

    Who helped (If applicable):

    Medic, Bolt, Panda, Techno

    Event Name:

    Naboo Day

    Summary of the story:

    The City of Naboo went under a hostile take-over from the CIS, the entire city fell under CID control and rayshields are put up. 612th was sent in to siege against the city but were not successful but managed to get us enough information to send another wave of troopers in. Several weakpoints as well as locations of shield generators.

    What was the result of the event?:

    The Venator deployed all its troops to Naboo and began an assault against the city. A weakpoint in the shield was found and High Command would periodically discharge it to allow troops in. This followed for several sections of the city until enough troops manage to move in to take sections back and rescue civillians. Finally, the shield generators were discovered and shut down allowing access to most of the city until the troopers held off against an endless wave of droids on the last shield while a final attempt to shut down the last shield was made. With success, the troopers stormed in to fight against the Sith Lords that were in charge of the take over. Senators and civillians were rescued and the Sith Lords taken down as well as the CIS station.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:\


  4. 2 minutes ago, CollinTheMarines said:

    Changing it to Stealth Operations thats the point

    "no point in changing the name to Shadow Company"

    Stealth Operations and Shadow Troopers are two different things. Due to the lack of lore for Shadow Troopers, things were put into the Battalion to flush it out more.

    Shadow Troopers "BCMD" was Director of Republic Intelligence Armand Isard. The original goal of Shadow Troopers was espionage, in & out stealth operations. Eventually it evolved into a more of assassination/stealth attack division as the war progressed.

    Stealth Operations were specifically trained for stealth piloting/flying. They are not Shadow Troopers in any form, but due to the similarity between the two Blackout was made the SO BCMD just so there is an actual BCMD.

    What needs to be realized is that the two are mixed due to lack of lore to flush the Battalion out, but if sticking to the most accurate lore be the choice then you are Shadow Troopers and would need to pick a name that represents it. If you were to be Sealth Operations then say bye to all your jobs and all you would have is Pilots, generally speaking.

    I will +1 if you suggest changing to Shadow Company or anything that revolves around Shadow [Synonym for Battalion/Divison].

  5. 20 minutes ago, CollinTheMarines said:

    I do not think shadow company is an actual thing. It is actually called the 73rd battalion and that is being used on icefuse.

    Shadow Clone Troopers are a thing and are basically what SO is. Blackout, Jet & Spark are Stealth Operators which I believe actually deals with either flying or overseeing stealth operations, hence their very Pilot-Like armor, whilst not actually being in the battlefield.

    Shadow Troopers were their own division so there was no actual label to them, it could be called Shadow Company to amend that.

    73rd Shadow Battalion is 100% fanon - http://swfanon.wikia.com/wiki/73rd_Shadow_Battalion

    Whilst Shadow Troopers are real, there do not actually fall into a Battalion or unit, they are a division.

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