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Posts posted by Zyner

  1. -1

    Been denied before.

    Devil Dogs is a sub-unit of 44th Special Operations. Special Operations on this server is Shadow Comapny, just different name, or are Shadow Clone Troopers.

    Devil Dogs were known to like using explosives or just be loud in general and quite the dare-devils. This doesn't fit with the characteristics of Shadow Clones.

    • Agree 4
  2. -1

    If 327th are similar to 501st then we're just fine having 501st.

    On a serious note, this suggestion has already been accepted - but had it not, this one in particular really does not give good reason to bring 327th back, specially when you say another Battalion can do its job.

  3. I'm just wondering, out of all things why did SO pick Flame Troopers as a sub-group/makeshift job? And this also seems a bit like a loophole to the one-whitelist system. Regularly you'd be your normal job, say Medic, but then swap to EVO suit and now you're a Flame Trooper yet still have the Medic loadout.

    To be honest... I don't think this even needs to be suggested. You could of just done it, really. If anyone questions it you could say you're wearing an EVO suit cause you're a Flame Trooper - the suggestion just seems a bit extra unless you're looking for a certified reason as to why you're wearing the snow/EVO suit when on-ship, etc. if people claim FailRP.

  4. 4 hours ago, Twelves said:

    There is a lot of missing lore from the wiki, the wiki provides you with a general idea, not everything.

    Anyway, here it is, written down in the books, lore is lore, and the books are the books, just because it isn't on a wiki page doesn't mean it wasn't a thing.

    As Fixer, I wouldn't care about losing armor, it doesn't do much anyway, having a medic is 10x more beneficial, and it adds onto more of Sev's character and roleplay.

    And it isn't rocket science to put two & two together and go; "Hey, Sev specialized in marksmanship, but it appears that because of this quote taken straight from the books, he was medically trained as well, which would come to no surprise as RC were trained in most specializations."




    Ultimstely I'd agree for swapping armor for medkit but that's not on the suggestion

  5. 2 hours ago, Mishue said:

    http://www.e-reading.club/bookreader.php/71118/Traviss_-_Republic_Commando__Triple_Zero.html on page 17 just CTRL+F Racked and you will find it on the 6th one or so.

    It's a bit vague but it's there. It still raises interest that there's nothing about it on the Wikia, at least personally. It really may have been that he was medically trained early on but focues on Marksmanship instead in the later days.

    While I do see the point you bring up from the book I just find it too vague and a singular instance in the entire lore as per your research.

  6. 1 minute ago, Mishue said:

    And? Fi is a Sniper AND A MEDIC. Sev is trained the SAME as Fi.

    Yes but if you read the book. Like the image i put in the very first post in this op. it clearly says Fi saying sev was trained the same. If you actually do the research and read the RC books you would know. This is what its from. Not the wiki. From the books.

    That image is 400px × 77px so it's literally just a bunch of blurred lines. If you can link to the page of the digital book where that line is said there might be some leverage but not much. Have to also take into consideration how much of that training was put to use, they may both have the same training but not the same experience or applying it.

  7. Grizzer is already on the server. Whoever is Hound can pick a person to play Grizzer and must be by Hound at all times, as well as can only be on the Grizzer job while Hound is on. It's kind of how R2D2 And C3P0 used to work with Anakin. But in terms of Grizzer, it almost always led to minging.

  8. I was gonna suggest this but realized it was just moved.

    What needs to be mentioned is that the "TOPICS" section on the right side is not available on mobile.

    Pretty much that just needs to be enabled or coded for the mobile set up and we'll be able to see it, otherwise need to view the desktop version on mobile.

    What I am mostly interested in seeing is if the community prefers this condence "Latest Post" section where it only shows the Topic Name, who posted it, when and how many posts there are total. It does not show the very latest post and by whom it was, which is countered by the fact that the list rotates based on latest posts - it just doesn't actually show that post.

    If it's not that big of a deal, I would personally want it back the way it was - showing the latest post in the entire forum and the preview of it.


    • Agree 1
  9. They can do it... They just don't want to.

    At any point anyone can help anyone... Forcing people to do it will just not end well.

    As well as this shouldn't even be a server suggestion, that's forcing change on the server. This is something that needs to be discussed with Squad Leads+


  10. -1

    It's a cool idea but the actual execution of it would just bring in minginess or not appropriate RP. Considering he would only be on Kamino it would be an entire model to only ever be used on a single map on the Event Server, waste of resources.

  11. Choosing to ignore points being brought up is not a good way to go about server suggestions.

    Leaving lore aside, as you choose, that still leaves that model =/= job.

    As the example for the last suggestion where they wanted to give all Commanders DC-17s because they were either higher ups or had the bodygroupers.

    Bodygrouper =/= Getting it in-game. Ex. Just because you have DC-17 holsters doesn't justify giving you DC-17s to spawn with, you need more reason to back it up.

    The models were made with no background detail, considering GC just looked like regular 212th. They are fiction in looks, so we can't take their looks as value nor what they should receive based on it.

    You choose to make GC require ARC, that's fine. You have a GC ARC T rooper, alright, may as well get the ARC set-up for the GC ARC Trooper.

    GCC requires ARC? That's cool too but you want the ARC set up too? Well, he's not an ARC Trooper, you just require that per choice of the Battalion.

    The model is ARC? Well, the model is literally made up. By that logic, when someone gets their models re-worked they can ask all models have a Medkit and ask all their jobs had Medkits - is that not broken? Sure, the example is extensive but you get at where we're going.

    Originally, we were just bringing up our points but there's been so much back and forth talking that things just continue to escalate.

    This is my opinion, my -1 stands and will stay solid considering the biggest excuse as to why it's ARC is that it's an ARC model on a custom made model.


    10 minutes ago, Maymays said:

    to you all -1'ing because it's not "ARC" you all are fucking uneducated. to be in GC, you have to be ARC. LOL. Its like a 3 day requirement to get arc training or something, so why, of ALL PEOPLE, would the COMMANDER not be arc trained. thinking that is fucking retarded lol. 


    In lore they weren't pumpkin boys either, soooooooooooo.

    See, same argument again. It has moved up that we're no longer going against it because you require to have ARC but rather that the ARC model is custom made with little to no background to go off on. For all we know the modeler made him ARC for the hell of it; so in our view it doesn't justify it getting ARC benefits. Requring ARC for positions is fine, that still doesn't mean you get the benefits of an ARC loadout unless it's an acual ARC job (as represented by the server/Devs, not the Battalion itself).

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