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  1. @Andrews Bruh. Why no @ for me I see how it is my guy, also it isnt for all of us
  2. @Woeny Welcome to retirement we have pudding and a bingo card waiting for you. o7 my guy
  3. 4/4 Great execution , will want to speak about ways to improve in person if you get the time but overall is amazing incorporation of all troopers
  4. 4/4 good event great use of a naval that was accompanying them with giving them resources that could help the battalion
  5. well ill be dammed flowers owes me 5 bucks now
  6. -1 remember when this first dropped people crashed looking outside too time to load in also its a HUGE MAP why not use extensive as event server map go to another planet with hyperspace function and then have a dupe set up for the next map and drop that down after switching maps
  7. -1 For gods damn sake can we drop this already. First off, we just got back from a recent wipe so yes things aren’t doing great and we are still working on restructuring which isn’t easy as a vip faction. But I’ll be dammed if I sit here and listen to this arguement made over again. 1. We are the holders of documentation of most of the important trainings in the base such as the roleplay of medical and engineering and yes it has been lacking a bit because we are still picking up activity but also because we allowed clones to train their troopers. 2. It doesn’t help that we can’t make quota to do trainings since we can’t wipe trainings like we used too. We used to wipe all eng trainings every time we made a new doc sure it pissed people off but it gave us something to do. 3. Not to throw shade anywhere or at anyone but 187th wasn’t thrown onto a chopping block publicly like this when they were struggling. But the second that these opened up and things weren’t ironed out this gets thrown at us. Yes high command “could” run the base but it doesn’t make sense to have the highest command in the republic running a small base of operations the whole time. 4. We aren’t a battalion, unlike Jedi we don’t get a lot of power and a giant weapon. We still have roleplay exclusively we do and we enjoy it it’s not the best job on the server but he’ll people enjoy having the option. 5. As a SERIOUS RP SERVER it makes no sense to have clone naval as an event job so if you wanna just make all the base ops into clones and clone ranks and reserve the humans technically even that wouldn’t work well cause each batch of naval has a commodore or some human or non cloned Officer to lead them in strategic assault. 6. As bbstine said we are the servers ride or die bitch. We should be there in the bad and good times being hated and harrassed by the players or being the ones captured and making an event or even just being there so someone can say “shut up buttons” and get aos’d for it. 7. Do you really wanna have to dish out new docs and establish new roleplay hierarchy in all the roleplay aspects of the server? Cause you decided to remove the core even if the core wasn’t crucial it isn’t worth it to just toss us aside. Naval was brought here under Forseen. Reptillia brought in the first real power as the first applicant for admiral forseen took another term following helping solidify the naval in the server proceeding him was baller after baller was squeaks following squeaks was the reign of Freck where naval surged to its highest post Freck was Esitt. After Esitt was Skeeti when appointed high command told Skeeti to wipe. He didn’t have much of a say they were either going to do it for him or with him as he says. After skeeti was Maymays who did things that got him removed and banned but he still is legacy and did things after Maymays was alfa. Alfa brought in RAF and tried to bring a general training back to troopers with my help . Following Alfa was me. I got power played and it got wiped all over quartermaster being removed and not having much help. Following the wipe we had Husky who did a damn good job rebuilding . Following him was Carvis who testes the waters and found the fine line between too far and just enough following Carvis was me and I improved a lot of appearances by showing up and working with battalions but I let down base ops on my own by working with clones instead of working with them. However we have a legacy here we aren’t just a bunch of misfit toys we are a long proud line of legacy and dedication to the server to ultimately look to achieve a spot on the names I just listed to make our mark on naval base ops not some event job to be forgotten or to be used. We are a part of synergy not just the server but the community. We belong on this base even as grunts we still belong here doing the things we have been even if we are made fun of. We are naval Base Operations and we stand behind our mistakes but those don’t define us it’s our individual roleplay accomplished on the job being the naval that makes our mark on the community just like how my mark is being commander reported we should stand in the server so others have a chance to make their mark in this position. Not everyone is a fighter some of us enjoy the more roleplay aspect and less of the call of duty. As player choice we should be left in for all players to be able to chose whether or not to join and try out or simply be another clone in the garrison.
  8. Name: Boutineer Staff Rank: SA SteamID: STEAM_0:0:176588021 Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible): 8 Days 10/31-11/08 Reason: Need to take a break for a bit got a lot of stress built up from real life and work. Wedding seasons coming up and its stressing me out. Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes
  9. Boutineer


    I don't eat breakfast
  10. Name: Boutineer Who helped (If applicable): Willy, Shadow-7 , Tetra, Lancer, Diplo Event Name: Yularens Coma Summary of the story: Yularen gets sick and brings in some experts to take care of his unknown sickness, as they arrive issues begin to arise on the planet while his symptoms get worse. The medbay is put on lockdown as the 3 best medical professionals arrive with the protection of reprogrammed droids in case someone tries to invade the medbay while he is being worked on. In the end Yularen falls into a coma and is shippped off planet to be further researched for any cure. In his absence however the republic brings in Admiral Block from Obi-Wan's Fleet nearby to provide guidance on the base while they look for cures to his disease What was the result of the event?: Umm a lot more chaos than expected, there was some hostage talk and some people not understanding the process undergoing in medbay but we put admiral into Cryostasis for him to later return when he has been cured. However he won't be seen around the base for a while, so they may have visitors coming in to hold the fort while he is on medical leave. It had some good points into it and allowed a lot of player choice and i have to thank stone and rose for both understanding in situations when they got tough Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both
  11. Shoot aight when you available
  12. +1 The man Bamboozled me but who doesn't like a good surprise
  13. Name: Boutineer Who helped (If applicable): Elijah Event Name: SOBDE Vau to Return Summary of the story: Walon Vau, trainer of Delta Squad becomes a newly found target for the Deathwatch as they decide to take him hostage. They begin to start the trial for treason since he trained clones in the Mando fashion. As he was not born on the native planet, but served as a soldier for mandalore he was to keep their secrets safe. Having encountered multiple samples of the battle and survival tactics of Delta Squad he is being threatened with either Death or Banishment. Will SOBDE be able to save their Cuy'val Dar in time. What was the result of the event?: Delta Cleared one side while the rest took the pre viszla hostage As they saved vau and defended him through the entire mission. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both.
  14. Name: Boutineer Who helped (If applicable): Hades , Data Event Name: These Aren't Our Packages Summary of the story: The base is alerted to incoming shipments scheduled for later that day however ,CIS Sends in large shipment of supplies to the republic base on anaxes. The Shipment Convoy on its way to anaxes was captured by the Cis where they not only knocked out the crew but installed something extra inside the crates. While the Jawa movers move in the crates with the shock watching them they have no clue that inside of the crates there is something extra. Inside a couple of the crates are compacted droids of 10. They activate their sleeper agents to try and take out high value targets as they pull back their transport ship. What was the result of the event?: The droids caught a bit of the troopers off by surprise and raised their suspicions on the base which will make it harder to trick them again. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both its more of a prelude into future storage events
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