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Posts posted by Buuged

  1. 47 minutes ago, Nescoh said:

    if you can think of a way to go about implementing what you want.

    Stockings, Patty, and Myself are in the process of reviewing our current leads and officers and how they fit within what we envision for the future of 21st.  We are probing those not in leadership positions about their interest in taking over our empty or inactive lead positions.  I believe once we build a strong base with regimental leadership we can grow from there.


    We do have an incentive system but with Gadget’s departure we lost our reserve to pay those out and its currently on hold.  In the mean time, we’re making sure our NCOs are taken care of and recognized for their work. 

    As for my activity, reference my reply to Kaiser.  Striking a healthy balance with all the things I need to do is my number one priority.

    • Agree 1
  2. 25 minutes ago, KaiserNeiner said:

    Haven't seen you that much, I wish you took some time to get your activity up before you applied or I would support you. I think you're great and I do think you're the next best option for Bacara but I would like to see you on more often. 

    Thanks for the feedback Kaiser.  I am aware my activity may be the issue in the eyes of some, I do attempt to get on whenever I can outside of my obligations to work, fiance, house buying ventures, etc.  I do encourage my guys to get on when I am not able to make it on, and I am always available from Discord.  If you have any questions or want to talk you know where to find me.

  3. 16 minutes ago, Comics said:

    weird that jayarr gave you guys this choice and you chose the phase 1, he borderline refused to make phase 1 but caved in because you wanted them so bad. If you don't want shit models don't ask for them next time? This is backwards development square warned us about. You got phase 2 models and you said no, jayarr had to remodel to get those god awful phase 1, this is karmic justic ngl

    I was not playing Synergy during the time these models were being designed and submitted for review.  I had no choice in this.  The currents models are also, "not shit," but they literally do not fit into the era of the Clone Wars Synergy is based in.

  4. Steam Name:

    RP Name:

    RP Rank:

    Steam ID:

    Battalion you are applying for:
    21st Nova Corps


    Republic Medics
    I joined the medics after joining Synergy in February of 2018, when Turbine was BCMD Meds.  I quickly rose through the ranks of RM, reaching my final rank of lieutenant colonel and Hazard Lead.      I revised the infectious disease protocols during my time in RM, and worked with other battalions to assign, train, and advise medics.  I was assigned the GM during Oxen’s term as their battalion medic; which leads into my time in 21st/GM after RM’s removal.

    Galactic Marines (or 21st)
    I was offered a transfer into the Marines as a Major after RM’s removal, so naturally I joined on with them.  It's been a blur over the past years so I may not be able to recall my whole time, but I will go over some of the positions I have held.

      • Naturally, coming from RM I joined the medical corps within GM.  During my time as regimental leadership, we reworked the tryout to include more tactical maneuvering and combat prowess, allowing the medics to work seamlessly with the frontline marines.
      • Semi concurrent with my time as MEDL, as we combined the two in our REG tree.  Worked with current and past support members to help design  a tryout that best highlights and utilizes their skills.
    • REGL
      • You all know what a REGL does, I really don’t need to iterate on this point.
      • Worked on getting players ARC certified, and keeping a balance between Marine ARC and Shadow Company.  Responsible for Shadow Company recruiting.
    • COL/CMD/XO (x2, oopsies)
      • (1st time) Executive officer was the highest rank I achieved during my time in 21st.  My first stint as XO was during Snadvich’s term as Bacara, responsible for dealing with daily problems that arose.
      • (2nd time) I became a GM commander a second time during Gadget’s term, shortly before the merger with SO. We worked with Kurt to help integrate former SO members into the battalion, streamline training, and co-opt our unique specialties. I stayed XO until shortly after Gadget’s term, ultimately departing the server in summer of 2019.
    • I have been an on/off member of 21st after 2019, mostly due to real life obligations. I did maintain a role as a Discord and Intel Manager up until January 2021, helping with some small bits of automation and general advisement as a Captain and administration.
    • I returned in a small role in November of 2022, and began playing again in late January of this year, starting back as a private and progressing to my current rank of Captain, and ARC Lead of 21st and heading up Shadow Company as Shadow 1-1.
    • Towards the end of Gadget’s final term I was promoted to Commander, retaining my ARCL and de facto REGL role. I then achieved the RP position of Blackout, and have attempted to serve in a more open role, as my wild schedule permits.

    I am willing to discuss more about my time in 21st.

    Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:
    While my reputation may be rocky in some spots, I believe I have proven myself in the past to be an honest and truthful person.  I have multiple years of involvement with Synergy and the 21st, and I believe I can take from what I have learned from this time, and apply it as a Battalion Commander.

    There may be much to live up to as Bacara, and I have never really been too fond of going for the position until now.  I have been with this battalion during its deepest lows, and its highest highs, and I believe it is time that I take a go, and see what I can achieve in this position.

    I believe I can provide motivation to our members, and willing to have an open door with every member of the 21st (and Synergy as a whole). I will attempt to fulfill every promise I make and attempt to fix issues that my members have.

    Ideally, anytime after 3PM to 10PM EST M-F, variable weekends as I like to spend that time with the people I love. I regularly work overtime and just got engaged.

    Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:
    On/Off about five years
    2600 Hours


    Do you have a microphone?:

    Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?:

    • I don’t have a concrete plan as of right now, but mainly, I would like to fix the motivation and image problem with the 21st.  
    • Strike an actual stable balance with the NCO and officer core (please give us back ranks, it would be so much easier), by distributing small leadership roles in the battalion to the NCOs (regimental leadership, mentor positions etc).
    • Push officers to actually do work, host training, have discussions with NCOs and enlisted members of the battalion while striving to be an example to those who might soon be in their positions.
    • Put pressure on regimental leads to seek out new members.
    • Utilize specialties;
    • KU/GM - heavy, elite infantry, utilizing AV-7s, TX-130s, and AT-TEs to pound the enemy into submission ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    • SO/Shadow - Stealth insertions into secure enemy sites, forward scouts, espionage, CERTIFIED BOARD KILLERS.
    • I would honestly; just like consistent players.  We don’t even have to be on the server doing tasks, just in teamspeak, shooting the shit, discussing, or chilling out on other games. Consistency in numbers is what I would like to achieve at the end of my term as Bacara.

    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

    Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:

    Any questions, comments, concerns? DM me on Discord,


    • Pay Respect 1
  5. Name: Thermite/Blackout

    RP Rank: CMD

    Suggestion: Give the Blackout and Jet models a Phase Two helmet to make it streamlined with the rest of Special Operations.  Like why do I have this mid looking helmet, when I can have a minty looking Phase Two instead.


    Implementation: Just change the model, the old Blackout job had a Phase Two helmet, give Jet the standard SO helmet but with gray accents to match with the current style.  And give it the standard customization set (visor, mono, headphones, etc).


    Workshop content if applicable: requires a bit of dev work.
    (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")

    • Winner 1
    • Bruh 1
  6. 1 minute ago, Dreuentos said:

    So what I'm gathering from this is people cannot express the issues with they experience they personally had without childish behavior and mass downvoting. Lol.

    bad take, get gone retard

    • Agree 1
    • Disagree 1
    • Funny 1
    • Winner 1
    • Informative 1
    • Dumb 1
  7. Shit man, this has been an interesting three years.  Never would have thought I'd sink so much time into something.

    I've only ever been in two battalions, RM and the 21st, both will always hold a special place in my heart and mind, and its disappointing that both of these things ended so badly.  Can't say I have loved my three years on Synergy, honestly hated most of it, but it had its fun times, and I cherished it, and I appreciate it. 

    Synergy has helped me make great friends, and I thank it for that.

    @Keo Thanks for the fun times in RM bud
    @BigZach You too bud, thanks for the fun times

    @NESH Is this Nesh? I don't fuckin know, but thanks for bringing me into RM bud.

    @Taur Hehe, stinky.

    @royer RM gang quiet man, lets play some games some time.

    @Thastian RM gang

    @Matra Thanks for bringing me into the 21st, best decision I ever made.  You're a great person

    @Oxen Standup fuckin guy.  Taught me how to be a good Marine.

    @Snadvich Sorry I fucked up, but I thank you for forgiving me.  You're a good kid, we should hang out one day.

    @Butter Dude, I fucking hated you at first, but you're alright honestly.  I'm sorry you were so mistreated man.

    @Mav Pretty fuckin cool, we should hang out one day, y'aint far from me.

    @BigBoss Sorry you got fucked over, I know you had great plans.
    @Gadget GM CPL Gadget, thanks for giving me the opportunity to run 21st alongside you.  Sorry that I let you down buddy, this is all my fault, I slid the 21st into this mess.


    @Gears Sorry for being a pain in the ass.  Hope you can forgive me.



    Sorry for being a pain in the ass.  Hope you can forgive me.

    @Brooklyn Sorry for being a pain in the ass.  Hope you can forgive me.

    @Dennis Sorry for being a pain in the ass.  Hope you can forgive me.

    @Forseen Sorry for being a pain in the ass.  Hope you can forgive me.

                                    I hope you guys can bring 21st back.


    Synergy will always have a place in me, but its just time to move on.  I need to work to my career goals, and cutting Synergy (and Multiplayer RP games out in general) out might be whats best for me.  Maybe I'll play again, but probably not, I've tarnished my image.  And kids, stay in school and realize what the fuck you wanna do early on rather than spending two years in college for something that you quickly lose interest in.


    spacer.pngspacer.pngo7 gents




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