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Everything posted by Darkk

  1. Yes and all I'm saying is its a game, Stop disrespecting people because they got removed
  2. I dont get whats so funny about someone leaving the server, hmm, maybe next time use a quote
  3. Everyone Fucking grow up its a fucking video game we make mistakes we are fucking human so stop fucking Arguing
  4. That RDM was an accident Everyone had to learn how to be a Jedi, I'm sure when you were learning you mowed down people a couple of times Stop giving Darpaka trouble because of a accident
  5. i hope to see you eventually again, you were a good bariss
  6. +1 westar scope is hard to aim with
  7. +1 he is serious, and he is good for the job
  8. _i deleted this_ (i cant have this wrecking my community status)
  9. +1 good man and sure he has no recon experience but that does not mean he knows enough lore to know recon
  10. Sorry Gree Nothing Personal but you have been gree since the start of synergy and some icefuse , i want some change -1
  11. Were Do i Watch Season 1-6, I Have No Netflix
  12. Darkk

    Add Regimentals

    -1 we have battalion Vs Battalion Wich is basically what your saying
  13. Take Freck For Example He Is 13 (last time i remember) and he is already a director
  14. (Yes I know this post rivals my other I will explain it later in the post)(i mean no harm to this community/staff by this post.you have been warned) And from my experience when I was staff there were many older minges than younger ones , (pls no one get mad its just my opinion) I feel like the world is Bias against kids because of kids screaming, yelling, and being immature but that's all they look at they don't look at mature kids and the reason is because People are built off violence and bad attributes have you ever watched the news and thought something was boring but then a murder comes on and you pay attention and think its intresting, well that applies to kids people look at the bad attributes and just that because that's more noticeable , has someone ever held the door for you and walked in without saying thank you , if you say yes than that may be less noticeable people always freak out over bad stuff, for example take when I just joined the server I was immature and now 4 months later a lot of those bad things I had are gone and some are very low but im constantly being told i need to work on it, people get attracted to bad stuff, bad attributes and they don't look at the good. People have been built off the idea that kids are immature and when a mature kid comes along he is looked over and not noticed, people need to take a step back and look at kids in a different way look at the good and bad. and in my experience putting an age limit on staff something crushes a kids self-confidence , lets say a kid really wants to be staff and they apply only to find out they are not old enough it will make that kid question everything (this has happened to me) from what their purpose is, if they matter, and many more your actually doing more harm than good to that kid, and I was kicked from staff, blacklisted because of my attitude/immaturity, when there are so many good sides to me that they noticed but brushed off, like it did not matter. Also when I was kicked from staff so many people started saying "hey Darkk hows staff" people may think that's good for a kid to learn to brush it off and not worry about people being mean to them but in reality when too many people are saying it they make the kid feel sad and useless and When people Say kids are too snappy They Are Not Wrong. but they also don't look at the good attributes (thank you ike for giving me the confidence I need to post this)
  15. Now I'm not going to leave feedback on this because I got removed from staff and I am currently 11 (almost 12) because that would be bias , but I will leave an opinion on the matter, well I do have to agree with this post young staff had good work ethic , I do have to disagree with it as well because like everyone has said younger people have bad tempers there have been times were myself have snapped at a mingy member to the point where I have blatantly yelled at them and yea ill admit it is not proud of it , and I have worked on it and worked on it and I failed, not because I did not try but because you cant teach that out of a kid, kids will have mood swings all the time and sure you can lessen it but you cant take it out of a kid enough to where its a reasonable level and the reason for that is because they are easily offended in my previous experience with games when I was even 9 and still now (altho its lessoned Some) is that they get offended too easaly , there have been times where I play in CSGO and people call me a squeker and more , it has made me want to quit , you cant make a kid not get offended less you can decrease it some but not a lot , now that I have said some bad lets say some good, now I agree with this post that they can be on way mor ethan an adult with a job (thats pretty much all I have to say), remember I am not leaving a +1 or -1 on this for reasons I have already stated
  16. +1 -Experiance -Mature -Nice Guy -He can multi-task Very Well (he has to balance owning a staff team and a server, being Anakin Skywalker, dealing With all the mines , as well as being captain Rex at the same time if he gets this
  17. +1 (yes i know I'm supporting Both but no where does it say I'm not allowed) -Experience -Nice personality
  18. +1 -Experience And a lot -nice person
  19. Massive +1 I remember when you got MEDL if I recall correctly you wrote a 3-page paper you have always been mature and respectable and from a first-person point of view as I used to be in DU You were always a friendly guy and did not let much stuff let you down I have talked to you a lot and every time I talk to you, you have a great attitude you also have so much experience I mean you have been in DU since February of this year almost 4 months that's almost the same time as I've been on the server I've seen you climb through the ranks and honestly you are the best for the position
  20. +1 Meow is a long time freind of mine back when i was in du and in my du times meow was always very mature plus meow has previous experience on this server
  21. +1 I personally know panzer from CG and he was a great XO he was a good CG member and a great friend in general i would definetly like to see this man for fox
  22. +1 I knew meow personally in DU and from what i saw meow was very mature and calm nothing really got him down he was a great commander for du and he has a previous experience he will be a great Foxtrot commander
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