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Everything posted by Darkk

  1. +1........ One of the greatest people i know
  2. The forums are a dangerous place my friend
  3. Hey yall leave holo alone... he is trying to apologize and right now you all are the ones starting the drama holo has started no drama in this post what so ever. You're making this apology look like a drama post when it's not so yall can shut the fuck up about him starting drama on the post because in reality, you all are. @Holo you're not starting any drama don't worry bud
  4. I mean why does bunks placement even matter anyways like no one is gonna know about you unless you host tryouts in the first place (i know yall are gonna put a "dumb" reaction to it just do it honestly but seriously no one can know about you if you don't make yourself known)
  5. Are you kidding me.... NO ANIME PORN REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (that was a overreaction)
  6. I like how it been over a year and I still don't have a profile image on the forums XD (I mean you could always leave suggestions for ones *Nudge nudge* )
  7. +1 ............. I guess it could work (i mean typically its not bunks placement that says how many numbers a battalion has but *shrug* what do i know)
  8. Exactly I mean look at me I've had terrible shit happen in the past but I always come back and make myself better
  9. I don't know why you all are -1ing him because from what I've seen (keep in mind im ACTUALLY in the 104th) he is a great person and seems fit for BCMD +1
  10. Darkk


    I know... its just these sort of topics i don't take interest in (i never said i didn't care to break rules i just said i don't really care if someone is staff on 2 servers)
  11. Darkk


    *shrug* Ima say neutral as I don't wanna start drama I also really don't care if someone is staff on another server besides synergy
  12. +1 ... is there even a explanation needed as to why
  13. Darkk

    Void pepe

    Neutral - Due to recent events I've heard about I am voting neutral
  14. 10 - Scribbles always makes good events but he tops the last every time
  15. 9-10. Very interactive and fun
  16. 8-9 It was a really good event but some lag made it hard for a few people to play (i did not count off for lag)
  17. Im sure you can think of something fun Bvb -Nudge nudge-
  18. +1, you have good reveiws so far, | I dont see why not
  19. Darkk

    Lazy Staff APP

    +1, May not have used the correct format but everyone deserves at least a chance to become staff (for eithor the first, second, third time, ECT) im sure if yall dig deep enough you can find a reason to +1 the app
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