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Everything posted by Darkk

  1. +1, Seems like a good fit for staff, good reviews so far
  2. +1, you got some good reviews and seem like a good fit for staff
  3. Darkk

    Zodiac's Re-App

    +1 known him for a long time, I think he should be staff
  4. Dont see why not +1
  5. +1 -Funny -Friendly -Puts effort into the community/server/battalion No -1 reasons Overall - +1
  6. +1 -Friendly -Caring -Fun to be around in-game/TS -Old member, knows the ropes of synergy -Has past experience -The list could go on forever I aint got any -1 reasons Overall - +1
  7. +1 - Ive seen him on the server/TS and he is a fun guy to hang around with - Good playtime on the server - Overall friendly -1 - App format/structure a bit confusing (This is more of a me complaint than anything so take it with a grain of salt) Overall - +1 (good luck buddy)
  8. +1 -Former experience -I dont see why not -1 -Never really met/talked to ingame Overall - +1
  9. Darkk

    Heros Staff Re-App

    +1 I don't see why not, also he was former staff which means he knows a bit of what to do in scenarios
  10. +1 overall fun guy to be around
  11. RP Name: Darkk Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:115216021 VIP (Y/N): Yes Age: 12 Timezone: EST Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I would like to be a staff member because I used to be staff back in the day and it was a really fun experience. Also, im one of the people that like to enforce the rules but also have fun at the same time, I have met many people that believe im either 13 or 14 but when I tell them I'm 12 they become speechless for a second then say “But you don't act like a 12-year-old”. I have been playing on this server for nearly a year now (Feb 4th 2019 will be a year on the server) and over the time I have spent I have learned some great lessons and made many friends. Even tho in the past I may have done some wrongs and still do I have started improving and learning from those mistakes. If you knew me back 11 months ago you know I was typically the guy that needed help with many things or would mess up a lot but I have changed from then I even joke about back then calling it Darkk v1, but I have changed and don't make mistakes nearly as often. This community is more than a game to me it is like a second family to me and I hope to make the community a better place by getting staff. I have also asked many people what they think about me and if they think I should run for staff and the majority have said they think I would be a good staff member. I used to be staff back a long time ago as many of you know and I had a blast it was the best experience I had. I hope to continue making this server a fun and enjoyable place. Since I used to be staff I know my way around the staff team more than others typically would. If I get the position of new admin I will work every single day on my 200% best. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am an overall fun guy to be around and usually try to make a situation more fun and enjoyable. I did not know much about star wars at the time when I joined but now I am obsessed with star wars and just like the franchise overall. If I could describe myself in 3 words I believe it would be, Fun, Enjoyable, and Helpful. I also am a patient person usually. Do you have any previous staff experience? Yes, I was a former SA and on this server as well as in the past before finding this server I have been staff on numerous occasions. How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in-game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make a staff ticket in the game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close) I currently have over 1785 hours on the server and over 3680 hours on gmod, I'm sure the hours on the server will continue to grow however as I don't plan on leaving any time soon. Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: (If so specify which one) Not currently, no. (Thank you for reading this very long application)
  12. +1, he has a great personality and is a fun guy to chat with or play with in general
  13. +1 weevil is cool and an overall fun guy to play with
  14. Does this mean im the new meme of the server (JK 07 )
  15. +1 he is honestly one of the best GM I know, and overall he deserves this position
  16. +1 -it was cool (second reply)
  17. +1 -From what I have seen you are good enough -Former BCMD recommended
  18. After recently watching part of the footage on Snadviches resignation I am going to -1 your application, (I'm sorry please don't bean me out of the battalion for this[its a joke geez I'm not actually going to spread false rumors about him{the joke was the thing in Parenthasies}])Here are some of my points 1. He is the BCMD he has limits but he also has control over the battalion including you (this means he can break PTS, and he does not have to run training if he does not want to because its other officer's responsibility to run them as well including yourself) 2.i personally after reading some reviews don't think your ready, people have said your immature and just came back from a 3-month break 3.you stated in the video that he does not do training. He actually was the one that did my GMACT-II training (Twice actually because he needed help for the second 1) he also has hosted other stuff in his time in GM 4. Finally, I just don't think you're ready, I mean I saw you as a CSM 1 week then the next you were an LTC. I feel you were pushed up way to fast and have not had enough responsibility/Experience as an officer in GM
  19. Trust me i know from experience like doc is saying, telling someone how terrible they are is not going to change them, or it will change their viewpoint on you
  20. (This Post Has Been Deleted By The Maker) Reason: I have made a second post writing a review to the app some lines down
  21. +1 your a good trooper (first reply )
  22. +1 1st of all naval had 10 members on at a time before the wipe at prime time, then he did a wipe and fucked the good numbers up like my boi what was he doing, B. he is afk all the time yet he refuses to promote an active working member because of his fucking voice, and he gives an excuse to top it off C. he wiped naval and did not even tell anyone if they were wiped (he did not tell me at least) I got no message at all so when I tried to go on my naval that day I could not D. he refuses to train a member because he does not trust them when they are QMO like what the heck (side note) I think the naval wipe was for no reason but to just keep skeeties friends in so he could promote them really high E. like freck said, a commodore was arrested 10 times and he kept his rank, this is obviously favoratism (another side note) I know you may not agree with me but this is my opinions please don't yell at me in game, if you have an issue with me please come to me personally and we will work it out F. to add a cherry on top, having an honorary commodore that could use there time more wisely than running a debrief is just a disgrace and it makes naval look bad, an honorary commodore that has more important stuff to do should not be running a DB
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