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Everything posted by Oxen

  1. +1 Promises to be interesting. They never go the way you expect/want them too!
  2. +1 No doubt a hard worker and fine trooper.
  3. +1 My Man! Nothing but greatness expected Z.
  4. -1 Where is my GM. Favoritism....!! Otherwise +1 for everything else
  5. +1. While others have valid reasons to not give their +1, I see potential and the most important aspect of respect and backing from the 327th players as well.
  6. +1 Good stuff, well put together and a good use of the event server.
  7. Squeaks you know I hold you in high esteem and enjoy our limited banter and your unhealthy brownies that I end up throwing back at you after I take a small bite. Your experience as a player, respect, professionalism are NOT QUESTIONED, your leadership and Mentorship are QUESTIONED. If you are going to be the next ADM and revive or strengthen Naval on the ship which is vital to maximize our experience as players, those qualities need to be forged and molded into your own unique style. A leader who is not mentoring is more of a hindrance than a blessing and most young people today do no understand the implications of their decisions on others around them. If anyone including you can speak more on your leadership and mentoring ability thus far. Right now I have to give -1.
  8. My 23 y/o has the same condition and while there are very common symptoms it also has levels of difficulty with other aspects. That being said there is a level of professionalism and responsibility required if and when you are in an ADMIN, TR or other leadership/manager roles. If you need assistance, feel frustrated or just lost, angry, confused, talk to someone before you lose your *$%#t in game and do something stupid.
  9. +1 I like the current Keller we have and this one is pretty good too. What I would love to see is our Named JEDI MASTER for KU Kai Houdurra.
  10. +1: Go for what you feel will give you satisfaction and enjoyment. If that means starting over as a PVT in 327 or **cough** somewhere else **cough** so be it. See you on the battlefield brother! - Oxen
  12. +1 Good to have played the game with you and I hope you return when your mom makes a full recovery, of which I have no doubt.
  13. Hope to see you in the future after your life settles back down and allows you the time to have some fun. I also hope your wife gets better. Good luck to you. Much respect!
  14. +1 Great leadership potential here and a clear idea of how to improve relations.
  15. I have to obtain here because I do believe everyone should have another chance and we all screw up sometimes, I honestly have had limited if that of play time with you in game. Good luck either way.
  16. +1. Both applicants have my confidence and support. Good luck to both of you and I look forward to ignoring you during events. (JK)
  17. +1. Both applicants have my confidence and support. Good luck to both of you and I look forward to ignoring you during events. (JK)
  18. While I have had some exposure to Ryx aka Wraith, it has always been professional and respectful. My troopers within GM have not expressed any distrust or negative reports about Wraith. From my stance, not being under him or within the same battalion as him, I am giving a +1 with the hopes he continues to grow as a leader and mentor. - GM BLTN CMDR Bacara / Oxen
  19. +1 Max is doing a great job and as it stands I can think of not one person ready to take that mantle. Well I can think of a handful of people, but one specifically is not ready to move on from his battalion. So, yeah huge +1. HUGE +1 - GM BLTN CMDR Bacara / Oxen
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