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Everything posted by Striker

  1. -1, lol has the big gei +1 U THOUGHT BOI, MAKE THE ARC BOYOS PROUD -212th GCO ARCL CMD Reed/Striker
  2. I mean, we all love Dill and all but unbanning someone who was banned fairly according to server rules is a bit much. +1 (Still love Dill but no favoritisms allowed in me Christian server)
  3. +1 Amazing. Just a few pointers though, make sure the droids you are spawning in are hostile (lol), try to make it a bit more difficult next time (more droids would work, maybe a bit more health would work as well), and last but not least try to make the RP a bit easier and less confusing. We got really confused at certain points and it was made a bit too quick but regardless it was pretty fun and really good for your first event. Keep it up!
  4. Striker

    New 212th jobs

    Alright, you heard it from the GCL, if the support trooper gets denied just make it GC medic and take off the repair tool. Keep everything else.
  5. -1. From what I can see it looks like 41st had a lot of drama with RANCOR recently and the RANCOR XO applying for their BCMD despite this being in recent memory is kind of a big no no
  6. +1, change is needed in my opinion. Go for it my guy. May the best candidate win!
  7. -1. Egg, you have run 41st well in the long ass time that you have been Gree. And I respect that a lot. I also respect the fact that your troopers will follow you to the bitter end. But in my opinion, a change in leadership is needed. Like everyone else in this application has stated already, the drama and minging has just gotten a bit too far. To the point where a lot of people just never associate with the 41st because of it. I personally have a few friends in the 41st or people that I just talk to sometimes that are actually pretty chill and cool people, but that sometimes gets ruined by other 41st causing drama and issues. I know these are all individual choices that these people make but you should be capable of taking care of it and handling it. But again, I feel like something new and different would just be healthy and make the 41st better. But this is all my opinion. Good luck either way!
  8. Striker

    New 212th jobs

    umm, -1? 212th ARCL Reed
  9. Striker

    New 212th jobs

    I mean we don't need it, but it would be nice to have I guess. 2nd Airborne are paratroopers, they aren't the ones doing the actual flying. And when it comes to "having the most content on the server" we are simply requesting that we get back up to what we use to have. We have been missing a job for a while now and we would love to replace one. So if anything we are simply trying to get something that we lost rather than asking for more.
  10. Eh, kinda neutral on this. While I agree that rockets are not overpowered and this can be made so that this is reasonable and not OP so to speak there is also the other side which is that it has been denied before for a group of smaller people so I doubt it will be allowed for all and rocket spam really isn't that fun. But I say that if you are actually able to modify it so that it is not INSANE and make it so that it can't be spammed then a reluctant +1 from me.
  11. Oof, I am going to have to agree with everyone else in this -1
  12. Um, -1? This is pretty obvious. This can all VERY easily turn into a massive RDM fest. I'll elaborate, if a CT begins to shoot you and you decide to shoot back that will 1: Kill the CT most likely and end up having him respawn when if CG is right there they could have just arrest him. 2: It can give people the justification they need in order to make their RDMing "legal", what I mean by that is they can claim that a person had shot them or any other hostile action and therefore since CG can't check if they actually got shot first or whatnot (If what Jacien said is true, if not them either way they will need to wait for an admin to come and check which would just take a long time and be unnecessary). 3: If you or the other person misses and there is a lot of people (AKA DB shooting) that may very easily turn into an absolute cluster fuck where everyone is shooting and killing each other, and if this rule was a thing then even if you hit someone on accident they may just end up shooting you back and just continue on since there are a load of people in that area. 4: It could cause the problem to continue happening, what I mean by that is if you shoot back that person might find it amusing and keep going since they keep getting reactions out of people and keep coming back and doing it again. And sure, they could get banned but combine every thing that I had just said into this one point and they would be able to avoid getting banned very easily and cause massive mayhem all the while claiming that they were just defending themself.
  13. Wow, this man is a big bean. -1 LOL YOU THOUGHT BOI, +1! UPGRADE TO KONINGSTIGER ALREADY
  14. Striker

    New 212th jobs

    It's a support trooper. It's job is to support other troopers. How the hell is it meant to be a support trooper when it can't or help them in any other way beside heal them. It is a medic class.
  15. Striker

    New 212th jobs

    Actually in the 212th the ENG gets the shotgun. Reason for all of this: ARF is because it would make sense if GC (Which is recon focused in the 212th) had a regular recon trooper be the support trooper while you had ARC and regular troopers be more combat focused, shotgun is because in the 212th engineers would have the shotgun and it makes it a bit more viable for combat (But in my opinion we could always just remove it, I personally think it's a bit much but other GC want it so I just included it), medkit because like I stated before we need someone to heal our boys back up when we get deployed and our battalion is not there, and repair tool because when we use vehicles we need someone to repair those vehicles (This one again really is not that big of a deal since we never get to use vehicles nowadays. And yes we can use vehicles it's not just mechanized that get to use them). Once again, if you read the purpose for us having this trooper it is so that we may be more flexible out in the field. As of right now Ghost Company has nothing support based. The only thing we have is troopers that are geared for combat. And not only does this not make sense from a lore perspective but also from a combat perspective as well. Company sized units would have their own medics and their own support units, as you can see very briefly in the show you can see medics either dragging away a dead body or doing something else. As for people with repair tools if you remember in the 2nd battle of Geonosis (Which btw, is where that ARF skin comes from) you see the 212th with the ATTEs. And if they had vehicles they would obviously have men that are skilled in repairing such vehicles. And so, since we are limited we take it and put the both together. As for on the battlefield again, we have no medics or anyone that can repair vehicles if we deployed as a Company . So this would in turn make it much more convenient.
  16. I am actually tearing up a bit rn, you were one of the best high command. Sad to see you go, o7
  17. Striker

    New 212th jobs

    Again, I don't know my dude. I might be wrong then and the max is 19. But either way we are trading out jobs. If you guys want something specific then I suggest just doing the same thing, sacrifice 1 thing to get another
  18. Striker

    New 212th jobs

    Yeah, max jobs is 20 I believe
  19. Striker

    New 212th jobs

    Lol did you even read the suggestion? We removed one of our jobs a while ago and we are removing another one in favor for a different one. And 501st not being able to have a pilot job is not really our problem, 212th had pilots like oddball and if you take a look at star wars episode 3 (Revenge of the sith) you can see Oddball (Yes, that is oddball is the beginning http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/CC-2237 you see him flying with other pilots). Read the suggestion next time please and thank you.
  20. Striker

    New 212th jobs

    GC support trooper is supposed to be exactly that. A trooper that supports the rest of the troopers. When and if Ghost Company get deployed or we go out to do our missions we never have any medics since it is ghost company that get deployed, not 212th. And if he gets a Bacta kit so what? It's not really a bit much considering the fact that if you are right then we are just requesting something useless. And seeing as you are neither part of 212th or Ghost Company then it really is none of your concern. However, if you thought that it was a bit much in terms of "over powered" then again I am going to have to disagree with that one too. It's basically medic that is being added to ghost company that just gets the cool ARF armor and a repair tool. Repair tool is never really used, but taking it away would just make him a regular medical trooper.
  21. Striker

    New 212th jobs

    Name: GCO ARCL Commander Reed/Striker Suggestion: Add the pilot job to the 212th and remove the GC Commander Job and change it for a support trooper Implementation: We still have room for 1 job since we removed our Combat trooper some time ago. And we want to remove the GCC job because we have no use for it and we prefer to have a new job to make us more flexible. Just add one job and remove the other. Lore: 212th had Pilots such as oddball. (No lore for GC support trooper) Workshop content if applicable: Already in the server (Gideon and Kyle can make new models for it once it is our turn) (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development") If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following Add or Change: Add Job: 212th Pilot, Ghost Company Support Trooper Model: 212th Pilot, 212_arf2 Weapons: Pilot job= DC-15A, DC-15S, DC-17, Repair tool, Ghost Company Support Trooper = DC-15A Scoped, DC-15s, Republic Shotgun, Bacta kit, Repair tool, Other:
  22. +1, really fun passive RP that had some nice twists and turns. Would like to see more of these in the future!
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