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Everything posted by Deadly

  1. +1 Even though some people tried to ruin it, I still had fun.
  2. +1 Quick and easy, but fun.
  3. -1 to this. The server gets paid the money anyways, so it's not like they are losing money due to this. Some people who are less fortunate, especially if they are younger with poor parents, can't afford to spend money on a server item within a game. As long as they aren't actually spamming /ooc, this is where that sort of message is supposed to go... It doesn't take any funds away from the server? If anything, it creates an actual monetary value for ingame currency. If someone else buys me VIP, then they server still made the $25, it's not like they lost that money because I didn't pay it myself. As for the /ooc spam, if they are actively spamming the chat, it should become a staff matter at that point.
  4. +1 Oxen is more than deserving of this role. I hope everything works out for you.
  5. +1 this man deserves it from all the work he has put in especially as a game helper.
  6. Deadly


    +1 Kashyyyk = Best map y, because. y, Because it is. y, BECAUSE THE DROID ATTACK ON THE WOOKIES.
  7. I swear you've said this to argue against everything you disagree with, even if it does not make any sense at all.
  8. Honestly, I have to -1 this, although @Tojo did make some fair points supporting it. The main reason I'm a -1, is because I don't think it's really going to change much, other than making people either not be bailed or have to give up more money.
  9. +1 Lots of fun to help with and take part in. Good, simple idea that worked really well, and mostly RP-based. Well done.
  10. Name: Deadly & Andrews Who helped (If applicable): Andrews, Darkk, and Crys Event Name: Savage Opress Prisoner Transfer and Maul's Attack Summary of the story: A Republic Ship requests that the Resolute travel to a location in open space to pick up a prisoner, Savage Opress, to take him to Coruscant, but Darth Maul senses the presence of his ally, Savage Opress on the ship, so he attacks the ship along with Deathwatch in an attempt to free Savage. What was the result of the event?: Maul and the deathwatch were unsuccessful in freeing Savage, and the Deathwatch ships were destroyed. Savage Opress was successfully transported to Coruscant as prisoner. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both
  11. +1 I've seen you on quite a bit and also I can relate to what you said about the PS4.
  12. +1 I've seen your doing good stuff when I do see you, and my eastern friends seem to support you, so you have my support as well. Good luck!
  13. Chambers, you've given your heart to this battalion ever since you joined. You climbed through the ranks almost as fast as me ;). That being said I could write an essay detailing everything you've done since you've been in Dooms Unit. You're a great XO and I have 100% faith that you are the correct person for this position. Good luck. Make me proud, son. +1 - Deadly (DU <3 Forever)
  14. I just wanna watch some musicals again and maybe some new ones. Anyone wanna watch them together hmu I'm thinking like Saturday night around 8-11pm EST or Sunday 3-6pm EST - we could use one of those watch with friends websites or whatever they are called First musical is gonna be Hamilton, so we'll just listen to a soundtrack playlist since there's no film. If you have suggestions post here. If you are interested you can post here or pm me
  15. +1 to everything scribbles and Carter said here
  16. I'm truly sorry for your loss, Meow. If you ever need to talk to someone, I'm here for you, as you know. Best of luck to you, you know how to get in touch with me.
  17. +1 lots of fun being a part of the event, short shoot em up. Also add me to the helpers list
  18. +1 Lots of work was put into it
  19. Deadly

    Buzz's Gregor App

    +1 The only thing I can really say negative about you at all is that lately you've been lacking on activity, though I still feel you can fit the part of Gregor. Good luck in interviews!
  20. +1 very confusing but that wasn't a bad thing. The players actually had to make connections, for me, I first met the jawa and gave them a cookie they said "you poison me, I want fresh" and so I went to the store a saw with a label "fresh food" and bought a dozen cookies for 10credits then after verifying the safety of the cookies offered them to the jawa, who then provided me with information that the security guards were corrupt and we ended up detaining him. Great event, lots of fun, my only issue is that people were saying I didn't and needed to go back to main when I had 0 deaths also I was somehow failrping/metagaming when I detained the corrupt guard who the jawa informed us about?
  21. +1 I think you are the most qualified for the position, I don't think I need to write an explanation why...
  22. +1 I trust that you can run the squad effectively. We may not always see eye to eye, but I have full confidence in your abilities.
  23. The text screen would make PTS always active in the room so people wouldn't mic spam and such directly before a db or directly after it finishes as it is cancer. If they break it, CG or someone else with a baton could enforce it. Also, no it's not the same as what you're suggesting, I'm not advocating stripping everyone's weapons to stop DB shootings...or muting everyones voice in-game to stop breaking pts.
  24. /W to them or /pm? This doesn't actually address what I'm suggesting...as this would be dealt with exactly the same as now.
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