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Everything posted by Crimson

  1. Thanks for responding to me. I currently don't have any other issues besides the activity. So +1
  2. Grief. Honestly I really dont have a major issue running for Mech Reg. However your activity have been questionable lately and I was wondering on that. Plus AIT will limit your activity again. I am currently seeing someone who is looking to fill in the void but not one that will be there physically. Again I could be wrong and you could be improving your activity or you are currently caught up in something. So my questions that will determine my +1 or -1 is first, Are you currently improving your activity? Second are you going to available for contact and or in game as Regimental if you got the position?
  3. o7, Honestly you were the most to change in High Command for the Better. sad to see you go. Honestly enjoyed working with you.
  4. 4/4 I can tell the detail on this event. Was really fun.
  5. Well I guess I should say something. Many people know I am not the biggest fan of Naval. To be honest the reason is a mixture of Communication and attitude towards others. The impression I get from most Naval I have interacted with has been either poor or disappointing. So lets get this started. Starting with Communication. This is not specifically directed towards Naval, This plagues most of the server. But getting back on track, The Changes to the rules and updates to trainings are not brought up much to others till its done. After that there is no effort that I have seen to spread it. Again I could be purely on my side of things but that is one of the issues. You could make the effort with your PR guys to join other discords to help them get those changes out. Second Make a Public Rules Doc for everyone to see. If this is made and shown to everyone there is no warning or no excuses for them not to see it. Second would be Attitude. Most of the PO3s and lower I have talked to either have a stick up their ass or do not understand their role. Some of your officers suffer from this but that is rare. More or less I think you should try to get someone to teach them how they should act and or what their role is. Im sure this is covered in training but someone should watch them. Again I could just be my luck to see the bad eggs. Feel free to message me about any of these but that is the issues I have noticed as of current and when I was in high command.
  6. 4/4 Some of the most fun I have had in a while
  7. Crimson

    Force Fields

    +1 if there are no performance issues
  8. +1 if the Founders are ok with it. I think its a good idea but idk about running three servers on one box.
  9. +1, I love the thrive to support a once undesired position. Bro made the right steps to apply, He got waived and he talked to all of the parties involved. I see no issue of someone from the outside of the Regiment who can give another point of view. Good luck to all of you.
  10. +1, I am pleased people want this position.
  11. 4/4, A really unique event. Really hope there is more.
  12. Battalion: Specialized Regimental RP Name: Crimson Date: 2/21/2020 Reason: To be honest, most of you guys might have seen this coming. I have been inactive on the job lately and currently do not have the drive to play on my clone anymore. I have accomplished everything I set my goal towards. I have made friendly relations between my Regiment and made sure they talked out their problems. I haven't burnt myself from the server so I will still be around but I more or less have Mained Clone for about three years. I just want something different. I hope everyone under me enjoyed me as a Regimental and I hope I did not do a piss poor job. But the time has come...... Goodbyes: My goodbyes are going to be short. It goes to the guys in Specialized and to the other Members of High Command. I hope the next specialized regimental commander does well. also @Dennis I did it. Your turn. @Cloud
  13. Either run the game at 64 bit and I reference Forseen's Guide to do that and or manually download the TFA system we use.
  14. Yea but it takes away from seeing a mass of clones fighting in Courtyard or the MHB on the Venator.
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