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Everything posted by Crimson

  1. 8/10 Outside has action but spawn could have been less on top but not your fault. Still Good Event.
  2. -1, He said he would remove US members. jk. idk +1.
  4. Neutral, Personally for me I don't think we need a SPEC REG Right now. The only reason I say that is from what I read is that most of the issues or things you wish to solve are already in place, Its a passive fix, or something that most of the server already does. That's just me personally. I think you would be good for the role. But this just isn't convincing me. Nothing against you. Good luck.
  5. +1, We need an Admiral, We really don't have another Officer in Base Ops capable of the position and hate to say it but if we don't get a good admiral that doesn't get backstabbed everyday, Base Ops is going to need a wiping or overhaul. We have had the past 4 Yularens removed. That is saying something. Of once, just let a Yularen do what he sees Base Ops as and to try to fix it. Voice your opinion rather then plot behind them. Overall Sarin, you don't need a strong App to mean shit. You should know that you are fit for the position and I already talked to you about this. be more confident.
  6. Crimson

    Void Please.

    As one of the worst or useless Spec Regs I can personally tell you that doing joint trainings is a sub par Idea. The only reason I say that is if that is your only reason to run for High Command is not a strong one. You can just talk to the other Commanders and have it dated. Specialized is a Regiment of a bunch of Battalions that don't fit in with the other regiments or have a uniqueness to them. Enforcing Trainings is going to be dragged out because you can only do so few. What you have listed are the ones I talked to Turbine, Shakes and Cornwell about and it was something we have done many times. Trust me, being in a High Command position in a Battalion is nothing like being in High Command of a Regiment. You will be burned out. There is nothing more. Specialized is in a place that doesn't need one at the time. We might need one later on, but not now. You will find this out in your first 3 weeks. Now I'm not trying to tell you not to run. I'm just giving the experience I had and possible Sinister had as Spec Reg. I do not know you personally but for now its a -1 till you can prove otherwise. That's just my opinion.
  7. He is your Boss, He can just let it go over his head. That's is ability as Yularen. If this isn't Evidence I apologize but this is getting dragged on over an argument that was solved already. The Doc is the same as last time. It failed. This is beef that needs to be solved. Don't make this personal. This is a Star Wars Roleplay Server. This is to much drama and backtalking for one. Its not a high school.
  8. Good You got the Part on, Now make them active
  9. Try Running for Senator, There is nothing to do or anything that you can do with your imagination. Or Shock, All we do is walk around and watch a fucking gate. That is all we have ever done. If you want to say that you don't have any opportunity to do anything then use your mind. If you want to not get on BaseOps then don't, All I wanted to say was show that if you want him removed, Get someone to replace him or you wont have a Yularen for a bit. If you want to complain on doing nothing, Join Shock or Be a senator and doing nothing or staring at a wall is the job. You can make your job. That's the RP element.
  10. Noted, Why I said earlier that the system is Retarded. Still you should be able to reach most of them on Discord.
  11. So here is my honest opinion, This has been done before and It failed with all the +1s. This once again shows evidence that is only people saying shit from one side. I'm not saying that their Opinion is not valid, I would just like to see more proof that is solid. Again, I do believe that Yularen should be more active and that that Promo system is kinda lame. But that doesn't excuse officers from being active on the Discord to give there votes. Not to mention if you remove Boutineer that you would have no Yularen next to run since all the other Officers and not for the position. I still will say that ALL OF YOU BASEOPS CAN DO TRYOUTS. That's all I'm going to say. It doesn't that a mindless retard to do them. There are many of y'all that are on the server and not on your Base Ops. If you are going to push for someone to be removed for Inactivity and you are reluctant to get on Base Ops, then what's the point. Show me in the next few days that you are willing to say that Boutineer is not current the good choice you all voted for and show that you could be active to take the position or get a candidate for it. For all the activity I see from Base Ops, this will kill them. Again show me evidence other wise but that is my opinion. Its not Just Boutineer, You have good numbers that just don't get on. It doesn't take Boutineer to make you suddenly active. -1 till shown otherwise. You don't need the BCMD to keep activity up.
  12. Wait is this the same thing that was posted last time? Just asking.
  13. Welp. Time to go without a Fox for a bit.
  14. Ima be real with you. I have read through this briefly comments wise and with decent knowledge of bothsides. You cant throw all the blame on one guy who is currently changing most of what y'all work on to the new map. You guys can also host tryouts. for Ike I see him on his base ops either AFK or on his Jedi. That's not saying he isn't doing his job, I am just stating what I see from my activity. For Stern, he has been doing good work. IM just saying y'all can run without Yularen on 24/7, Shock/CG ran without a certain BCMD for 2 months just fine. As long as you have competent officers and willingness then you can keep the activity up and blame all your problems on one person. We have burned through many Yularens and I don't think killing another one is a grand idea. Lack of leadership especially at the core is whats going to kill Base Ops. I understand he acts with emotion but for a second understand the load he is taking. To be honest I don't see any other Base Ops Officer helping. That's just my Opinion. Prove me wrong but for now - 1. If you want to change my mind pm on Discord or TS but this is kinda rash and pointless.
  15. +1 Already talked to me and I addressed my concerns.
  16. +1, Already talked to me about this when I was Spec Reg, Its understandable but it is really up to Directors and Sinister
  17. +1, You can do better than me and have seen what you can do in naval. Just don't burn yourself out.
  18. Role: Specialized Regimental RP Name: Crimson Date: 10-31-2018 Reason: Near the end of my term and have done everything I could for Specialized. Honestly just want to relax and go back to my home battalion. also, SPOOPY TIME. Goodbyes: I'm not one for favoritism so I just want to say everyone I interacted with as Spec Reg, you were awesome and made the my term better. I really didn't have any negative experiences that I could name off the top of my head. Its been a fun 2 months. Really it has. To the Doom's Unit, 104th Battalion, and Coruscant Guard, Y'all will always be my favorites and I will happily support you and your choices. Also purging Xenos is not a warcrime.
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