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About Whisper

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  1. How will this affect Lebrons legacy?
  2. Here! I remember being groomed by some creepy old guys like @BlackMamba and @Jagger
  3. lol rip bozo, welcome to the other side.
  4. Been good knowing you man, congrats on your resignation, you can be expecting my visit very soon.....
  5. Why are you doing this to yourself again my old friend +1
  6. -1, fun detected = opinion rejected moment What am I supposed to do during boring ass meetings if I can't bhop???? It's time for us bhop enjoyers to rise up!
  7. +1 He might be stupid and schizophrenic, but he is our BCMD
  8. 9/10, great RP event and nice story.
  9. o7 RIP Bozo Gonna miss you bro Until next time
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