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Everything posted by Eclipse

  1. After reading other suggestions, I change to a -1 I understand BO want to do other things with their free time, but come on. It isn't all that hard to press a button. You don't need to wait around forever. You can go do other things, then when someone requests PTE, just go up and open the gate. This is coming from someone who gets it. It gets boring waiting up there, yes, but you can always occupy yourself with other things while you wait. Or you can, I don't know, communicate with the people outside, or roleplay with others in the same room, or do something OOC like listen to music. There is lots to do while you wait, and pressing a button and hitting a bind requires minimal effort. Base Ops are not a slave battalion. Base ops are meant to run the base. This means they are meant to run around and do menial tasks to keep the base operational. This includes them doing some pretty boring stuff, but in real life it would get boring. During events they don't go out and fight, they make sure the base is safe. They make sure the planet outside the base is safe. TL;DR Its not that hard to hit a button. It doesn't take that long. It doesn't take that much effort.
  2. @SmallJeffThis is offtopic for this thread but @Quill Khanis my dad which means you are my Uncle? Uncy Smalljeff?
  3. +1 But what will happen with the A'den posistion in null?
  4. He meant green Omega. Which is Atin's light ops model. Atin= Josh
  5. +1 if you were already in jail and you left as when you get back on the sentence continues -1 if you got off before you were arrested to go do something else. Sorry spongeboy me bob but you gotta wait it out if so.
  6. lol i got no idea what this thread even is anymore -1 ban appeal Saying these things in a sit is a big no no. I don't know why you thought you could just tell administration of the server to "suck a fucking dick". How is it, that someone who is apparently a military boot member (correct me if im wrong I got no idea) is disrespectful and does not go about this in a reasonable manner? Im a actual child and I probably could do this better than you. 1st step: stop being a retard 2nd step: be nicer, calmer, more respectful to the people on your appeal, less cancer. 3rd step: admit your faults. If you did those things than this appeal wouldn't be so bad and so cancer. The appeal would probably even be worth +1ing if you went about it like a normal human. Stop being dumb! Thanks.
  7. +1 Nade is a good boy. He does his job. He does it well. Enough said.
  8. Eclipse

    Rules for Knife

    +1 Imagine this. You're in a hostage situation. A SO with his cloak sneaks his way into the back and uncloaks. He knifes the person who is holding hostage. Wow! RP Scenario over. Hostage rescued. 104th job done for them.
  9. As someone who knows people who have epileptic episodes, this needs to be fixed. People could do it without knowing and have horrible seizures that could kill them if they hit their head/their brain shut down during seizure. Please fix.
  10. Agreed. BCMD harder to get than SOBDE. Should get paid more or at least equally.
  11. +1 Good times. Come back.
  12. -1 HD one swole. Too swole.
  14. Changing to a -1. Although good for OP weapons, certain classes will be severely underpowered or overpowered. ARC troopers get Westars, Clone Miniguns, etc. ARF troopers get snipers and rockets. 501st Tup gets dual DC-17S. That's it. ARF and ARC are usually easier to get than a TC named character position.
  15. Dark Chocolate with Almonds. Oh I wish I had some.
  16. +1 I know omalic would be a very good boy canidate for Attack Regimental but I also know that you would be a good one too. May the better man win!
  17. :( Sad to see you go as Niner. At least you're in 501st now so epic.
  18. +1 i will change to a -1 if baxter gives me v-bucks but >:((((((((((((((( baxter weeaboo
  19. +1 Wish you didn't go as Rex to get Attack Regimental, but it'll be good with you as Attack Reg. Hope you get it.
  20. +1 Epic gamer of the epic gamer legions of the north. (A.K.A he's canadian)
  21. Did you ask @Strikerto put up this suggestion?
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