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Everything posted by Baxter

  1. wow another fake player/commander report
  2. It's time for Sith to die, nothing against you. -1
  3. Seems like a good handful of people in SOBDE don't really agree with the way you went about applying. Seems kinda shady. This ain't it chief. -1
  4. Baxter

    Temp map Change

    -1 Venator maps are fucking trash. All the events are the fucking same are it gets boring after like 1 or 2 weeks. You won't be able to please everyone, no matter what map you choose. Some group of people are always going to complain about some about the map. The Endor or whatever base is fine for right now. Suck it up buttercup.
  5. A lot of past and current members of SOBDE have wanted Foxtrot gone for a long time. It is without a doubt the Squad that has been the hardest to manage and hardest to keep stable. They just want to stop worrying about it and going through a new Gregor every other month or two. It's been given too many chances already. If it weren't for an unfortunate series of events that happened involving removals it probably would have already been removed. Stop holding onto things that just cause constant problems and let them go. It's for the better.
  6. Baxter

    E3 2019

    E3 was pretty underwhelming this year for me. Nothing really gets me excited that much. Cyberpunk 2077 is far and away the most exciting thing, but there is not a lot of footage of gameplay so far, so it kinda has me worried but I trust CD Projekt Red. Elden Ring is an promising concept, but no gameplay so can't really judge yet. Other than Doom Eternal, Bethesda's conference was the most underwhelming. No new news on either Elder Scrolls 6 or that new IP they are working on. Jedi: Fallen Order is interesting but I never trust EA with anything so we'll see what happens. No news from Microsoft on the status of MCC for PC is lame. New console will be cool, and there's Halo too, I guess. Devolver Digital always has the best conferences. Don't even @ me.
  7. I don't even really see why this needs to be a server suggestion. If they people in SOBDE want it gone and it's been the squad with consistently the most problems associated with it why not just remove it? Anyway, +1. Wanted this even back before I was Hunter. They are all fucking dead anyway (blah blah Lots of people are dead but are still on the server). Keeping Gregor would be cool, maybe have him be a 212th job or something but as a whole squad Foxtrot needs to go.
  8. I agree with Tino and Eclipse. Your first term was pretty decent, but once you got Rex again everything went down hill. Pretty fat -1 from me dog. Sorry not sorry.
  9. The mad man actually did it
  10. Didn't this just get denied because you put multiple topics to vote on into one post? Joah said to make separate posts for each suggestion. -1
  11. This is the fattest and easiest +1 ever dude.
  12. Bananaberry resigning 100% did not start this
  13. Ayyy lmao got you muh fukas
  14. You were by far one of the best squad members I've ever had, even going back to my Niner days. Keep protecting that chicken from all these thirsty fiends.
  15. Battalion: Bad Batch RP Name: Hunter Date: 5/15/19 Reason: Way too busy with other stuff right now to be holding a commander position. Goodbyes: Not leaving the server yet
  16. Tells me I'm gay daily +1
  17. I was initially not gonna say anything but this is just plain dumb. "Man, people don't think I've proven I should be Krennic, guess I'll prove their point and resign from XO." That's kinda fucked. -1
  18. Qal has done a great job as Marshal, give this man a second term. +1
  19. Baxter


    I'm not gonna +1 or -1 because I really don't give a fuck. We lost, it happens. We'll get over it. But this is big yikes.
  20. @Bbstine what the actual fuck
  21. Mad man actually did it. Huge +1
  22. C'mon Forseen, it's a GMod server, word spreads around about stuff that happens to people.
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