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Everything posted by Riddler

  1. We need a new regiment not slots
  2. Be down to the founders to have a say on this, @Joah
  3. Shit happens in events you just cant see, no need to worry about the whole event jobs leaving etc, you did your best and that's all we ask! No event is perfect, always something or 1% of something
  4. I'm really not sure, it would eventually get out of hand.. Takes away the whole purpose of actual achievement of hitting SA and getting that chance to work for a program and progress further. Overall I think it would cause to much hassle and eventually go to hell overall. Event Spam would happen - Takes away ShipRP/Tryouts/etc Takes purpose of hitting SA away Makes those who've worked for GM program I.E GMO+ pointless in the end. To many cons rather than pros -1 overall, I dunno, see how it pans out with feedback but GM is in a good place currently, doesn't need altering atm.
  5. Name: Riddler/tup Who helped (If applicable): Baddog Event Name: The snow base Summary of the story: The CIS had a base causing issues to the republic in this region, the republic sent in attack battalions to sort out the issue. The republic held an makeshift FOB, and then advanced to destroy the base. Taking a long route to destroy the base and dealing with the harsh weather the planet had to offer. What was the result of the event?: Republic Victory Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Bit of both
  6. Seen you around to be quite honest, Active Has the passion Worth a shot like anyone does! +1 I think you'll do some good for the team in general!
  7. Riddler

    VIP Gamemasters

    Been stated before why this can't work at community meetings. -1
  8. I like the idea, I feel as if Pilots need a kick in the right direction, actually need more RP and stuff for them to do, if this new map is coming also and it plans to be a mixture of outside and such it would be great... I want pilots to be popular and useful again.. +1 would be interesting and potentially give it the right push it needs to get pilots feeling needed again.
  9. Where do I start aye *Slaps on The British Glasses* Firstly, Washington is a great example of what a Senior Commander Needs to be, Talks to the battalions and gets the input from all parties Active Works alongside the battalions from OOC point of views but also ICly too! Leadership is on point and will do what needs to be done! Generally the right dude for the role. Wash does great work when on the ball and displays a great example of what a leader is and how to employ these into many different situations. Senior Commander needs to feel like a big deal again and brought back to a reasonable level by having that impact on the playerbase. +1 Huge !
  10. Name: Riddler/Tup Who helped (If applicable): N/A Event Name: Breaking Enemy Lines Summary of the story: Spec Ops and a small branch of Republic Medics were deployed to help the republic gain access to a region blocking armored battalions from moving onwards, after completing objectives and gaining access codes the base was stormed and the shield destroyed! What was the result of the event?: Republic Success Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both
  11. +1 Would make a fine addition to the team!
  12. As a GM you just gotta go with the flow really, pick the right time to do an event on the main, I normally do event server events because you know I can direct them in the right direction for objectives etc, STAMP the authority down when you have to. Overall +1 from what I saw, it was a nice event
  13. I agree we are in need of a new sub class for the battalion, but as stated above DU run the shields and is the main "Special" thing they run in the battalion and is basically the way they market the battalion as unique. I'd say we bring it up in the battalion meeting possibly get Zim in to ask what are the realistic options on the table for a potential sub class for the 501st.
  14. You always need to opinions to a matter, one being good whereas the other argues against it, having the +1 -1 system is great, sometimes its used just because someone dislikes someone else or an idea but overall its a small icon which grants you a little point towards reputation, people aren't gonna judge overall a amount of rep on a forums.
  15. +1 for sure, He's DU through and through/
  16. Name: Riddler/Tup Who helped (If applicable): Black Event Name: New Generators Summary of the story: Standard equipment was handed off to the Republic but only this time the republic the Generators were being tested for the first time, ready to be deployed into combat the CIS thought otherwise by launching an attack to destroy them from being used due to the power each holds being able to power a small city giving the republic a huge advantage. What was the result of the event?: Republic Win Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both
  17. +1 Great dude, right mindset, he'll do good things for the team!
  18. Everyone deserves a chance in this community, I'm not into the Jedi role at the moment but for sure I know Nightmare has the experience and can get the job done. We have reports for a reason, if he were to minge/not take the role seriously then the people will speak! Age means nothing to be honest, never should in a GMOD community. Overall I think he'll do well as Yoda, he'll do what is needed to be done to continue pushing the order in an upwards direction. +1 Interesting Development
  19. You have been accepted to the Game Master Program as of 30/01/18, Congrats Stix! Look forward to seeing what you can bring to the program!
  20. I had fun, got to lead a big group from the battalion. They enjoyed it so overall +1 Crazy FF at times but it happens
  21. Cheers for having faith in me mate, here and at Icefuse you were one of my biggest supporters and so on, I hope everything goes well and maybe you'll get the drive to go on a GMOD server again someday.
  22. Congrats.. Stix... Your application has been ACCEPTED FOR INTERVIEW.. I'm always willing to give people chances in this program and overall we have trials for a reason! You've already shown passion towards helping/making events which is always a bonus to us. Please Contact an Game Master Officer by 6th February 2018 For your interview!.. Good Luck.. - GMO Riddler
  23. You have been accepted to the Game Master Program as of 29/01/18, Congrats Hazard! Look forward to seeing what you can bring to the program!
  24. More eastern timezone players are always a huge +1, Seen you around and you've got what it takes. Make us proud +1
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