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DirtyDanLIT last won the day on February 3

DirtyDanLIT had the most liked content!

About DirtyDanLIT

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  1. This is where you would require clipping to be essential. Make it requirement for anyone to put down a MRDM'er to be actively clipping. If they don't then they get arrested for RDM
  2. DirtyDan's road to VA now begins
  3. +1 Besides the glaring fact that Brooklyn is the only person that really has it, all the listed cons really kinda do suck. It's an almost impossible gun to get it makes sense for it to be one of the strongest guns on the server without being hella situational.
  4. Shit looks like a cooler version of Thesh Peak design
  5. +1 Couldn't have said it better tbh. Sometimes I wish I could have been in Null so I could Brooklyn Kal'buir
  6. Honestly biggest question for me, Do you plan on incorporating more transparency regarding direction and changes with the battalion?
  7. +1 He pulled me out of my housefire and gave me a spare ferarri
  8. That's asking alot from some of these hooligans
  9. To be honest, this pet is negatively affecting my sense of self-worth, but other than that fair point.
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