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Everything posted by Hershel

  1. Thanks, I think if I wasn't in much of a rush and played around with more film tools I could make something better. Next Season (around Winter?) I plan on a another story arc.
  2. A trailer I made, inspired by Seasons Trailers from Destiny. Not the best, but I tried. This in no way is an official Synergy thing, just a fun thing for my plans starting October 1st.
  3. Hershel


    5/5/5 Really good dupe, and some good objectives. Cannot wait to clear it next week. v
  4. -1 I'm all for let the water go underneath the bridge, but a part of me thinks that it would not go well. He has somewhat a had track record in the past, while people can change. I feel it's more of a mask than him actually changing. I would love to be proven wrong, if he changes his behavior and proves he has changed. I say he well deserves Admin. This is just my thoughts, doesn't mean it's true.
  5. +1 In my eyes, I rather we use stuff that goes unused. Some stuff can be pointless or not make sense. IMO, I've always been somewhat against GC having heavies/support since they are RECON STEALTH UNIT. Trading out slots for a unused unit will be a fair trade. In my eyes, having a elite unit will do more than help 212th but help the server as a whole. Promoting more SOBDE RP as well as more tryouts for SOBDE to manage! I love Battalion Relationships! ❤️
  6. 5/5/5 A Kaiser Event is like Mom's Cooking. Always god tier, and I broke my legs.
  7. 5/5/5 Kaiser is the best GM, this map has to be my new favorite. Great event and I saw palpy get vented, he was not the imposter.
  8. 5/5/5 I am good pilot I swear.
  9. 5/5/5 Always gotta appericate late night events.
  10. Congrats to 41st! You boys are always working hard painting your camo, practice your alien language, and making traps! If you boys wish to celebrate I can get some hands to throw a party! Drinks, entertainment, and other things will come from my paycheck! Ms. Nibbler will be there to. +1 +1 +1 +1 Major W, congrats.
  11. Here you can chat with me, Hershel. If you have questions, or want to send gifts (not real ones fake ones) please leave them in my mailbox, also Ms. Nibbler loves toys! Please send them, but be wary she can't eat chocolate.
  12. As a BH, I've more than lost intrest in it. But that's besides the point, as a GM I want to do more for the community. So I had an idea. Grinding out my own renown, I will host contracts that will mostly be PvE related. To make a mixup of the bounty grind and offer an easier chance to earn some renown. Keep in mind I'm as of now short on renown, but will grind some dailys in order to make up contracts for Bounty Hunters looking to make some cash. Let me know what you think of this idea, it may be hard work but I would love to host small mini events for Bounty Hunters for them to have easier and better ways to get renown which isn't Data Heist nor PvP contracts.
  13. 3/5/4 The start got me hooked, it was such a great use of the skybox and it was building up to something to special. But the ending fell flat, it turned into what seemed like a major event, to most of us running around twiddling our thumbs. More help was needed. Still, very creative when it ccame to the event and story. Just needed more stuff to do.
  14. +1 Shows great potential, I say give him a chance.
  15. Hershel


    5/5/5 I love vents, thats how they got through
  16. 6/6/5 A bit a laggy, but great story and great dupes. The final assault was badass.
  17. 5//5/5 Would poison Mr. Saltine again.
  18. Hershel

    CIS Thesh

    5/5/5 Great action, I had "Fallout NV: Battle of the Hoover Dam" OST playing.
  19. 5/5/5 Good dupe, fair health, no lag. I would love for this to happen again.
  20. What do you mean by off-time activities? Generally, there are times on Onderon where we have nothing to do. While there is quests, tryouts, sims, or just general roleplay. I feel that the map could have more to do. It's not an events, but something on the base while we wait. It could be a parkour dupe, or perhaps the messhall is being served food by Hershel, or maybe the dodgeball in the Sim Room. What I'm getting at is just a general discussion. What are some ideas YOU have that can give the troopers or even Civilians something to do? I Generally want to hear ideas from anyone. Get creative with it, or be silly.
  21. I can add more to it! I had the mindset I would have to save that for the interview! I'll add more now!
  22. 4/5/5 A bit slow at some parts, but very good. AND VERY SCARY! I NEARLY PEED!
  23. Name: Gentle Gingi [Karma SteamID: 76561199165082176 How long have you played on the server? [Hours]: 648+ hours From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 8/10, may be rusty on some things Why do you want to join the Gamemaster team?: I want to do more for the community and for my battalion. From minor entertainment to epic events that keep them on their toes and tells a story. I really would love to keep activity during earlier hours [8AM-12PM] sort of busier since some people work during the evenings or nights. I've been a DM in a few DnD Sessions and some discord RPs. While this server would be my first time doing anything like this. I am willing to learn and improve since we all learn from our mistakes. As well, I think down time is very important. It doesn't have to be a base raid nor a crazy event. Could be something entertaining or rewarding for players, something fun like a scavenger hunt, medical rp, or even ENGINEERING RP. I want to make everyone shine in my events or entertainment. Do you understand that if you are inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes I do. Link us to 2 documents. One that is a deployment for the event server and one for a main server event. These will likely be the first events you do as a GM. ============================================ Very simple Main Server Event Doc https://docs.google.com/document/d/16bEZxdvbOkhgFD-pJojeRpzeVisy62iMuPGPDL2ux9o/edit?usp=sharing A more advance event, this could be what effort I would put into a deployment. (I am confused by the Event Server meaning) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-9-UFkSY1CWDE_VPu6mxz9XqW-MudbTrBBt8Dff6mak/edit?usp=sharing Please give me feedback or if you have any questions! Ask!
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