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Everything posted by Hershel

  1. 5/5/4 Very good, filled with action and best part of all were that the droids did not take 5 mags to kill. A bit laggy, but other than that I loved the event. Keep at it!
  2. 5/4/5 Overall a great set. Loved how you made the pathways into the village, the towers and enemy placement were great. As well, you made the droids have a fair HP pool where they are not tanks to kill. 8/10
  3. +1 Would be easier to tell which landing zones are being used. Great idea, would get me back to Naval
  4. 5/5/5 I shot ships down with my Rocket Launcher I have 400 more rockets
  5. 5/5/5 Once I am given premisson to use rockets, I am damn well going to use them rightly
  6. 5/5/5 Good Event, I liked the length and numbers. I love low health droids, make's it flow feel.
  7. 5/5/3.5 Lag was a huge problem, but I am guessing with more tweaking and more time the server will handle better. The new droids are amazing, I hope that we get to see more of this AI, they feel agressive and they require teamwork to take down. I suggest low damage but high accuracy to make up for it. Commando Droids feel like players, which is very good. Keep up with the testing, I would love to use them one day as well.
  8. Hello, this is Hershel (since it's my most loved character by you guys.) When I first joined this server, my first ever Gmod server. I felt like an alien, I was so lost when it came to how to adapt and role-play. But overtime, though some mistakes. I learned. When i joined Naval, a new love was found. My love for Hershel. I wanted to create a character that adds a bit more goofy to the server (there is plenty but not in a more active way). I wanted to make the down time of the server the most fun and involve as many people. Hunter, Clones, Naval, and even senators. My goal was to add more stuff to do in the server. I then figured, if I wanted to do more for the server. I should apply for staff, grow to be one of the most active, fun and fair admins and host many events or activates for everyone. But after some recent events... I have changed my mind. I won't go into it. But all I can say is my motivation to be as active as possible has severely dropped. I fear that my time and effort will be in vain if I did apply for Staff. I fear that I will fail in my job to entertain and bring smiles and laughter to you all. I wanted to grow more, but now I feel nervous and even scared to write this. Will I lose my position? Get banned? Will I be looked on a different light? I don't know. All I can say, is that I feel more hurt than angry or upset. I wanted to grow more onto this server but I feel like it is not worth the risk to have my heartbroken. This server helped me out of my depression, it still makes me happy as all hell. But I feel like I will go back to my dark corner; I feel bad that my first ever form post is this sad. I am ready to discuss or talk to anyone. But I will be halting my attempt to join staff, as much as I want to do more for the server as I can. I feel it ain't worth the risk. Please be collected and calm, this is nobody fault or you should be angry or upset at. This is simply me announcing what was on my mind.... - Hershel
  10. 5/5/5 Just a simple and clean event. Need more early events to make the slow hours of the server feel like they have something. Perfect, I had no problems.
  11. 5/5/5 I like bosses in Events, and he didn't demand riddles or questions.
  12. 5/5/5 I had such a great time with the event! It was fun PvP event where we just had to mess things up! PSA: If you have problems with the rockets, I take blame for it. It was my first time being an Event Helper and I was in a power surge with the Rocket. I am sorry for making the experiance worse for you, but don't hate the event for my actions. I shall be more careful with the power of the rocket and not abuse it on my next time being an event helper.
  13. 5/5/5 Not your fault that the Jedi suddenly vanished, it was a good idea and I liked the base they had. Perhaps try to get more jedi on or plan it with them? Good Event overall
  14. 5/5/4 Probably one of the best boarding dupes I have ever seen. Felt like we were actually raiding a ship. Great Idea, maybe a bit too tanky enemies, and why were the Commando Droids always going for me? (This is joke, I found it funny). I will say at some parts it got a bit laggy. All and all, a great event.
  15. 5/5/5 I liked how we worked with the civies, just wish we had one last epic fight or maybe raid an outpost. Good overall
  16. Hershel

    Base At Thesh

    5/5/5 thought the droids were a bit too tanky, but all and all I liked the event. I loved the fortfications added to Thesh, made it feel like were really raiding a fortifide outpost.
  17. 5/5/4 Great Plot, Great Set Up, but had a laggy middle and end. I say my one gripe was the tankiness of the droids halfway through. They took way more damage than normal, I can get making them not one shot kills but make them a bit weaker than last time
  18. Hershel


    5/5/5 Good event, would do it again
  19. 5/5/5 I had fun, stop bullying my Old Man Voice. I am not a voice actor but I try
  20. 5/5/5 Good late night event, need more of those. I liked how multiple places got hit, added tension and a time trial of sorts. However... I AM ONE ENGINEER! I was the only one trying to fix red level damaged engines. Not until some 104th just decided to flip some buttons and take all the damn credit. I am an old man, I can barely drink water at 11pm. Don't give me only doing one power pylon thing crap, anyways. Crys host the best events <3
  21. 5/5/5 I wasn't here for it, but it ended good.
  22. 5/5/5 Good Zombie Event, Good Fun, and Good Action. I like the green stuff
  23. 5/5/5 Good Event, Love when they are hosted during the quiet hours of the server.
  24. Hershel

    Pirate Raid

    5/5/5 Cool Event, I am now homeless.
  25. 5/5/5 Our Salvation awaits. The end is nigh, we shall embrace our end...the Final Shape...the key to the Pale Heart. "Good Event, liked it alot. I hope we get more to fight this new threat.
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