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Everything posted by Marshh

  1. o7 bro, It was a pleasure to have you in my squad! I hope to see you around from time to time! <3
  2. 10/10, Smash lives on!
  3. Marshh

    The Raid.

    10/10 Loved it, gave the clones and jedi something to do!
  4. +1, Marvel has taken the time to ask me and talk to me about being a Hunter and I am more than happy to welcome him as Hunter!
  5. 8/10 Enjoyed it very much!
  6. +1, doesn't hurt to give others a chance!
  7. o7 bro, I'll miss you man!
  8. 8/10, good event man!
  9. Huge +1, good luck buddy! I hope you get it!
  10. 10/10, Loved the event! nice job!
  11. 10/10, One thing I would say is let people roam around in squads would of been way more fun!
  12. 10/10. Loved the event!
  13. 10/10 amazing event, I hope I see another like this soon!
  14. +1, amazing guy and an amazing friend!
  15. +1, great fit to become BCMD for CG!
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