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Everything posted by KaiserNeiner

  1. 1/5/4 Bounty Hunters being let loose to steal our LAAT and shoot people with it while we were boarding the CIS broke my immersion and was overall not rad. Effort was clearly there and server was lagging hard but can't always control that.
  2. One of the most genuine and authentic people on the server. My only experience with Rex's has been you and Boris, and while you both were great, you were willing to directly work with me to set up joint trainings between batt's, bounce ideas off of, and provide great support and advice for me as an individual on Synergy. Your dedication to RP'ing with your character, and the motivation within your battalion that you inspired by your mere presence on the server is impressive and admirable. If I every become a BCMD one day, I hope I can connect with my troopers the way you did. There's a saying that goes something like "people won't always remember what you did to them, but they will remember how you made them feel." and I believe that heavily applies to you. I hope that whatever you're going through in life turns out to be okay, and I assure you that there's always a light at the end of the tunnel. Be well my friend.
  3. +1 as someone said you're a best builder and I always like seein great and well thought out dupes :)
  4. +1 my experience with you has been overall positive. Get a better mic tho.
  5. +1 but in recent events I'd qualify you as a bit mingy. I have faith that once you get staff though you'd change, which is why I give you my vote :)
  6. +1 but would like to see you on more. Looking forward to your involvement with the staff team.
  7. 5/5/5 I'm a hoe for shoot em ups fr fr on god
  8. 4/4/3 Wish there was more for non 41st to do at the start, ended up making up RP which is chill but ye. Server was chuggin a bit throughout but overall a good deployment, thanks for hosting!
  9. +1. Took me under his wing when I joined 212th and has been nothing but an amazing person throughout my experience on Synergy. One of the good ones, would be a shame to not see him in this position.
  10. 5/4/4 Was very fun, seemed kinda thrown together at the end there but overall enjoyed the new map and had fun with the boys. Server was chugging a bit but was still sick.
  11. +1 one of the most genuine people I've interacted within the server, has nothing but good intentions and would make a great BCMD. Your work with hosting events and trainings shows and I think you'll do great work with 212th and 501st
  12. Name: Kaiser | Crys Staff Rank: Senior Admin Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible): 2/1/23-2/6/23 Reason: Going on Vacation for a bit, won't be on my PC at all Do you understand that if you go on LOA/ROA while holding a leadership position, a named character position, or a position with limited slots you may lose your position?: I do Do you understand that if you are going on LOA/ROA for more than two weeks you may lose your staff/leadership position?: I do
  13. 4/4/5 We got there late but was still a great event. Good use of drop pods to hide more droids as well.
  14. 4/5/5 Wish there were more hostiles, was really good RP and storyline tho. Thanks for hosting!
  15. 5/5/5 Great event and good storyline. Great for setup for other events down the road and a great way to start it up. Thanks for hosting!
  16. 4/4/3 Really good concept with the deployment, much better than someone just slapping something together. There was a good amount of lag at the start. Was frustrating to have droids keep spawning in places where we cleared esp with a time limit included.
  17. 4/4/4 Was good, love that dupe. Wish there were more hostiles and I joined a bit late but was still great ngl.
  18. 4/4/4 Good event, good dupes. Wish there were more droids to kill but thanks for hosting!
  19. 3/3/5 Was good shoot em up but didnt feel like there was any goal or any mission.
  20. 4/5/5 Classic dupe for Thesh and Village, really good RP setup too. Wish there were more hostiles, but other than that was great. Thanks for hosting!
  21. Name: Who helped (If applicable): NA Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): NA Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Two CIS ships attempted to capture Thesh to set up an FOB to attack the base. Luckily, troops were able to defeat the enemies and reclaim our base! Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: NA Please rate using this scale Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) Gameplay: Care and Effort: Server Performance:
  22. 5/5/5 Great deployment. Final boss was a little too high HP but other than that, that was a very well ran open world event.
  23. 5/5/5 Wonderful storyline, VERY balanced enemies and great work with being a GM. Good dupe as well and I will always +1 anything with Simon Says as a section.
  24. Name: Kaiser | Crys Who helped (If applicable): NA Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): NA Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Due to recent weapons tests, a hive of wildlife had awoken in the caves North of Village. PVT Talon and Wrecker discovered this, and all remaining troops were dispatched to clear out the hoard. Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: NA Please rate using this scale Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) Gameplay: Care and Effort: Server Performance:
  25. 4/5/4 Was a great event, just wish there were more droids to kill, and if B was retaken at one point. Server had a small lag issue but nothing major. Great event, thanks for hosting!
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