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Everything posted by KaiserNeiner

  1. 4/5/5 RP events r super cool :)
  2. KaiserNeiner


    5/4/5 Good shoot em up W EOD RP
  3. 5/5/5 event was perfect and seemed very well planned, thanks for hosting!
  4. 4/5/5 Really good event for lag and such, was awesome and good planning. Didn't love the joint comms experience but 212th 501st and 104th worked really well together and it was awesome to have so many vehicles during that event.
  5. Sorry to hear you're goin through this brother. I can personally say how much we in the 212th appreciates you and your involvement with your battalion and getting Role-player of the week as your Naval is huge. You have a positive impact on the server as a whole and I know you've made people smile in the past. Staff can feel like a task but I find GM work to be extremely rewarding. Setting up dupes, storylines, main server events and deployments is so much fun and the GM team does a lot of work to positively impact the server. I would highly recommend trying that out if you want to start your staff journey.
  6. 1/4/4 Server chugged a bit but nothing too bad, seems you put some good effort into the plan. EJ's were way too OP and some of the hunters were using perma weapons which was not very cash money. Felt like troopers without jetpacks were just set for the slaughter by hunters that jetpacked high and cycler rifled us.
  7. 4/5/2 Server was chugging. Event was good and well thought out. Ty 4 hosting!
  8. 4/4/5 Good event, wish there was more to do for non MED RP peeps!
  9. 5/5/5 fantastic event, lots of stuff for pilots to do and overall very fun
  10. +1 great choice and a dedicated member of the server, can't see a better option tbh
  11. 4/4/5 Event was brutal with bug health at the start but you redeemed it big time with lots of vehicles and low hp bugs at the end, was very fun.
  12. Steam Name: Kaiserneiner RP Name: 212th Crys | 104th Kaiser | Crucible RP Rank: ARCL CMD | Jedi Knight SGT | Hunter Steam ID: 76561198253466298 Battalion You Are Applying For: 212th Attack Battalion Experience: 212th PVT-SGT : 10/23/22-10/29/22 212th SGT-SGM : 10/29/22-11/09/22 212th SGM-2ndLT (Waived past WO) : 11/09/22-11/13/22 212th 2ndLT-CMD : 11/13/22-02/16/23 104th Jedi Knight : 11/27/22-Present BH Civilian | Hunter : Dates Unknown My experience within 212th has made me who I am today. With 6 months in this battalion and only this battalion, the ranks and positions I’ve held have given me adequate perspective to assist the inner workings of the battalion. I’ve served under 2 BCMD’s with two very different styles of leading and I believe I can take the best of both and combine. Both Baddog and Quassont have been fantastic role models and have both supported me to become a CMD currently in the batt. Notable Achievements: 212th SUPO 212th ARCL 212th GCO 212th GCXO 212th CMD Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: One word; dedication. My commitment and drive to the 212th and to see it succeed is unmatched in any other potential candidate. Since joining Synergy, this has been my home and I couldn’t stand to see it struggle. The 212th has always been a strong battalion on the server, and I aim to lead it into a new era of engagement with other battalions and a much higher level of standards. Previous leaders like Baddog and Quassont have inspired me to strive for greatness in myself and my battalion, and I believe in my ability to make it happen. My experience with our subunits, regiments, and day to day experience makes me the perfect candidate for this position, as well as my ability to effectively communicate with others in and out of 212th. As a Commander within 212th, I have specifically focused on interactions with other battalions by improving our Officer Corp and our RP during events and deployments. Availability: I work 9-6 EST Mon-Thurs and 9-1 EST Friday. Anytime outside of that I am available. I’ve even left work on lunch breaks to help deal with issues on the server, change something internally, or set up tryouts for members of Ghost Company. I can always be reached on Discord. Estimate of How Long You’ve Played on the Server?: 10/23/22 with 3419:16:17 hours. Do you have a Microphone?: Yes Where do you want the battalion to be at the end of your term?: This is where the fun begins. After speaking with members of the 212th Officer Corp, some members of High Command, and other BCMD and CMD’s of other battalions, I’ve developed a few different ideas and plans that I want to work towards based on my own experience and collective feedback. Enlisted: This is straight up infantry and will always be the foundation of what 212th is built on. I don’t think our enlisted troopers get enough love, and I believe good leadership and more serious RP during events and deployments can cover that. I want to push enlisted troopers to expand their horizons with different training (Tech, EOD, Negotiations) while also keeping opportunities open in regards to subunits. Our regiments are doing fairly well at the moment with a good mix and spread of involvement between ARF, Heavy, ARC, SUP, and especially Medics and I want to keep that going. 2ndAC: While never being a 2ndAC member, I’ve been privy to multiple experiences with their leadership and troopers. While in 212th, I helped with tryouts and training, creating a new dupe for SIMs or practice. As a bystander, I believe 2ndAC needs to create a new standard for day to day operations. This can be done with private training, and hyper focusing on boarding and utilizing their jetpacks. I’m prepared to assist 2ndAC as they solidify their positions after a recent Barlex addition. Fars has been incredibly active and has shown professionalism in the past and will go forward. By the end of my term, I want this unit to be active and full with an increased standard of recruits and RP due to experience and new training courses. Ghost Company: My baby. GC is in a stable position at the moment, and the GCC will still be in Command if I achieve BCMD, however GCXO will be open. Boil is also open at the moment, with tryouts for that starting this upcoming week. We currently have 3 GCO’s that could fill the role of GCXO and 2 that could go for Boil. All of these guys have done great work with keeping high standards and recruitment while also creating good RP. I’ve taken the liberty of hosting private GC trainings at the end of March, giving us a chance to work together as an elite unit. At the end of my term, I want GC to be full and holding the activity we are today. 4-5 of us are on daily with natural leaders all within our ranks. Regiments: SUP and ARC are in need of help. As of Wednesday 4/12/23, we have a new SUPL Valox who I’m confident will help breathe life into the dying lungs of this regiment. With help from our current Oddball and our Regimental leadership that are also SUP, I’m confident it’ll be healthier than ever within a few weeks. ARC is struggling at the moment due to a lack of interest. Our current ARC troopers aren’t as active as I’d like them to be, however with shifts in positions as of this past weekend, ARC is on the rise. I know one of our guys will go for GC ARC if I obtain BCMD, and I’m ready to appoint a new ARCL in that same situation. HVY ARF and MED are doing great. All 3 of those regiments have amazing Leads, and are absolutely killing it. I’ve had the experience in helping create the new ARF and HVY tryout dupes as well, so I have a good finger on the pulse with those two. 212th Medics are some of the most shouted out in DB, and I want that to continue throughout my term. Jedi: This is where things need to change. The 212th Jedi has been greatly struggling over the past month and a half, and it’s due to a lack of leadership. However, with Obi-Wan being open and multiple candidates as options, we’re about to kickstart that. Some of our Jedi have been or are just coming off LOA this week and next, and highlighting them to other Jedi prospects will be critical in reviving this branch. GC Jedi will potentially have an opening soon, and 2ndAC also has openings. Keeping them engaged with a lore character such as Obi-Wan will be critical to their success. By the end of my term, I want our Obi-Wan to be a staple of the battalion while having heavy interaction with the Jedi Council and our troopers. Officer Corp: If I obtain the rank of BCMD, one of the first things I aim to do is clean up the Officer Corp. We have some people who don’t fit the standard of activity that I’d like to see for our battalion, and while I have tried solving this issue as a CMD, it’s time to start purging. People will be given adequate warnings or heads up to improve their activity or they get the boot. Some of the best troopers we have are SGM’s right now, and the WO limit is bottlenecked. As BCMD, I would increase the LT and increase the WO positions by 1, effectively eliminating that bottleneck and allowing less stagnation with promotions within the battalion. Additionally, I have created a new standard for Officer Rank Transfer that we implemented just days ago, and I believe that will remove the battalion hopping that we’re sometimes seeing. Secondly, I want to implement an Officer Quota for events/entertainments hosted. For too long, people are just getting on during peak times and during deployment times. I’ll be implementing a 5 entertainment/event lead system a month to ensure people remain active and contribute to the Officer Corp. The quota can be done by Deployment leads or entertainment hosts. This is not that much, and keeps officers active and doing shit. The Intel Director would be exempt of this quota. NCO’s: NCO’s are in a good spot. During my time as an officer, I worked to greatly improve recruitments with a new recruitment guide as well as create leaders with high quality RP and training. As long as we have good Officers, NCO’s will follow suit. These guys have been doing great work and even with a change in the battalion, I know everyone in their current positions will kick ass. Overall: I am aware that we’re about to experience a dip. With Spring break, exams, and warmer weather all coming into play, along with a Jedi Survivor coming out very soon, all battalions will experience a dip in activity and players soon. I can promise that when everyone beats the game, gets tired of it, and ready for a different star wars experience, I’ll be here and waiting. I pride myself in entertainments and events, and having them readily available for 212th will be the glue that keeps us together. With the help of my fellow Commanders and a healthy and strong Officer Corp, 212th will thrive under my leadership and achieve a high standard of trooper. If you made it this far, thank you. The fact that you've read through everything shows your dedication to ensuring the server and this battalaion thrive. Do you understand that if you go inactive then you will be removed from your position?: Yes Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: I do
  13. 3/5/4 Event concept was very unique and done pretty well. Server was chugging but you weren't overspawning so idk. At the start with the DW blocking people from entering a spot, there was nothing for regular people to do. Super boring and set the tone for me for the rest of the event.
  14. +1 Was an amazing BCMD and has experience with 501st and 212th. Is creative enough to have a plan for DU and I look forward to that happening sooner rather than later due to the server's activity. As a 212th CMD (ATK REG), I would be VERY happy to have Quassont as a RCMD. PLEASE change the text on this app this looks like horrid.
  15. 4/5/4 Good event, really good planning and ideas, overall server chugging was better than usual. 212th didn't have much to do sometimes, felt a little lost at times and was hard to keep track of comms with so many units. Big SO for hosting.
  16. +1 nothing but good interactions with you dawg you'll make a great BCMD.
  17. +1 I'll buy you wingstop when you get it
  18. 5/3/5 I like flying LAAT's in Sector 2 :)
  19. So this is a good suggestion and something I did with my first Venator deployment. This concept is difficult to implement though as if we don't direct people sometimes, we have to spawn more droids that wander off causing more lag. This is a good idea and something I will try and implement going forward.
  20. Sorry you didn't have a good time. Negotiations can sometimes be like that, but if you have any suggestions on how to make that more entertaining, please let me know! Confused on what I could've done differently as a bunch of other people seemed to enjoy it.
  21. +1 Luluu is the most positive individual on the server and truly cares about the lore role they're in. Really really good stuff all around.
  22. 5/5/5 Perfect event. Good RP, good enemy balance, really really great flow. If more of our GM's take a page out of your book for events, the quality of our events would be at a standard we should all be proud of. Thanks for hosting and good work.
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