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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/25/2020 in Posts

  1. Battalion: 501st RP Name: Captain Rex Date: 3/25/20 Reason: Personal Goodbyes: Bye I love all of you 501st you guys have taught me so much about what it is to be a good person and how to be a great leader. I can't at this moment @ everyone but just know that if I talked to you like a brother or a friend, you were a big part of my life for these 3 months and I thank everyone of you for being there.
    4 points
  2. Thank you for bringing me into this amazing family that you had helped to create. When I came back to SWRP I didn't think I'd ever find such an amazing group of people again. I have been in a few battalions before you had recruited me into 501st. When I had first spoken to you, you showed me kindness like I wasn't just some NCO in a different battalion but as if I was one of your own. When I finally decided to join 501st I got to talk to you directly and you treated me as if I had been your best friend for the last 10 years. That kindness you showed me will stay with me and I hope I can get give it back to you if I ever see you again. From all of us in the 501st good luck and you always have a place and a family to help if you would ever need us. "You will be remembered Captain Gregor, we will take your heroic story back to the republic, And we will watch for your return" ~ Colonel Meebur Gascon
    2 points
  3. Hi I’m IKE and I didn’t do much. I mostly was in 501st, 104th and naval. I love JT and was basically a JTL god in 501st and 104th. I was also a QM naval and became recruitment commodore, I probably could of done more but I’m pretty content with the time I spent of the server.
    2 points
  4. Hi I'm Perri , I'm 27 years old I picked this name because it is my last name. My first name is Ray, I work at a Meijer Grocery store and am possibly exposed to whatever each day because people don't know personal space. At work they recently gave everyone a 2 dollar per hour raise temporary " hazard pay" till may 2nd. Also currently my mom is in the hospital with pneumonia and recovering from a fall .I am not allowed to visit her because the hospital has been on lock down and they don't even allow close family to visit their loved ones.
    2 points
  5. -1 When its night time it makes everything dark as FUCK inside base. We've had this before, endor sucked with it. Plus with the new Coruscant underworld coming out day and night wont be much possible as...underground. It wont show.
    1 point
  6. That's literally the reason... I know I'm a bit late to the party here, but @justuscloud5 you did a real good job. You exceeded any and all expectations and set a high bar for the regimentals to follow. The decision to remove you was absolutely brainless and shows a real weakness and stupidity in high command that is plaguing the server and will continue to do so until the cycle is broken. Anyways, I wish you luck in all of your future endeavors and I'm happy to call you a friend. Today, we blow the horns for we welcome to valhalla brother with open arms.
    1 point
  7. Sugga, You were an amazing BCMD and it saddens me to say good bye. You were a good friend and an even better leader and you are always welcome back into the Legion, We are all sad to see you go.
    1 point
  8. o7 in the amount of time I have been in the 501st it showed me what outstanding BCMDs do
    1 point
  9. o7 We'll always remember Sugga as the 501st BCMD. We love you sugga!
    1 point
  10. Bro I know what your feeling. Junior year being my transcript year and shit. Although you most likely have a different reason. My average for this master dropped from an 87.8 which is like a B- or C+ at my school cuz the minimum passing grade is a 75 and rn it dropped to a fucking 81 from this shit its retarded. Also the seniors at my school lost so much shit like their trips and everything
    1 point
  11. You play darts but do you smoke darts?
    1 point
  12. Im Eclipse. I game. I do nothing much anymore. I stopped playing GMOD to play other games and honestly its been great! I've been having so much fun just doing whatever I want. Outside of games, I play music and make music and sing music and do a lot of musical stuff! And also I write. But not that much. I also enjoy good food! I always wanted to learn to cook but my dad thinks I'll burn the house down. I probably would haha. Okay, thats all from me! I don't know why I made this sound like an online dating profile but it is! Ladies hmu ;)
    1 point
  13. Yea of course. I do think a new map will introduce more opportunity though.
    1 point
  14. A map is not gunna save it boys. Needs a lot more than that.
    1 point
  15. Hmmmmm............ I stand with Omega But You get a +1
    1 point
  16. +1...Inosuke I believe will do well. He has the ability to become successful in the position of squad lead.
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. It was fun while it lasted. +1
    1 point
  19. NGL its really weird seeing aayla in another battalion that isnt 327th. I also kind of feel bad because uh, well the 327th were the last and waited so long to get their models only for getting cucked out. Operation Crusty Mustard was a sign.
    1 point
  20. -1 points
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