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  1. Steam Name: Underpaidstaff RP Name: Wolffe [Clorox] RP Rank: BCMD Steam ID: 76561198278978641 STEAM_0:1:159356456 Regiment you are applying for: Mechanized Regimental Commander Why should you become a Regimental Commander?: The Mechanized Regiment has been my passion for the past year on this server. The Mechanized Regiment has shown me an atmosphere I haven’t gotten to see in so long. The friendliness and casual comradery has made me feel at home since I first joined the 21st and continued endlessly during my time in the 104th. I have been in all three battalions and can say without a doubt that I have enjoyed the close knit experience, This is an experience I want to bring to all members of the Mechanized battalions both current and future. I want to ensure the 41st, 104th, and 21st all have a chance to show off their respective skills and vehicles. I am very active and capable of being a visible and driven leader who loves this regiment deeply and will push tis regiment to be the absolute best they can be. Availability: Monday and Tuesday nights I will be unavailable some nights otherwise I can usually hop on whenever I want or need too Give a brief overview of your achievements and experience on the server: Experience: 91st MEDO 91st Lightning Squad 91st ARCL 91st XO 91st WAC-47 41st Green Company MEDL 212th 2ndAC MEDO 21st SO ARFL 21st SO MEDL 104th MEDO Dire Squad MAJ Spitter 104th BCMD Wolffe Do you have a microphone?: Yes Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?: Overall The mechanized battalions are a group of relatively small yet strong and well knit battalions. I intend to build up the connection between the battalions to ensure the three battalions and their subunits are properly working together and making a stronger force. There will be more regimental trainings and entertainments to ensure they build up their abilities as a regiment. I want to see the Regiment grow and become a true powerhouse on the server. Throughout my term I will be working with the BCMDs and their battalions to ensure every goal is reached and every member thoroughly enjoys their time on the server. 21st The 21st has a great group of guys coupled with some great subunits to make for the potential to become a true powerhouse in the server. I want to ensure their subunits each have a chance to show their separate skills with SO being given a covert and black-ops roll and KU adopting an elite shock troop role to ensure they all maintain their identities. I want to see them pushing more tank trainings and running more encounters based around their identity. The Galactic marines have shown to be very capable and I want to ensure they are given the time and numbers to be able to show what they can do. The 21st has a good set of leaders whom I know can ensure the battalion is run well and I intend to ensure it is kept that way. 41st The 41st has been doing some work over the past couple of months and managed to achieve battalion of the month. I am proud of them for this accomplishment and believe they can continue to grow in the next few months. I really want to see them get the chance to engage in their lore given role of reconnaissance and embedding of alien populaces, I already have trainings and encounters planned out to make this a reality. With Improco, I want to work on seeing them more in Special ops type missions as well as extraction and diversion missions. I want to see more sniper and reconnaissance activities and look forward to working with the 41st to ensure these happen 104th The 104th has improved spectacularly over the past 5 months and I could not be more happy to see them prosper. I want to see them build upwards on tank trainings and tank based entertainments. I want to see Dire squad build a better identity to ensure their long term well being and become special in their own right. I want to see 104th coming into the role of a true tank battalion making use of their vehicles. The battalion as a whole is well off but can always be better, I want to ensure that the next Wolffe is well and ready to continue improving upon themselves. I will be pushing for more tank trainings and entertainments in game How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?: The mechanized regiments have for the past few months been good however I want to see them closer. I will ensure the number of joint trainings and entertainments will increase in order to see the 21st, 41st, and 104th all grow more capable of working as a joint unit. I am extremely active in game and will be able to operate visibly both in game and in teamspeak with the battalions. I want the mechanized battalions to actively reach out with and hang out with each other and will ensure they all have the mindset of operating together. The boys of the mechanized regiment are without a doubt deserving of an RCMD who will give them their utmost attention and work tirelessly to ensure they have the best experience they can both with their own battalion and their fellow battalions. With my abilities as a staff member I will ensure that all three battalions get the chance to demonstrate their roles, vehicles and playstyle both as a battalion and a regiment. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: yes Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your regimental commander rank?: Yes
    1 point
  2. Steam Name: Twistedcolt2 RP Name:Wildfire [lore], Juggernaut RP Rank: Major SteamID: 76561198822955435 STEAM_0:1:431344853 Battalion you are applying for: 104th BCMD Wolffe Experience: TR 104th ARCL 104th REGL 104th Wildfire I came to this server back in October of 2023 mainly just to pester my good friend Rizzo but then I found a place in the 104th and have built friendships and brotherhoods. I never expected to have and it has changed me for the better. Clorox said it best our battalion is like herding a group of cats and I love the Chaos we have behind RP doors making me proud to say I would be honored to lead this next chapter of the 104th’s destiny. When I joined the 104th, the battalion was a small group of active people and a lot of missing people from the ranks and Officer Core. I along with a few others jumped into action hoping to revitalize the battalion because of friends we made upon joining and worked our way up through the ranks and branches, I myself started as a Heavy and after failing my first tryout of Selections clawed my way through the second try to become the next ARCL of our battalion. I worked my way to Wildfire of Diresquad and eventually REGL by the belief of my superiors that I could help our battalion. My time as REGL has given me lots of time to think about what it is like in a commanding position, it also has given me plenty of insight on what it takes to juggle splitting my time up between other branches in-order to help keep this battalion running smoothly. As Wildfire I have devoted a lot of time to showing that Dire Squad is active, on the frontlines and willing to bleed in the trenches with our fellow 104th. I went from being the crayon munching heavy who dives head first into the fray, to the level headed think before I put my medics in harm's way trooper I am today. I as Wildfire have learned how to properly command and give orders while still maintaining that moniker of Friend, something that can be quite difficult to figure out for those that lead. I've treasured my time as Wildfire, it's been a riot to run this tenure as my first ever lore character, Now its time for me to take the next step in my journey and step into the next Role I want to play. Why you should become a Battalion Commander?: I am 104th to the core and it makes me smile when I see a legion of gray lined up in debrief so I pledge to keep that going. 104th has some of the best tank operators I've seen on this server, and I wish to push that even further. I also believe that this battalion is a literal band of brothers, the bonds we share are nigh unbreakable. Yes we can have our spats or disagreements but in the end it is still a brother on the other end of the table so we find a way to agree on common ground. The laughter that I share in the Teamspeak with them is genuine, it honestly makes me feel like a father watching over them all as they have a good time. We also (mostly and that's something I plan to work on) know when it is time to get serious and kick some droid ass. We have a lovely CSR and I feel like it would be a great place to devise an obstacle course to push our tank control beyond simply being the slow beast of war and into an agile Machine of destruction. One thing that might help my boys is a few battle comms heavy sims, including but not limited to Hostage rescue, Minesweeping, and tactical tank warfare. I also hope to find a way to healthily segue into a combat scenario mindset from being the little prank and jokesters my boys are. Finally I want to work even closer with our mechanized brothers. We have strong bonds with them currently and I want to keep making them stronger with more Mech reg trainings. So the next time the server sees a convoy of heavy metal death breaking through battalions of droids just remember It's cause my boys are leading the charge. Availability: Sunday-Thursday 10AM- 12PM Friday-Saturday 6PM-12PM Discord availability is about the same Estimate of how long you’ve played on Synergy roleplay: I started playing on synergy 10/24/2023 Do you have a microphone?: yes Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?: I will attempt to be as active as possible as BCMD. Dire squad will be synonymous with wolfpack when mentioning the 104th, if Wolfpack is our fangs then diresquad is our claws. Time Zones are a big issue as well so I plan to find a proper middle ground of when you can see us have large activity throughout the day and not just here and there. Another issue we have is bouts of burnout, specifically when it comes to trying for BOTM we are not exactly the biggest battalion. That said a lot of that falls onto our NCO’s and when the same group of 5-10 guys keep trucking out trainings it can cause a bit of brain block. So scheduled trainings to divide the strain is something I believe would help ease that issue. Officers The officers are in a healthy position of activity. From WO to CMD the officers are available, active and doing their jobs. As a BCMD I will continue to encourage this level of activity. I would like however to try and find a proper schedule to host officer meetings every week to brainstorm ways to improve our NCO rate. NCOs The NCO core could use some work to revitalize its numbers. We have plenty of NCOs but after the recent addition of extra ranks I’ve noticed that there is a large case of burnout that occurs amongst them so I'd like to have a sit down with them and find a way to improve that. Perhaps some kind of reward for scheduled trainings or hours of activity. Enlisted The enlisted are in good positions at the moment we have a healthy influx of them. I plan to keep that going as BCMD with the recruitment monthly reward. Wolfpack Wolfpack is in a great spot; Comet and Dash-29 have done a fantastic job running it. They did have a stale period a while back due to some inactive members being on IRL Deployments. We are at this stage looking for a new Mortar and have 2 decent candidates. All in all Wolfpack is in healthy condition and I feel I can trust Comet to keep it running smoothly. I would like to implement more aggressive tactics with wolfpack, more often than not I see them taking to the high ground and sniping, which is fine I just would like to see them not viewing when jetpacks are banned as a weakness. Dire Squad Dire squad is likewise in a great spot however should I be promoted they will be looking for a new Wildfire and we are still missing a new Tracer. I will continue to assist them as much as I can, especially in Finding a new me/Wildfire, and finally getting my boys and Jedi their models. Dire squad may not be as fancy as the jetpack wielding Wolfpack but that doesn't keep us from being Important to the battalion. Regiments HVY: Heavy is in a good spot, Heavy ordnance is full and the heavy leadership is filled out with competent and determined individuals. Like with all the regiments I expect to have common trainings and encounters to build them into their identity. Examples being B & C, King of the hill style defenses and tactical demolitions. ARF: ARF could use some work, I intend to work with the REGL and ARFL/Os to bolster their numbers as well as build some ARF specific entertainments and training. I also want to ensure the ARF leadership is filled in with the right people. Playing right up the ARF ally for trainings would be things like assassination, stake-outs and stealth infiltrations SUP: Support is still struggling but with our Current Jag We have gained a few new Ideas to possibly bolster that. As such I intend to ensure a new pair of SUPO Are named and to work with the training capable battalions to ensure our SUP hopefuls are being given the opportunity to get the trainings they need. I have a few Ideas that might bring Rp back to the SUP branch such as Hot-zone repairs and dogfight tactics MED: Medical is small in numbers but strong in quality. I intend to work with the REGL and current MEDL Spitter to build up more numbers for the branch, and ensure more top quality medics make up the branches numbers. Let's be honest it's hard to find people who are enthusiastic about being medical and when you do you want to make sure they are having fun doing what they love. So I would like to play off of some previous suggestions such as Hot Zone trainings and cybernetic implementation Roleplays. ARC: ARC has been at a healthy level since my time as ARCL/REGL we have only 2 opens, 3 on my promotion out of our total 6 so I will work with My ARCL/ARCO to find new candidates as soon as I can and continue the timed combat trainings to push our troopers beyond. Such as Citadel runs, B & C and just for fun bomb defusal on hostages Jedi: Jedi has been in a revival thanks to our Current Plo Koon. We have several very strong bonds with our Jedi and a fantastic Sha Koon as well. I plan to keep the ball rolling with proper incentives to draw more into our armored shells. A few things I would like to improve is our Jedi’s feeling of integration. I have noticed we have jedi that wont hangout with us in Teamspeak and Id like to find out why and create a solution to make them feel always welcome. Also I would like to devise training that helps my Jedi learn battle placements in a combat zone. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:yes Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:yes
    1 point
  3. Steam Name: Taco RP Name: Dash-29 | Taco RP Rank: LT Steam ID: 76561198834561097 Battalion you are applying for: 104th Mechanized Assault Battalion Experience: Doom’s Unit: x2 Commander 6 months total, x2 ARCL, x2 ARCO, x1 HVYL Havoc Squad: Brimstone, Gambit, Lancer, and Crush 104th: x1ARCO and x1 Wolfpack XO Wolfpack: Dash-29 Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: Clorox has given the next BCMD an opportunity to bring this battalion to the top of the server. However, I feel there are some parts of the battalion that need work/revamps. In my personal opinion I feel as I would be the perfect choice to continue what Clorox has started. With the use of my past experience as a commander in Doom’s Unit, I will be able to push past any hurdles or obstacles that arise during my time as BCMD. I have been reaching out to other BCMDs building relations with other battalions in the server to help prevent any hurdles. Availability: Mon-Fri: 4 pm - 12 am EST Sun: 3 pm - 12 am EST Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: I've been on the server since late 2019 on and off totaling around 2,861 hours. Do you have a microphone?: Yes Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?: Officers Currently, I feel officers aren’t held to the standard that is expected. The quota of 4 large entertainments isn’t always filled and nothing comes of it. If I become Wolffe I will ensure that officers live up to the standard that is set for them by introducing a strike system if they do not fill the quota. As of right now, there is no clear process in choosing a WO. We have a discord channel that has a “watchlist” but I feel it is ignored and not used 100%. I want to implement a system where before they become an officer they must go through an evaluation period where all officers will see how the NCO does. We will then discuss and decide during the bi-weekly meeting if they should be WO or not. Right now, we do not have set meetings for the officer core. I want to have bi-weekly meeting with the officer core. We will ensure we take accurate notes to look back on them. If someone can't make it they will have a chance before the meeting to write their personal notes This will help build communication between high command and the officer core. To ensure that the entire battalion is aware and updated on any monthly battalion info using the notes from the officer meetings there will be a Monthly State of the Battalion announcement that will include all of the monthly battalion stats, any open positions within the battalion, the trooper of the month, and more. NCOs At this current moment, the NCOs have no reason in doing trainings or recruitments other than rank requirements. I want to implement a system to reward activity in the NCO core by introducing trooper of the week and trooper of the month, those who get trooper of the week can be nominated for trooper of the month and earn additional rewards. Intel Revamp Sadly, most intel members are actually afraid of touching anything on the roster as they fear they might break something on it. I would like to simplify the logging process and increase redundancy. I would like to introduce adding NCOs to the intel team as another way for them to show commitment to the battalion and bypass certain promotion requirements. Intel work could also factor into getting trooper of the week/month. I also feel that the current documents we use are outdated and one of the first things I will be working on is getting these updated. Sub Units Personally, I feel both Wolfpack and Dire Squad are kind of under utilized. I feel like Wolfpack is just guys with jetpacks! I want them to be an advanced insertions squad or something along the lines of being more of a HALO team that is dropped behind enemy lines. Dire Squad has a lot of potential and can become something very intriguing. I want them to be used as a shock squad, a team that hits enemies weak spots. Just like every other 104th, I want them to have their own models, making their kit more CQB based with a shotgun instead of the DP-20 and buff their armor. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes
    1 point
  4. Can u repost the image it says it expired :D
    1 point
  5. You have been ACCEPTED for an interview! Please contact a Veteran Admin+ to organise your interview! Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application. // LOCKED // MOVED TO STAFF APPLICATIONS - PENDING
    1 point
  6. Can't wait to see how you help the server +1
    1 point
  7. @BHOdin2003 Hey so this is what you said before you edited your appeal, care to comment on why the story changed?
    1 point
  8. Name: OdinTheUniversetraveler2003 Steam ID: 76561199018416204 Ban Reason: Racism Date of Ban: 4/26/2024 Length of Ban: 5 days Staff Member(s) Involved: None Reason(s) why we should accept your appeal: I let my brother play while I was busy. Both using the bathroom and taking out the trash. When I came back, I saw he left a racist comment on Yoda. Which is why I was banned. I had a bad feeling it would happen. I won't let that happen again. Next time I'll go AFK. I've only been on the server for a week. Please let me back in 501st. I swear there won't be anymore racist comments.
    0 points
  9. I do want to say that if people want to afk/gamble thats not my issue what so ever if people maybe paid attention to what was going on then they would have more fun. The younglings were minges in the first place from what I was told so the jedi were just enabling that behavior which is unacceptable but I had other things going on to deal with that (My event) the people who participated actually had fun which I wish more people would rate on here but no one ever does other than 2,3 people at the most. Another thing is the 1st map is a server issue/ Map issue which apparently people had issues on it before but failed to report it so I had no idea that people crash during that map. And what choices did I make that were bad? I switched the maps to get people to stop crashing but had to play into it I cant just switch the maps out of no where without a reason. Also i made it into something basically completely different than what I was going for and made it more of like a scavenger/ survival type thing. Not my fault people crashed and lost attention. Again no one left half the server crashed due to the map being shit which I was unaware of because people failed to report it. Performance wise Gmod runs only on 1 core cuz its so old so its pretty hard to keep performance at a solid fps/tick rate. the second map tick never dropped below 8 but it was laggy which again i cant do anything about due to how gmod was made. Another thing is people kept breaking the rules as I said NO FIRE WEAPONS. but people continued to use flame thrower and fire shotgun(the flames cause issues when the pop is high). Also on the desert map, that was their choice to do so. From what I saw Reborn was the one leading that HOUSE shit and I asked him to kindly make those people move out and participate in the event which not even 5 minutes after i pmed him he made everyone leave that area and actually participate. Eventually I saw a huge amount of people participating in the event after that. The people AFK doesn't have anything due to me not having a good event theirs always people afking on the server a good 20 people i always see AFK 90% of the time im on the server. I honestly don't understand your rating unless You yourself did not participate in the event due to "Loss of Interest". TLDR: 1. I did not know that the 1st map would crash people due to it not being reported. 2. I am not in charge of everyone I cant control what people do its their choice to join in on the event or not 3. I can control performance to an extend Gmod runs on a single core so its really hard to control that with a high pop 4. The choices I made were for the better for the event so I dont understand what choices I made were bad. lastly 5. From my understanding your rating the event over stuff I cant control. Overall I did have a great event from many peoples Point of View and salvaged what i could out of it and it turned out pretty good. Just people need to realize how constricted we are when it comes to event performances due to gmod being gmod. Again I just feel like ur rating my event over stuff I cant control
    -1 points
  10. Name: Rippa RP Rank SGT First Class Suggestion: Cantina hangout area to gamble with bar and table games Implementation: There should be a portal sort of like the ones in the hanger where you walk into a LATT and it teleports you to a new planet but insted of a planet just have a cantina style room with a bar and maybe music or a playable piano sort of like the Guild hall this could be the casino/cantina where you could hangout and chill but also could gamble. maybe there could be other games such as chess aswell in the cantina room. The gambling section could just be a few tables maybe a few roulette tables and a blackjack table where the games you could choose what chips to put on the table in 100k denoms to 1 mill and maybe a high rollers area where minimum bet is 200k and you could bet all the way up to 2mill black jack would pay 2:1 and if you got a black jack it would be 3:1 the roulette tables would be like actual roulette tables where depending on what you bet on it would pay a certain amount like if you hit the exact number its 34;1 and you could play red or black or the numbers. If you lost money lets say the house won and you lost the hand 15% of the money lost would goto staff members or maybe the head admins and the rest would goto the owners of the server. If asked people about this ingame and they said it would break the economy i believe it would maybe you could raise the prices of the guns or not i know they are sort of expensive for those who are free to play which is why this system could benifit both players and those who actually do hard work around the server its a win win I could help design the cantina if need be and I know there are some props or addons that already make the table games possible because the server I used to play on had them. This economy thing could go more in-depth as well because lets say every week or every month the vice admiral and high ranking officialls could hand out money to the commander of the battalions who could split up the money evenly between the troops who are online which give them an incentive to be active aswell as it makes getting perma weapon a bit easier lets say for example 15 members are active in a battalion when they come do these bunks inspections where they hand out money to they can just give 30 mill to the commander and he divides it up evenly so everyone who is one during that inspection time would get 2 mill in that battalion these funds would mostly come from the casino as it would actually improve the economy in many ways. Obviously this would be a once a week thing or whenever it feels right to hand out money to each of the battalions this way people dont dread grinding quest and what not it would give people another way of making money. the commanders of the battalions see who are active so if someone only gets on to receive money it is the commanders job to determine if they receive a cut or not but this shouldn't be abused by the commanders so they end up keeping all of the money. The casino addition would be awesome i believe everyone could find it cool and fun to have a nice hangout area to gamble, play chess, or play the piano, or just sit at the bar and talk and chill. If any Questions or concerns on this idea please feel free to contact me in game or discord Kzits/Rippa. I think this idea should definitely be implemented some time if you agree aswell please like my post and support it thx-Rippa
    -1 points
  11. +1 Free my Mans @Crisp This guy ain't deserve it
    -3 points
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