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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/15/2024 in Posts

  1. Unfortunately this suggestion has been DENIED. For more information on why this suggestion was denied, please contact a Forum Admin+ // LOCKED // MOVED TO FORUM SUGGESTIONS - DENIED
    1 point
  2. As it stands, the reputation function is intended to be a physical representation of the communities perception of you. Because of this, if you are giving opinions that are generally disagreed with, that your reputation is impacted, and vice-versa. If you'd like to disagree with an opinion and not directly effect someones reputation, it makes sense that instead you use a reply or comment to voice that disagreement.
    1 point
  3. 2/2/4 The Diamond storm and lightning spam from Dooku, never thought he had that ability. The commandos Teleporting to each other and each other I'm sure LilJ meant this event to be better but the EJs really ruined it. I hope the EJs in the future will be better hate to see a good event ruined like that.
    1 point
  4. 1/2/4 Commandos spammed shotty's, intero was good however the commando driod spam was just bad
    1 point
  5. 1/2/5 event. Commandos spammed shotguns the entire time, Dooku spammed diamond storm, and all the EJs fail RP'ed on many occasions. I don't want to ruin your mood but like 20 people were sitting in spawn because of this.
    1 point
  6. Fellow old head from around 6-7 years ago here, used to go by Crumpet back then. Pleased to meet ya
    1 point
  7. i uh. think he's been enough SOBDE.
    1 point
  8. You should join SOBDE.
    1 point
  9. Clone Wars Application Guidelines and Templates NOTE: These guidelines are for both new and previous applicants. Prerequisites: Must not have any previous offenses. (If you do have PO please talk to a HA+ about being waived for staff) Must be an active and outgoing community member. Must be active on both the forums and server. Must be respectable and mature. Must be at least the age of 14 years old, or be waived prior by a HA+ if the age requirement is not met. Disclaimers: If you are re-applying to the staff team you cannot have been removed from staff for violating the standards of staff. (This INCLUDES inactivity) You can only re-apply to a staff rank you held previously. If you break any of the guidelines stated here your application may be denied and/or your current duties terminated. Any advertising of your application(s) will result in an auto-denial. If you've recently resigned from staff you must wait a total of 14 days before applying again. You may comment on your own application, however if you are starting drama in the comments your application will be denied. You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in-game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make an in-game ticket and a staff will help you figure your playtime. The use of ChatGPT to write/create applications for staff is not allowed and will result in your staff application being voided. We expect you to be up to date on our current rules and regulations before making any application. Consolidated Information: If you were previously a Director, Head Admin, Overseer, or Veteran Admin and you pass the re-application process you get assigned the rank of Senior admin. If you were previously a Senior Admin or Admin, you will be applying to receive that position back. You do not reapply to be a New Admin. If you were a New Admin previously you would go through the application process as normal. [ New Staff Application Template ] [ Returning Staff Application Template ]
    1 point
  10. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Mystic Suggestion: Remove the rep reduction associated with the "Disagree" react. Why should we implement this? If confused doesn't take away rep i don't see why disagree should. Dumb is already used in place of it, Agree is generally a positive thing as well as "Friendly" and "Pay Respects" but with "Disagree" basically being the equivalent to "i disagree with your opinion or your statement" it seems dumb that it removes reputation. Since its essentially a nicer way of dumbing someone and most people just use the dumb react anyways. Dumb should stay the only negative reaction as it is the only one directly associated with negativity. To be completely honest, I'd rather see Agree/Disagree lose their +Rep and -Rep together than keep disagree as a -rep. Both should be used to show you agree or disagree. Neither should particularly affect reputation since neither is postive/negative How will this improve the Forums? It really wont change a whole lot, it's impact would likely be the same as when they changed "Pay Respects" to give positive reputation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    0 points
  11. I stand with the people -1
    0 points
  12. All the people with bad opinions deserve to have low rep -1
    -1 points
  13. -1 points
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