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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/13/2019 in Posts

  1. How the thread turned from "Hey, lets give Alpha ARCs some cool buffs" to "Hey, lets give SOBDE the Alpha ARCs" actually baffles me.
    4 points
  2. Not trying to sound like a dick but why do you guys keep trying to take Alpha from Rancor? When it was first added you all wanted nothing to do with it. Now that it's become successful, now you guys want it?
    4 points
  3. Every time i try to become darth vader i fail and i not failing this time
    3 points
  4. came to minge minged and got away with it so here i am
    3 points
  5. You're going to hell for that. I will send my knights to storm your secret palace.
    3 points
  6. RP Name/Steam Name: CT PVT Debrief/ FireyCheese Steam ID: 76561198177107529 -64 Date of Ban:don’t know Length of Ban: forever Offense:4+ bans/ erp Banned By: doesn’t say Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: ok listen now I understand my old self or debrief was a complete fucking reebo and a minge and that I’ve been this way in the server for a long time I’ve minged around shot up DB border lined erped, erped as a joke and done so many bad things that I was oblivious to as well as bans them selves I just looked over them thinking they were nothing but barriers from minging some more but now that I’ve thought of it and the real affect of the ban is taking place I miss the server I miss killing CIS I miss rping out serious stuff I miss it and I want to come back. As well as I want to clarify some shit 1. No I was not banned 15 minutes after I joined the first ban was around 2 weeks after I was unbanned 2. I am not using the synergy server as my minge server (thatd be Icefuse) I was gonna make a 3 but those are the 2 Major things people have said I can’t show proof I’ve matured since I’m not a narcissist who takes multiple selfies of them self’s (though I’m sure that’s not what y’all meant) but how I can show you that I’ve matured well you’d have to see this for yourself i game also I’m gonna become palpatine how you ask this is how 1. Be unbanned 1.5 don’t mingw 2. Join 212th 3.stay in 212th til I become cody 4. Make a Jedi character 5. On Jedi character keep doing normal activities 6. Join a branch in Jedi ( prolly TG ) 7. Keep leveling in that branch til High command 8. Gang a epic rep 9. Keep being active til recognized by whole server 10. Disregard the name of debrief 11. Become Todd 12. Wait til applications come 13. With my whole new transformation become palpatine 14. Become RP god 15. Bring back CT ranks(we fucking need them) 16. Step down from palpatine 17. Join CT ranks 18. Rise ct ranks 19. Become head honcho of CT 20. Disregard name of Todd your stupid no I’m not what’s 9 + 10 21. Become debrief Evidence to support your claims: you’ll have to see for yourself honey
    2 points
  7. At first I was on ASG in like 2014 and then in Axiom in 2016. Then I resigned. Then I went around some gmod servers to find a good phase 2, slg venator server. I found synergy in August. Then I found out there were some Axiom and ASG bois here too which was cool.
    2 points
  8. I previously played on the Server known as FSAS. It tried reviving itself multiple times after the server shut down but failed to do so. So i came here during the early days.
    2 points
  9. Came from Icefuse with the 104th
    2 points
  10. Didn’t get battlefront 2 and wanted to play on FSAS but it went down so I’m here and ur all stuck with me
    2 points
  11. I came to massacre and make fun of some gay boys playing Star Wars RP Ironic isn't it?
    2 points
  12. +1 imagine having your Intel rank in your name in game....... @[SR] Carvis [A]
    2 points
  13. Funny thing is I haven’t been in game lately else than for events because I been working on docs so how is that possible and you have no proof to say that’s true and you’re assuming that im replying to you guys and Allegations? What allegations? And you guys seem to just find anything I post and dumb it or -1 it like you guys have done here because you, shade and josh are in SOBDE. At least have proof of me saying anything towards SOBDE or making allegations before I actually accept doing that. Thank you for proving my point by dumbing what i said.
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. +1 during my time as staff as well as commander Colt I have never seen at least when I am on piff cause drama. Piff upholds to high standards and has done only good when I have seen him.
    2 points
  16. +1 Please don't void this. Again.
    2 points
  17. Sobde reg 🙅‍♀️
    2 points
  18. I'm still saying this, since it was a thing when I was around head admin/SOBDE Reg. We should just put Alpha into SOBDE, remove Foxtrot. No offence to Foxtrot's players they're fine enough I guess but they got no lore and more Alpha spots can be opened if we put them in SOBDE, put it like 10 total,
    2 points
  19. It's supported by lore, Alphas were trained by Jango Fett, man was better than Kal but that shouldn't even factor in, I don't know why people are bringing in NULL and RC, they weren't mentioned anywhere in the suggestion, just seems like a way to start shit. +1
    2 points
  20. Holy fuck can i get 5 seconds without drama on this fucking website.
    2 points
  21. Name: HyDrA Suggestion: put new people on there for more roleplay and stuff Implementation: i Think It should because of how many people are on the server Lore: none at all P.S i am Going to be the Darth Vader and i will be the right and all powerful one like no can be come darth vader or i will kill them
    1 point
  22. i came to fuck around on cwrp with friends and ended up liking this train wreck where did i go wrong
    1 point
  23. Because I was there for maybe a couple of months and I went by Rand. It introduced me to star wars rp and it was so fucking cool for the way I was trained. I remember @Sock Monkey training me and then we switched maps right after my training in a perfect transition. Then I went to axiom and went by Link, soo yea
    1 point
  24. I mean I didn't know what was going on But I liked throwing zombies to space so take a 6
    1 point
  25. @Sock Monkey@Daytona211@Stockings ❤️
    1 point
  26. Gonna be real here for a sec, The OG battlefront and the newest battlefront are both great games. 05BF gave you the ability to have Darth Vader ram Luke with a snowspeeder along with the great galactic conquest and instant action. Yet it had its balance issues and a good half of the maps were actually balanced for both sides. EA’s newer battlefront games aren’t bad games, the 1st way was just lackluster and the 2nd had a lot of controversy surrounding it on realase. Yet now a days, the Battlefront 2 is the shit with its constant updates and “mostly” balanced class system. They’re both great
    1 point
  27. Why don’t we make Gregor lore character 212th and Alpha Arc lore ARC Rancor 🤯
    1 point
  28. I didn't play Clone wars specifically, but I played on Icefuse MilitaryRP so basically Icefuse Corruption also my friend told me joah made a server and came a few months later.
    1 point
  29. My Friend showed me this server so I was like "huh Ill check it out" joined shock which was really fun and I liked the people there so I decided to stick around
    1 point
  30. +1 I like ya Piff. Full homo
    1 point
  31. Icefuse. Was part of it for like a year and a half (I think) and wasn't ready to give up cause of the split, so I popped on over here with all my friends.
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. I need Friends plz help me
    1 point
  34. Well i was a 101st Trooper on icefuse and i saw someone say that Synergy is better than IFN so i switched over. (I joined like 2 weeks after launch) Since then i am still here lmao
    1 point
  35. played on a swrp server and it shut down and tried icefuse, didn’t like it and saw Synergy and tried it out.
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. Just draft @Freck and I to make it, literally be done in 30 minutes.
    1 point
  38. That's a lie. I always wanted Alpha in SOBDE, you should remember this from last year before they were added lol.
    1 point
  39. -1 Still not learning. Stop memeing in your ban appeal and maybe people will actually +1 it. I said this during your last appeal
    1 point
  40. +1 talked to Nigel about it
    1 point
  41. Damn you have had a lot of birthdays in the past year. On a real note, nothing I can do here mate. You are going to have to wait the 30 days to reapply due to poor community feedback. I would take this time to reinvent yourself and show that you are truly able to be a staff member. Head Admins are the ones who deal with these.
    1 point
  42. just suggest a 327th shotgun buff 4head?
    1 point
  43. lol you guys asked a GM CPL if im right if he "crushes poon" which you then directed towards me saying along the lines of "i dont crush poon" which caused the arrest for failRP and disrespect
    1 point
  44. -1 So not only do you not have any proof of this, but I seen your names from somewhere and couldn't remember where. One night last week, Hunk and Capri were minging bad enough to have a request for a blacklist by one of our guys in 212th. One of you were RDMing and both calling people “fags” and being disrespectful towards people Here you are again, complaining about a staff when you pulled the exact same shit. Hell, You even failed to mentioned you got caught RDMing. i was going to say neutral to give you benefit of the doubt that you two improved your behaviors and that it was an honest mistake made by berr but damn
    1 point
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