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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/09/2019 in Posts

  1. Battalion: Doom's Unit RP Name: Battalion Commander Doom Date: 5/9/2019 Reason: I got a new job and have to move and so I won't be able to hold the position and deal with the things I need to deal with in real life right now so this is my goodbye. I'm just glad I'm leaving 2 people more than capable to take over Doom's Unit. I really wanted to finish this term to its end, but this is taking major priority so sorry I couldn't leave the battalion in a better state, but I'm 100% positive the next Doom can and will be better than me so they can pull it off Goodbyes: Not sure how to @ people so I won't, but I love you all
    9 points
  2. I'm bored, and to be honest I want to have a laugh, haven't been on here in a while afterwards. Post ya face reveals, here's the edgy boy that you all once respected.
    6 points
  3. Holy fuck can i get 5 seconds without drama on this fucking website.
    6 points
  4. How everyone who thinks this is actually a picture of Elijah be looking:
    4 points
  5. I hate you all <3
    3 points
  6. @Bbstine has 66+ rep from @ everyone twice and didnt return the favor he is clearly farming rep as an exploit so we should ban him from the server also very toxic See you in the game Smells very bad has a weird thing for cats rps as an angry sand man which is racist and the FUCKING TrAiNZ
    3 points
  7. That man looks like he needs jesus in his life. Im here for you, whenever you need me. In the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit. Amen.
    3 points
  8. Holy virgin mary, you definitely need Jesus!
    3 points
  9. Locked Bananaberry and I will discuss
    2 points
  10. This is not a Jedi Order matter, this is him breaking a Synergy Roleplay Server Rule. Section A: 15 of the Synergy Roleplay Rules on the forums states Exploiting of any kind is not allowed and is a bannable offense. And on the punishment guidelines for staff it is a bannable offense for 2 days to PERM. Here is the link https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mz6kDD11rZgWc4HESWEv6W8SxapywLlYiZI1dOuaC0U/edit#heading=h.2zxjrpykomjr
    2 points
  11. Fuck you, I killed you like 2 times as a Base Ops for CORRUPTION. +1 Good Commander.
    2 points
  12. My little brother and me like from prolly 2016
    2 points
  13. Best picture of me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    2 points
  14. My mother is simply the best. She got pregnant without even taking her robes off. Thats the power of God.
    2 points
  15. what a world we live in now that someone can't even make a harmless fucking joke about their friend without getting backlash. Disgusting.
    2 points
  16. Thats not actually him, no need to fear, what y'all think I'd be creepy and sneak a screenshot when he revealed his face?
    2 points
  17. This man lives concerningly close to train tracks. +1
    2 points
  18. I'll be honest, at first you annoyed the literal hell out of me but I chilled with the 104th for a day and noticed you're not that bad. But on the forums, you need help....a lot of help.
    2 points
  19. So their order would still break that by your own definition. Considering they have many lords and even ANOTHER EMPEROR (Dark Lord of the Sith or whatever same thing different title.)..... The Sith are enemies to the Republic. We shouldn't be forced to attempt and detain a group of people who are known enemies and have the ability to decimate Clones up close with force abilities. This whole new RoE undercuts the rule put in place, they have the opportunity to strike first and hurt the Republic severely. Not to mention the fact of the matter is most clones would die before being able to detain a Sith or the Sith could just leap away.
    2 points
  20. Neutral. As a Marshal Commander to the Republic you have failed on one major ground. You align yourself with the enemy and consistently let Sith take advantage of the Republic. The new RoE shows this clearly. You went and undercut a server rule to try and assist the Sith. The constant meetings with Sith in base and lack of actual RP involving supporting the Republic over its enemies is the only reason I am skeptical of your return. Overall, Qal you have good intentions but you need to take a look at what you are doing RP wise.
    2 points
  21. WHy on god would you guys comment neutral never seen you ? its kinda useless ? im 99% sure that neutral are not counted in +1/-1 and you guys are just saying "never seen you" im just wondering.. why ? this is more meant to say if you support him and why with constructive critizisme. also for the people calling him inactive, its just not true, he plays late at night, I see him almost every day. Its not because you dont see someone that means they are inactive. With that being said FAT +1 for me, ive know sugga since he was a CT sgt on icefuse (because yes CT was a battalion on icefuse before this community was created) Ive been with him in 187th and were both XO together, Sugga is more then qualified for this job and I know he has what it needs to be BCMD and to bring them to glory. I really hope you get it my friend and good luck you are by far the most qualified in this race.
    2 points
  22. Its missing the infamous corded phone
    1 point
  23. I will show you the way. I will send heavenly nuns to your doorstep and help you be one with God.
    1 point
  24. I'll have you know I only wear the wig on a Tuesday! #Triggered
    1 point
  25. Would you be able to hit one of my balls from 2-3 meters away? If not, then you're bad! Jk
    1 point
  26. The Faction is enemy to the Republic and if they don't want to be treated as such play either Clone or Jedi. I'm not mad but I want him to realize within RP what he is doing is essentially treason. I like Qal I just heavily disagree with the working with Sith bullshit. But I wouldn't expect the guy who allied with them as 501st to understand that.
    1 point
    1 point
  28. no people kept mass upvoting me
    1 point
  29. Jesus, I own like three bibles and I've sinned alot. Can I please be washed away of all my misdeeds.
    1 point
  30. +1 I missed him put up FOBs and its fun watching all of the people who are SOBDE get mad at him for doing something with a faction on server that no ones wants to play because people all ways down them
    1 point
  31. i think joah gave it to me
    1 point
  32. Do you wish to repent your sins, I am here with open arms my friend. Find love in your heart and accept the greatness of God.
    1 point
  33. freck was the same age as me but was also somehow 10x more mature
    1 point
  34. Huh. +1 tho your name aint that long in game boiiii
    1 point
  35. I agree with you there on that about Palpatine, however that is my own roleplay side of things as my character not the clones. In terms of the RoE I told Qal to clarify what he wants them to be, as I had previously stated I didn’t give any orders in terms of RoE, as that wouldn’t fall under the Chancellor in a lore sense, it would fall under the highest military authority, ie. The Marshal Commander
    1 point
  36. A captured enemy is lore valuable than a dead one. Having a captive Sith allows us to have leverage over the Sith from a roleplay aspect in gaining intelligence. There is nothing stating anywhere that we would treat them as allies? Detain means strip them of weapons and comms, bind them with force-shackles, take them to brig/IR. As stated above, intelligence in a war would be far more superior than a dead acolyte... Also, the rule of two, as I had to explain to others. States there may only be two Sith LORDS at one time. A master and an apprentice. It does not state there can not be others under them? Savage and Maul we’re trying to overthrow Sidious to become the new Two lords. He didn’t care about their existence until they plotted against him. Finally, all you had to do was bring this up with me or @Qaland we could have discussed it? Don’t see why you needed to put up a server suggestion?
    1 point
  37. Thank you for starring in @UneJamMut's videos.
    1 point
  38. You have been ACCEPTED for interview Please contact Dragon and Bananaberry for your interview before 5/15/2019 or your application will be DENIED //locked //moved to Pending
    1 point
  39. Fun facts about my life. Deep. Lol * I learned english from Icefuse. Not school *I was fucking 11-12 or smth like that. Now im 16. *Jokes but real* Oh and hey. You wanna know what? I tried to be staff on IFN back then but got denied because I was wither too young or having a pitchy voice I think you should wait a bit and not rush the application. Try to gain peoples respect and be yourself from now. Good luck.
    1 point
  40. Jesus may help you with your new voice. Pray to god today and you may get what you wish.
    1 point
  41. Hey hydra. my experiences with you haven’t been the greatest. I mean you cursed out everyone in the ts when you got your massiff job unwhitelisted by Ragen. You have lied about your birthday many times. And from what I see you don’t have any respect for people, and you complain of stuff doesn’t go your way. You sorta have a nice amount of time to reinvent yourself. I would. With your current behavior I can roughly guess your age as 11. Take some time to mature and think about the way you have acted and try to better yourself.
    1 point
  42. sweet jesus, this man is made of birthdays!
    1 point
  43. If I had the powers of Greek I would use Tyler here. But instead ▬▬▬.◙.▬▬▬ ═▂▄▄▓▄▄▂ ◢◤ █▀▀████▄▄▄▄◢◤ █▄ █ █▄ ███▀▀▀▀▀▀▀╬ ◥█████◤ ══╩══╩═ ╬═╬ ╬═╬ ╬═╬ ╬═╬ just dropped down to say ╬═╬getcho dumb ass outta here boy ╬═╬☻/ ╬═╬/▌ ╬═╬/ \
    1 point
  44. Pretty sure that Ziro wasnt a female but thats a little off topic. Anyways +1! Ive always been confused with the servers timeline. As you said people like Colt and all those people died but yet they are still on the server so yeah +1 From Me!
    1 point
  45. -1 to many SOBDE r staff lmao Jk Plus 1 gamer go big
    1 point
  46. 17 positive rep and i'll do it (thats cuz I don't want to do it but if you guys really want it....) (don't negative rep either that actually hurts my rep though) (made it easier for you guys) (its been 20 the whole time I swear) (fine its 17 again, but don't you dare...)
    1 point
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