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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/05/2017 in all areas

  1. I managed to cuck Halpert pretty badly, it's pretty damn hilarious and I think you'll enjoy it.
    3 points
  2. Steam Name: [SR]Angry Zander [HA] RP Name: 91st Recon TR2 Zander Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:1:95467218 Battalion/Area you are applying for: 91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps Experience: I have Battalion Commander experience from my 5 months of being Commander Neyo, I feel this helped me shape into the person that I am today and truly helped me learn how to work together within a battalion. I learned that you need to trust yourself when you are leading anything, You need to seem like a strong leader in front of your men, I still carry this attribute to this day thus why I have been in many high up staff positions. I also have experience as XO Mortar of the 104th, I was an XO in the 104th for 2 months. I have been in the Clone Wars staff over a year rising through the ranks until I ran Clone Wars as a division leader and then as an executive admin for my old community. I am currently a Head Admin for Synergy I believe these experiences would help me run and help the 91st prosper through the difficult times ahead. Why should you become a Commander?: I love this battalion, I held Neyo for 5 months in which 91st had one of its greatest runs on Icefuse, not just because of me, but because of the great officers (Black)(Fizz)(Tomas)(Lazer)(Duck)(Joah)(Max) all these troopers went on to become great things and they stood beside me and helped fight for the survival of the battalion. I believe I can revive 91st from its current state and add a little flare and make it fun and train officers to be able to take the mantle and continue the legacy that 91st should have and continue to be a stable battalion and a vital part of the republic. Do you understand the lore of your battalion? Yes, I do Availability: Sat-Wed 6pm-9am Thurs-Friday Varies Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: Before the server officially launched. Do you have a microphone?: Yes. What plans do you have for the battalion you are applying for?: I plan on increasing the player count, increasing member retention, build up officers to be able to run the battalion in the absence of the commander ensuring the survival of the battalion during turbulent times and hopefully create the future commanders of the server. Long live the 91st Empire! Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position? Yes, although, as a raging redneck, I find it hard to understand most things.
    2 points
  3. I am just going to throw a few things out there... A: Tomas is a Head-Administrator, and a good one. B: Tomas was probably being minge-y because of the time of night that it was. C: Tomas more then likely has a good explanation.
    2 points
  4. @DestinI see where you are coming from, I really do. However, you went about the situation completely wrong, let me explain in a little more detail. If a player is thinking about leaving, I personally would have urged them to stay and told them I'll find them someone as soon as possible or stayed out of the situation completely as to avoid an issue. (If you didn't know, Zander actually found the player a trainer and that CC is now a productive member of our community. You telling him to leave made this harder for everyone.) On your previous ban appeal in which can be found here. You tagged your post with the following: In which is definitely not the way to go about posting a ban appeal. Just by the tags on the post, it makes the appeal look unprofessional. In the previous report you were trying not to argue and doing quite well until you lost control a little bit, and were once again being unprofessional about the whole ideal. Which got so bad as to having one of our Staff Directors, @Medic, having to get involved in a n issue in which he did not need to be involved in. This community is less of a political business and more of a family and the voices of the people within our family are very influential. A lot of people in the community have a negative opinion on you because of certain actions in which you have taken. Now with this I see where a lot of people giving the -1's on your appeal due to them simply wanting you to have a break to rethink your approach to the server so that the family in which we have built here feels safe. I understand this completely, I also understand your point about it having nothing to do with what happened. I denied your previous report for valid reasoning and not for "negative feedback" in which I could have. The point in which you made in this post; Just because the player already thought of leaving the server does not invalidate the point of your ban due to the fact that you still influenced a player to leave the community which is very much so inappropriate. This is still in the correct definition of server disrespect and is unacceptable. Do I agree with the length of the ban? Not entirely, but due to your actions on the previous post and the unprofessionalism that was portrayed, I left it as is rather than decreasing the ban. This post and the previous posts made by me are 100% about the situation and are, by all means fair and have meaning and purpose. I think you should think about taking the rest of the time on your ban to rethink how you are on the server and within the community family at Synergy Roleplay before returning to the server. However, as I denied the last appeal I will leave the decision up to @Rush Cat & @Medic due to the fact that @Zander, @Aphex & I have already been involved in the situation. P.S. I wouldn't come into the Teamspeak telling the person that denied your appeal that they "Need help" then proceed to shit talk them in Discord with other members of the community that disagree with you and think that it'll all magically be okay. The community is joined together as one and talk gets around.
    2 points
  5. While holding out a gun and running past the OOC Lounge on the new and current venator, it strips your weapons giving the phrase "Weapons are not allowed in the cinema." Now I know it would help if I had submitted a video but quite frankly everything I tried I either failed at or it didn't work. I would just like to point it out because incase of an event this would kinda ruin the immersion if your guns were to get stripped from you telling you that you can't ave guns in a cinema, which is completely absurd in a combat situation. I don't know any possible fixes, but all I know is that it interferes with RP. Sorry for not following Template... I just realized there was one and if needed I can resubmit.
    1 point
  6. I'm going to write a list of anything that I recognize or is brought to me as needing attention, polishing, or additional development on the server. This will just help to keep all of my thoughts truncated in one place, and act as a laundry list of items to suggest as the server progresses. Please do not view this as nitpicking. I'm simply making this as a list of items that, if the server were to be perfect, could be looked at. These are in no particular order. Skill system 2ndAC models 2ndAC medic has wrong DC-15a Additional 2ndAC jobs 212th Major class/model Fixed rank permissions Includes prop protection Utilities access Overseer can't admin clean for example Toolgun access Vet Admin probably doesn't need rope for example Chat tags Staff ranks Donator ranks Fix "[VIP Operator" to "[VIP] Operator" in TAB More event jobs More vehicles Better owners Event server Staff training program Staff supervision program (SMod doc? No. Vet Admin doc? Maybe.) Staff rank hierarchy revision (is New Admin -> Admin -> Vet Admin practical?) Game Maker for any staff rank Improved ticket GUI graphic/utility (smaller, less noisy/obnoxious, fits all text in the box) Fix bug in which tickets do not appear for specific users New whitelist system Current one lacks a needed search function Remove ability to join any job as staff Possibly a consequence of the current whitelist tool New TAB menu Current one makes it difficult to quickly differentiate battalion/see number of active people in a batt. Unnecessary functions on the left side Maybe provide more information when you click a name? I think this was already promised? Collapsible F4 menu Too much scrolling Remove Jek Possibly a new admin tool? ULX is good, but not great Could be better and more applicable to SWRP/DarkRP functionality Command echos are also an issue (either on for all or off for all) More guns in the gun shop! SWEPs? Sound/voice SWEPs DEFCON and comms status on HUD! More NCPs! Custom map Work in progress? Admin mode rip my immersion with ULX New clone cadet model Currently being commissioned The young Yularen model He's not that old, guys More snow trooper skins A lot of jobs/battalions don't have them Female clones Duh Fix Teamspeak permissions I can see Joah's IP DDOS inbound (he's probably using a VPN) DMCA Icefuse Regimental and Senior CMD models that don't look like they're part of a batt. Find some, I guess Remove LUA injection permissions for everyone so people can't use external code to spawn themselves guns Better 91st models More Jedi models We have a lot already, though I will be adding from this list as more things come to me. I'll treat it as a changelog and post changes in the thread below to help myself keep track of things. If you have something you'd like to see in the future, but don't want to suggest now feel free to comment it and I'll add it so we can remember. If something is suggested I'll cross it out and color it green or red for accepted and denied respectively.
    1 point
  7. Hi guys, been playing a lot of PUBG recently and I just started my YouTube channel! Check it out! Love you all.
    1 point
  8. Woah, alright im going to point out some discrepancies right here, (and maybe i dont have a say in this, but guess what? im going to state my opinion) They were in a sim, a NULL claimed sim, okay, in sims, (if my administrative knowledge isn't outdated) You can spawn weapons for people inside the sim, if requested to do so, this is coming from someone that held countless sims and events. i doubt theres anything wrong with spawning a weapon inside of a sim. Was he killing anyone else inside the sim? besides the people he was in the channel with, i can tell you right now this happens all the time my friend, thats nothing. Now the RDM outside of the sim? it wasnt right, w.e. call a CG to arrest him. plain and simple. Not really any need for a staff abuse report when 1: the sim thing is invalid 2: In game killing can be handled by in game means (CG)
    1 point
  9. Woah ok, was I noclipping around the cit cloaked and killing yes, I was in TS with NULL and killing Ordo and Jiang and I kept killing each of them, and we were giggling about it, it was early morning, not a lot was going on, and it was all in good fun I did hit Puck a couple times on accident trying to hit Ordo, killing him, when I gave Jaing weapons it was because he had shown me how effective he was a jepacking and shooting and I told him to try it with a couple of different weapons, nothing more than that. Now on to the one thing I do feel I did wrong and that was RDMing Athiux, I came out of cit on my way to AFK in the wall and heard something along the lines of, "I killed you because you knocked me down to 9 health." So I shot him, and went and cooked breakfast. Was it right? No. Was it stupid? Yes. Was it worth a staff abuse claim, I guess Medic and Rush will decide that, so there you go, that is what I did.
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. +1 Forge is the best meme "Forge" the job, badum tss, he took care of me when I was drunk on ts. Give this man the BATT Commander.
    1 point
  12. BRB gonna shoot myself again First off, never forget 41st PVT Seinfeld Secondly. I will miss you and your bluntness in my life and the battalion. I will miss you and I thank you for everything you did. You will be missed o7 Stop by every once in a while so you can help keep my retardation in check
    1 point
  13. Goodbye pyle dont be a stranger
    1 point
  14. Name: Price Length of LOA: 3 days Reason: Gonna play some other games for a bit and dealing with some family things Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than one weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than 2 weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. +1 Lots of effort put into application, looks like he is a good candidate
    1 point
  18. From the interim Admiral, @Reptilia is one of the only people I see fit to take over Naval and run it to greatness, only other person I could possibly see here is @Jek and would love to see them both apply for the position. Reptilia does an exceptional job in all aspects of Naval and would definitely do well. +1
    1 point
  19. +1 Nice and friendly player, would like to see how he wishes to use his staff powers
    1 point
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