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RC Hitbox are really broken

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Bug Type (Server:): Clone wars

Severity level (1-3): 3

Evidence (if you can): Ill try to get a recording of it.

Description of the bug: any RC hit box, goes way above their head, so even if you dont hit the head, it still hit the hitbox, like by shooting at their name tag it still register as a hit. A bit game breaking because even behind cover you can still get hit.

How can we recreate it: Just go on the job and shoot above the head.

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No it is not a intended thing. SUP has the same issue with RC models. So unless kyle did a new RC model from scratch and not started with the basic grey one then changed it from there. Then the issue is with the model itself. The grey model (Basic RC that most people use to make rc models) has a weird doubled up head hitbox which makes us bigger then we are. Thats why we cannot do advanced firing lines as RC. nor can we really take cover in the CIT if the other people have even a degree of height on us.

Current Architect of Shadows Master Kit Fisto | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

Former Jaing, Former Prudii

Former Bardan Jusik/Skirata

Former SOBDE Regimental Commander 

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3 minutes ago, Mishue said:

No it is not a intended thing. SUP has the same issue with RC models. So unless kyle did a new RC model from scratch and not started with the basic grey one then changed it from there. Then the issue is with the model itself. The grey model (Basic RC that most people use to make rc models) has a weird doubled up head hitbox which makes us bigger then we are. Thats why we cannot do advanced firing lines as RC. nor can we really take cover in the CIT if the other people have even a degree of height on us.

I didnt know that, yeet I guess it cant really be fixed then, but Nade was meming about the -1 😛 

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13 minutes ago, Forseen said:


This is what your hitboxes are... OUCH!

looks like a minecraft skin smh

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5 hours ago, KyleJWest said:

It looks like blender automatically generates the hit boxes for the bodygroups but it does that really horribly, that big ass sideways hitbox on neyos chest ought to be for his chest strap

That's exactly what happens when it packs in the QC file. It also makes it so that all the hitboxes count as a body shot, which on a PvP server (Which we mostly are) it doesn't really matter. I can fix them if you need me to? @KyleJWest

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9 hours ago, Forseen said:

That's exactly what happens when it packs in the QC file. It also makes it so that all the hitboxes count as a body shot, which on a PvP server (Which we mostly are) it doesn't really matter. I can fix them if you need me to? @KyleJWest

I would fall in love with you if you did I'll have to study how to mess with hit boxes in the meantime so it doesn't happen again in the future

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