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CG RT CSM Valdor/Shadow Knight X Keltor staff application

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RP Name: CG RT CSM Valdor/ 212th Shadow Knight X Keltor

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:15446554


Age: 33

Gender: Male

Timezone: Eastern Standard Time

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): i want to be staff to help the server with players issues. use to be for a staff for a good long while but i took a break from staff on synergy. but its nice to be able to help and build dupes for the server. I want to help the players so they can
have a fun, enjoyable gaming experience. i am very good at training cc and has patience with dealing with it. like to mention that i am a vip on the server and When im working or i am home i constantly check the discord stuff going on the server. if i become staff again i will do everything in my power to do my best as staff and do right by the server.  I do have adhd so it takes me longer to process info but once I do, I am focused. i love this server. 

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum) I am a Knight X on my jedi I was a sentinel manager, shadow manager and sentinel lead. I work at Walmart as a cap 2 associate. 
I work shifts from 2pm to 10pm. I am always off on Wednesdays. I played dungeons and dragons on Wednesdays nights and whenever I am not working I am playing my main gaming focus. Right now that is this star wars server. I played world of warcraft 10 years. I was a hardcore wow players. I started during Burning Crusade and that was around 2007. During my wow runs i have taken breaks from it to play Gmod. I have 4452 hours total on Gmod. i have and play tons of tabletop games because they are a lot of fun. My first system was a nintendo and i have been a gamer ever since.

Do u have any previous staff experience:  i was a senior admin on synergy for a good long while and was part of the trainer program.  I have lots of experience as staff on a dark rp server. Im familiar with most of the commands because i was a senior admin for a good while. I also was staff on several TTT servers. Main server i was staff for a couple of years it was called Doug's Awesome TTT server. It no longer exist because it was taken down by the owner. I also owned a minecraft server for awhile. 

playtime on synergy: 1090 hours

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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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Huge +1, when he puts his mind on something, he completes it to his fullest ability and beyond. Very helpful and knowledgeable during my first early days of being part of staff. Good luck friend, hopefully I'll see you be part of the Staffing Community again! -XO Oddball/Hazard

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+1 But you need to take a chill pill and calm down. Everytime something stupid or weird happens, you get hyper and start getting aggressive in some sort of way. A situation that would be an example of this is when I ignited my lightsaber for the first time to register the hilt. You started yelling or raising your voice to something you know happens since you kinda are a knight X (10). 

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On 7/16/2018 at 12:16 AM, Maymays said:

If I am going to be completely honest Keltor/Valdor, you’re attitude can use a little help. I am not trying to be mean but sometimes your attitude can ruin a situation. I’ve watched you single handedly kill rp because you are too heavy on the rules. You are too strict and can come off as rude. If you can improve this then you’d be a great fit back into the staff team. Going to be neutral because you have rubbed off as an asshole to me multiple times in the past. I very rarely do neutral, but you aren’t deserving of my -1 nor my +1. Improve your attitude over the next few days and I will +1. Till then Neutral.

Maymays said it all. Neutral aswell.

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i dont have a attitude and i say please and thank u and ask ppl politely to stop what there doing to breaking rules. and when it comes to the rules just because its late night or whatever doesnt mean ppl can break rules. i address the rules in accordance with the standard of cg rules. is a serious star wars rp server. even high command are to be held responsible for breaking rules. im doing my job and i  am very straight forward i know this about myself. its how i am but im fair.

Edited by Keltor/Valdor
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