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Everything posted by Valdor/Keltor

  1. From what I was told racism is a 1 warning first then ban so with that makes this post for ban request invalid.
  2. RP Name: Keltor Steam ID: 76561197991158836 Suspected Player's Name: CT Giggly Suspected Player's Steam ID (If applicable): 76561198999812300 Rule Suspected Player Broke: Racism Explain to us what happened: I was afk meditating and I tab back into the game cause I heard voices then CT giggly jumped on the intercom and say hey Followed by the N word. It was said the ct said eron yeger cause it a tick tock meme. eron has 2 syllables and so does the word yeger. I gave the clip to a couple other ppl and they also clearly hear him say the N word. if u put the video at 59 second then start it he says it around 1 minute 2 seconds. Evidence (If applicable): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1AXiGS0CVKtOz3/d133761Wc1XE?invite=cr-MSxTUWssNjk5MTM2MjUs
  3. Hello I'm Keltor. I was a part of this server for a very very long time and actually a long time ago. from the logs I still had access for I around maybe 2019 or 2020 last known records of me. as Keltor u might know that name as my Jedi name. As a clone u would know me as Valdor. As a clone I was a 212th captain. as a trainer I was a TRM. as a staff I was a Head admin. as a Jedi I was both Sentinel manager/Shadow manager and Sentinel Lead. Also was a Jedi Master and the longest reining Bink Utrilla, who got removed because lol no one wanted her. I say all of this not to boost to brag, more of a resume of what a I use to be and that all this is and doesn't matter cause its what I use to be. Anyways I'm back and happy to be back on this server, only a couple of people remember me from the good old days but I plan to stick around a be around for a good while.
  4. Name: Valdor/Keltor Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:15446554 Staff Rank: Senior admin Were you VIP: yep Date: 7/17/2019 Reason for leaving: its time to go. Farewells: no farewells but thank u everyone for the good times. treat the server well.
  5. Name: Valdor/Keltor Staff Rank: Head admin Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible): 7/16/2019 Reason: i never take any loa and want a little me time. i will be back Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: yep Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: yep
  6. Staff application accepted. You have till 7/22/19 contact a HA, Or your application will be denied. @Daxynn
  7. Staff application accepted. You have till 7/22/19 contact a HA, Or your application will be denied. @Albaber
  8. Staff application accepted. You have till 7/22/19 contact a HA, Or your application will be denied. @Stormzyyy
  9. Staff application accepted. You have till 7/22/19 contact a HA, Or your application will be denied. @Snoop Dogg
  10. Staff application accepted. You have till 7/22/19 contact a HA, Or your application will be denied. @Foxey
  11. Staff application accepted. You have till 7/22/19 contact a HA, Or your application will be denied. @WillTheSleeper
  12. [7/13/2019] PRESENT for the High Staff Meeting: Nade, Silvers, Dragon, Thunder Absent: Poe, Valdor, Marvel, Lighig, High Ranks Staff PTS Make sure to limit your PTS to only 1-2 minutes. Jackson: Square: Chamber/Carter: Dragon: Valdor: enforce role play. Make sure when ppl talk out of character or say with mic ooc then breaks character their not suppose to do that. Simple hey please don’t break character Silvers: A lot of lackluster work. Meet quota and make sure you can have some high amounts of quality in your work!! Marvel: Trad: Poe: Thunder: Whenever you’re banning people, USE THE STEAM ID. IT’S NOT HARD. Go to the tab, go to their name, right click, and copy steam id 32. Also, talk to people before banning them. We’ve had too many people get falsely banned this week, and it’s kinda embarrassing. Nade: Name changing script, taking initiative and private hours Staff of the Week/Month Private Hours/Steam Format: Steven Kano Shockpoint Staff Promotions NA to A- Admin to SA - Thunder Karma Arma Candle SA to VA - Nade Sanchez Rohan
  13. Please keep the post +1 or -1. You dont have to color it the numbers but keep it peaceful. No bashing calling names of any sort on this post. +1 i thinks hes will do good or -1 i disagree. Any comments judge to be hurtful or starting drama will be hidden you will be warned. Or Punished.
  14. Staff interview passed. Welcome back to the staff team
  15. Staff interview passed. Welcome back to staff
  16. Resignation has been logged. Thank you for your service to staff.
  17. Staff interview passed. Welcome to the staff team
  18. Staff application is approved. @OkamiHybrid You have till 7/11 to contact a Head Admin. Failure to contact a ha will have your app denied.
  19. Staff application is approved. @Doqamine. You have till 7/11 to contact a Head Admin. Failure to contact a ha will have your app denied.
  20. Staff application is approved. @I SNIFF PROPANE. You have till 7/11 to contact a Head Admin. Failure to contact a ha will have your app denied.
  21. Staff application is approved. @Pythin. You have till 7/11 to contact a Head Admin. Failure to contact a ha will have your app denied.
  22. Staff interview passed. Welcome to the staff team.
  23. Staff interview passed. Welcome to the staff team.
  24. Staff interview passed. Welcome to the staff team.
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