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Tomm’s Staff Aplication


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RP Name: TR Fleet ENGI CA Tomm 

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:184547615

Age: 16 

Time zone: EST Eastern Standard Time 

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I wish to become a staff because I enjoy helping people anyway I can. I also want to become staff because I love this community as a whole and I would love to be apart of it. Being staff would please me because making others feel happy is what I like to do I know many times where I asked for a staff member and they helped me in many ways and I would like to do that for others especially if they get joy from what I helped them to do.  Also another reason why I would like to become staff is I love doing events and if I could be apart of it and help the event, that in itself would be amazing. Also I love making people have fun and I feel that if I was a staff I can help people have more fun then they could ever if there were no staff. Honestly, staff to me is not someone that wants to get on to peoples nerves, staff to me means someone who cares how others feel and love to help them in anyway that they can. So, if I became staff I would do anything in my power to make others happy and in return not only will they be happy but I will be also knowing that today I made someone happy and that's all that matters to me. 

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am very helpful I listen when told to do something and I do not complain about what I am being told to do. I am kind and would never bring anyone down no matter how down I may be making others happy is what I feel like I was made for. I also am very hardworking no matter the task I can do it even if it seems impossible I can adapt and help in anyway I can to get the job I was given done. I am also caring if someone is unhappy I will try my best to cheer them up in the best way I can.

Do you have any previous staff experience? Sadly No, but would love to start on this amazing server.

How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? 208hrs and counting.

Edited by Tom
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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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Congratulations @Tom your application has been ACCEPTED for the interview process

You have until 7/4/18 to contact me or a HA+ for your interview

Failure to do so will result in automatic DENIAL of your application


//Moved to Staff Applications - Pending

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