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CBlake's Round 2 Cody Application


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Steam Name: [SR]CBlake[Cody]


RP Name: 212th Battalion Commander Cody


Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_1:0:197189512 


Battalion or squad you are applying for: 212th Attack Battalion



I have ONLY been in the 212th other than my one day experience with 501st.  

I started out with 212th around early last year. (Billiam’s 2nd to last term as Cody) I have progressed through the 212th a great deal. During my term in the 212th I have been in many leadership and director positions not only within the battalion but also the server.

212th Infantry Training Course Director: Inside our battalion we have ITC. Which is a detailed training to help our troopers gain much needed knowledge on the battle field. As ITD I reconstructed this course  to better fit people’s schedules as it was very long. It then became stronger.

212th Advanced Recon Force Leader: As I was a trainer for this since close to the time of joining 212th and the server. I finally gained ARFL at this point I helped train my troopers to be better recon troops. I assisted in many battles that I was able to lead ARF to success.

212th Mentorship Program Director: I was director over the biggest program of the battalion. I helped provide troopers with a mentor to help them get thorugh the 212th. basically someone they could talk to about almost anything 

212th Engineer Trainer: I helped the Engineers get members when there really were no ENGS 
212th Advanced Recon Trainer: I helped ARF gain members. 

212th Documentation Team Lead: As 212th as an intel team, I took the role of DTL or Doc Team Lead. I was in control of the 212th documents. I made sure they were up to date at all times. Most of the time my team was empty but when I did have a team I trained them on how to correctly update docs. I also helped those making docs and wanting them to be official.

212th Leadership Camp Director:  I have recently designed a Leadership Camp. This camp was used to get troopers ready to become a Officer and Senior Officer. It was used to teach people on how to be better leaders for the better of this battalion. It is still in use and thriving.

212th Job Director: I was the head man of the 212th regiments. My job was to make sure our regiments were active. I appointed the leaders of each regiments and made sure they had up to date tryouts at all times.

212th Ghost Company Officer: I was the officer of Ghost Company. I helped the GCL choose who could try out and also helped determine chose passed GC tryouts
212th Air Battle Manager: I basically just have and still hold air combat training and ship knowledge. I also assst Oddball in combat tactics and decisions.  

212th Commander: After months of fighting for the battalions I obtained Commander. As commander I have helped the 212th gain its glory of being great. I know it may seem at times  that we don’t have members but I can say we are stable at this moment.

212th Head Commander: I became the HCMD a few weeks ago and I have been able to push out many new things to help the battalions starting with Trooper of the Month and Leadership Camp. 2 things  that are thriving.

SR Trainer Officer(This counts right? lol): Although I was not a TRO for very long. I helped make sure that CCs were trained and taken care of to the best of my abilities and for the sake of Synergy. 

212th Battalion Commander Cody: After our former Cody resigned I decided it was my time to gain the rank of BCMD. As this rank I took actions to reconstruct weak point and help maintain numbers inside the battalion. I also worked to fix relations with battalions to better help the battalion and other battalions. 

Why should you become a Battalion Commander(again)?: I have a shit ton of experience with the 212th.  And as my term as Cody is closing, I am not ready to give the rank up. I feel that with the experience as Cody and all my many leadership experiences, I am very fit to keep this rank and continue to help the 212th to continue to grow not only in size but also in strength and professonalism. II overal want to keep the battalion’s momentum going. I think that I can continue to successfully help this battalion stay strong. As I said before, I’m not saying I’m going to be a billiam and I am not gonna sit here and sugar coat it. I will put my life on the line for this battalion NO JOKE. Over the months and year of being a 212th member. I have grown so much with the battalion and I want to continue to grow with this battalion as the BCMD. I have put every waking moment into this battalion not only as a regular trooper trying to go up the ropes but also now as the current BCMD of the battalion and I think that by itself should tell you that I deserve to keep the rank of battalion commander Cody. Oh and lets not forget that as a named character, activity is key. and I might be one of the most active members of the battalion. Along side some of the others. So as activity has never been an issue for me thus far.  I don't think it wil become an issue. 

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: I have studied 212th lore for a while since I have been in all portions (212th, 2ndAC, and Ghost Company). oh and i know about Foxtrot Squad :)  so yes, I understand enough to continue my term. 



  • Monday-Thursday 7am EST - 2pm ESt - 4pm EST to 12-2am EST
  • Friday 7am EST - 12 am EST - 6pm EST-Whenever I go to sleep 
  • Saturday Always changes depending on what I'm doing 
  • Sunday 3-4pm EST til 7-8pm EST then 10:30pm EST til 12-2am EST 

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: I was an IFN Transfer so,  I been here since before Synergy was even born 


Do you have a microphone?: Testinggggggggg  yep  seems to still be working 


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: I want my battalion to be strong and stable. I know people love numbers and so do I. But my main goal is to continue to make the battalion shine. I mean that is the most important goal right? I would rather have a good amount of members that are smart and great people then 1000 Minges with no structure. So I would say I wanna see 212th thrive like it always have. With continuing to hold this position, I think I can make this happen :)


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Nah idk understand what you mean.... ya jk I completely understand and accept these terms and will make sure I never get removed for activity reasons. 

Edited by CBlake

Current: 212th ARFO LT Blake
Former: 212th Battalion Commander Cody | Synergy Roleplay Model Developer

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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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