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BigZach's Captain Taggart Application


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Steam Name: BigZach


RP Name: BigZach


Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:0:19958681


Battalion or squad you are applying for: Senate Commando


Experience: I have spent my time on this server since early November of 2017. Through this time I have experienced:


I have spent a good portion of my time in Synergy in the 104th. Through my time in the 104th I learned a lot such as good roleplay etiquette which I was taught through their Hostage Negotiation RP. I also learned all of my NCO experience there with the tryout grind and trying to suss out the best troops for the battalion. In 104th I had also progressed to the Elite squad of it know as Wolfpack in which I learned some lore and some more roleplay etiquette. In 104th I also started my journey into MED RP when i got trained and became a battalion medic. In 104th I had a great time and learned alot from the people there. Probably the best battalion I could have started off in.

Coruscant Guard

After I had decided to leave 104th I had set out to join the Coruscant Guard. Throughout my previous time on Synergy I had learned to admire the work and ethics of CG. After passing the Coruscant Guard tryouts I Learned that the CG had their BCMD and another Commander leave. So the I joined a lot was in the air. While serving in CG I had learned a lot about Discipline. Personally I believe discipline is a large part of running a Battalion as Xaze had shown to me in that time. In CG I also learned to take flak and learn from it and not be naive about what I do wrong. In CG we also done regular battalion training which really helped shape it and I believe to kinda input a formality on a battalion. Through CG I obviously learned to respect the rules and dos and don'ts of the server.

Republic Medics

After I had spent my time in CG I decided to move on to a new battalion on the server called the Republic Medics. When I had first joined the battalion was still in it's "youth" (for a lack of better a word.) Here I was promoted to the rank of 2nd LT where I could help the battalion more than I was. I was helping the battalion alot and still do. At this point a CMD had put me to Intel Deputy Director where I had to learn the ropes of Battalion Doc work myself. Through trial and error I tried to shape up the intel team with not much help. Also during this time I learned what bad leadership looked like which I have used to create a bad example of what I shouldn't be like. After a short amount of time due to lack of CMDs and I was put to the position of CMD along with Keo. Throughout my time as CMD it gave my insight to the more prominent leadership role in a battalion. During this time along with the BCMD at the time and another CMD we tried to shape the battalion to what we had in mind. During this time I was shown what good leadership was and learned how to be a good one myself. When the BCMD left, me and my other BCMD tried to hold the battalion together until a new BCMD was chosen. During this time is where I really found out what the running of a battalion felt like. After the new BCMD was chosen I have been complimented by many people saying that I have done a tonne of work for RM and still continue to.

Senate Commandos

When the Senate Commandos where first added I had an interest in joining them and that interest peaked when I found out it was separate from your clone. so after deciding to join I passed the tryouts in flying colours and proceeded to be a part of the senate commandos. Through this time I learned the job of the Senate Commandos and how it could be implemented. 

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: I think I should be the Leader of this squad because of my unique view of certain things and fresh Ideas. I also have a passion that can't really be teared down. I have been told that once I put my mind to something I have a strong will. I have been told that I am good at leading and have went through a few IRL Leadership programmes. 


Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Yes. The Senate Commandos where the elite squad of the Senate guard. Since they were human they had to be trained immensely to join. The Senate Commandos only contained the Utmost elite members of the Senate Guard. The Commandos would venture off and complete extremely important, secret missions in which they were sent to do by the government. There was some instances where the Senate Commandos were found out to be corrupt like the escape of Viceroy Nute Gunray.


Availability: I am available most if not all of the week.


Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: Since November 2017


Do you have a microphone?: Yes.


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: Hopefully at the end of my term the Senate Commandos are going strong and have a stable player count where we can do interesting and fun RP with Senators. Also I want the Senate Commandos to be taken more seriously and more welcome to do their RP. I also want to keep the relationship CG strong so we don't infringe on what they're there for. Hopefully I can stabilize a good infrastructure and a good set of officers to leave SC off to at the end of my term and to make the future Taggart's job easy.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes.


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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-1 I had a bad incident with you quite recently and I don't believe you have changed. I don't think you have the correct temperament to be in such a position like Captain Taggart.

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RM is the place for you as everyone else has stated.

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So I think at this point the point of me staying and focusing on RM is not really valid any more due to the sad news that RM is planned to be removed. 


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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6 hours ago, BigZach said:

So I think at this point the point of me staying and focusing on RM is not really valid any more due to the sad news that RM is planned to be removed. 


21st's most useless long term member

why my shit keep getting deleted

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