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JBFox is making a comeback. (Staff Application)


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RP Name: Temple Guard Knight II Bored (JBFox)

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:51710115

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Timezone: Eastern Standard Time (U.S.A)

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): Welp, i'm back after a not so long break. (thought it was gonna be more like a couple months) I want to get back into staffing and helping the server out now that i'm back. I love training and doing TR stuff and i'd be excited to get back into helping with the Trainer program. I want to do all I can to help the server grow past what it already is and generally just want to help out. I have a lot of free time, and over my break I realized I don't really have anything to put that free time into so if I can get back into staffing and helping out on the server I think it'd not only help me, but it'd be a way to exert myself in a positive manner. I'm usually a pretty mature person when I need to be and think I can help out the staff team if I become an admin again.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I like Cloud9 a lot. I've played on the server since June 3rd of 2017 (and by the server I mean in this community), I've always been in the 104th, and more recently i've taken to playing my Jedi more because I enjoy sparring. I'm generally a quiet person, until i get to know you, but that depends on the situation. I'm very competitive, and because of that wasted 1600 hours of my life playing CS:GO. All of my time on Gmod has been on this server or Icefuse before we branched out into Synergy. My hours are non-existent right now because of the break I took but, that will be fixed in the next week. Honestly, I thought i'd be away from the server for more than a month which is why I resigned, but I couldn't keep myself away for that long. 

Do you have any previous staff experience? Yes, in fact I do. I served the Synergy Roleplay staff team for almost 6 months.

Edited by JBFox
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Congratulations JBFox! Your application has been ACCEPTED for the interview process

You have until 2/28/18 to contact me or an OVS+ for your interview

Failure to do so will result in automatic DENIAL of your application

You got 11 +1's in 4 hours, two of them being High Staff, Im glad to have you back mate!


//Moved to Staff Applications - Pending

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  • Founder

Congratulations you have passed your interview!

Welcome to the staff team!

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