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[ACCEPTED] CWRP - (Tide) Staff Application


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CWRP - (Tide) Staff Application

RP Name: Tide

Steam ID32: STEAM_0:1:52396229

VIP (Y/N): Yes

Age: 27

Timezone: EST

Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I would like to become an administrator to generally help around the server. If I am allowed to become an administrator; it would allow me to help with granting whitelists, spawning vehicles for training, and general events/deployments. I know from personal experience the administration team can be overwhelmed at times; which can make it frustrating for people who are putting in tickets. I think I could help answer tickets in a quick and efficient manner. I would also like to become an administrator to help with training new players to the server; new players are the lifeblood of keeping the server fresh and prepared for the future. Overall I believe becoming an administrator would allow me to help people around the server. 

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I've been playing Synergy on and off for a pretty long time; other than now my most active time was during Perri's term as Cody. I have a masters degree in Criminal Justice, which is basically the study of criminals, the criminal justice system, how/why people commit crime, and how to prevent/stop people from committing crimes. I also graduated from law school; it wasn't fun, but definitely worth it. My favorite sports teams are the Chargers, New York Yankees, Chicago Bulls, and the Maple Leafs.

Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished:  None, however I hope that I can become staff for Synergy and learn the ropes.

How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: 1,802 as of 2/20/2024

Edited by Tide

Current: CG CPT, Document Wizard, and Overall Goofball.

Former: Idiot, Dum Dum, and Jackass.

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4 minutes ago, Bacta said:

your app is all black try to fix the formatting 

It should be white now.

Current: CG CPT, Document Wizard, and Overall Goofball.

Former: Idiot, Dum Dum, and Jackass.

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Head Admin

why do you like the chargers 

                                                                                                             Kaiser        Zeros        Clutch



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3 minutes ago, KaiserNeiner said:

why do you like the chargers 

Ladainian Tomlinson was my favorite player growing. I don't know if you're a big football guy, but he was an absolute beast. The man could stiff arm a wall into another wall if he had to. I was also a huge fan of Phillip Rivers when he was the QB the guy had a cannon for an arm; sadly his accuracy wasn't the best. Overall I think their my favorite team because they're the underdog most of the time.


  • Winner 1

Current: CG CPT, Document Wizard, and Overall Goofball.

Former: Idiot, Dum Dum, and Jackass.

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Veteran Admin

+1. Tide is a great guy and will meet any quota that is set.

Current: CG Commander Danny
Former: Walon Vau

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5 hours ago, Bestplater12 said:


Although I appreciate the +1 if you could give context to why you support me becoming staff it would be helpful :) 

Current: CG CPT, Document Wizard, and Overall Goofball.

Former: Idiot, Dum Dum, and Jackass.

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6 hours ago, Tide said:

Although I appreciate the +1 if you could give context to why you support me becoming staff it would be helpful :) 

Forsure Im +1ing this application due to the fact that reading through your application it shows you clearly have experience on the server with close to 2k hours and want to give more by helping others and providing a better/easier time for them on the server 

On top of that I have also only ever heard positive things about you as well as anytime I've taken one of your tickets you have always been respectful and patient. Plus only way to gain staff experience is by going through it so Good luck brother o7



Former:  6  LT Kom'rk | Rancor Knight Halsey | Shaak Ti  | Branch Overseer  Kit Fisto


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Been around the guy a lot and can tell he's a solid dude. He wants to do things that benefits the health of the entire server and puts in some genuine care with the playerbase at times. He's shown me he cares about the community and showed me that he would be an amazing addition to the staff team.

Current: Trauma Unit Lead / Rancor
Previous: Senior Admin / GM
Lore Characters: Trauma


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You have been ACCEPTED for an interview!

Please contact a Veteran Admin+ to organise your interview!

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


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